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1918 Reg letter to England, with Mi.58-59, War Tax Stamps with overprint WAR TAX, CDS NASSAU BAHAMAS/ 7.OCT.18, Reg cancel with additional writing, on reverse arrival (partial print), hinged, well preserved U:A5
1888-1913 Mi.21, 22, 27 used, 33, 31, 32, 45 used, 59, 70 used, comp. 9 pcs of stamp., c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1926 Mi.116-17 overprint 2c/3c, c.v.. 77€ U:A5
1927 Mi.121, 122, 123, 124-26, lightly hinged, c.v.. 91€ U:A5
1875 Mi.32 3x, 33 2x, 34(reparovaný gum in/at complete area), Reg stamp, various shades, 2x without gum, high catalogue value U:A5
1893 Mi.36-37, c.v.. 135€ U:A5
1893 Mi.37, value 50c, without gum, c.v.. 420€ U:A5
1897 Mi.38-40 with gum and hint hinged + Mi.41, 42, 47 without gum U:A5
1897 Mi.38-45, 48, anniv., c.v.. 568€ U:A5
1897 Mi.48, 50c Jubilee, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1897 Mi.54, 60, 61, strong hints, c.v.. 328€ U:A5
1908 Mi.84-91, c.v.. 390€ U:A5
1906 Porto Mi.1-5, all lightly hinged, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1930 Porto Mi.6-10, the first two stamp. heavy hinge, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1897 address strip 6ct, folded, Un, size 128x300mm, lightly dirty U:A5
1891 international post card 3ct, CDS Jalapa/ 91.MARZ 2?., on reverse arrival postmark. incomplete Mexico/ 21.MARZ 91, light fold corner else preserved U:A5
1868 Mi.47 Hidalgo, wide margins, kryjící postmark, well preserved, rare, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1866-82 selection of 22 pcs of classical stamp, from that 10 pcs of duplication, some better values, c.v.. 335€ U:A5
1851 Mi.2, blue 3p, wide margins, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1939 QSL (radiolístek) to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.96, CDS Corozal/ FEB.27.39, came to after/behind Protectorate, arrival postmark. Kolín 2/ 7.IV.39, redirected, good condition U:A5
1955 Mi.Bl.1 II + Mi.Bl.2, c.v.. 202€ U:A5
1914 letter to Germany franked with. parcel stamp. Parcel Post Mi.2, MC New York 26.Feb.14; light stains U:A5
1929 airmail letter 1. flight with mounted delivery stamp., Special - Delivery Mi.258 and airmail stamp Mi.310, CDS New York 1.May.29, arrival Sant Louis 1.May.29; good condition U:A5
1929 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking Mi.315 2x, 316, 267, CDS New York 26.Mar.29, on reverse transit pmk Paris 27.3.29 and arrival postmark Mimoň 30.III.29; good condition U:A5
1925 international reply coupon (Design Stockholm) for value 11c, cancelled one CDS Trdy 24.Sep., in corner archiving perforation and several stains U:A5
1895 Mi.114, value 2$ with wmk, round upper corner, after all good, at our place rare occurrence, c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1898 Mi.119-20 and Mi.122-23, exhibition OMAHA, incomplete set, c.v.. 260€ U:A5
1901 Mi.132-37, complete set., 130€ U:A5
1861-67 Mi.16-25, Presidents, complete set., value 90c with plate variety + in addition values 2c, 10c and 15c with grid, interesting offer, c.v.. 1540€ U:A5
1989 Mi.2051-54 Dinosauři, complete 40 pcs of sheet, c.v.. 44€, face-value 20$ U:A5
1923 Mi.284A, postage stmp 2$, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1869 Mi.32 II., dumb postmark., c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1869 Mi.34, dumb postmark., c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1876-88 Mi.36-59, Personalities and presidents, 1c - 90c, selection of 16 pcs of from 2 various sets, usual quality, c.v.. 830€ U:A5
1890 Mi.71, postage stmp 90c, highest value, sought stamp., c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1893 Mi.81, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America., light postmark, 2x omitted perforation hole, 1x shorter tooth, otherwise well preserved, c.v.. 65€ U:A5
1918-23 selection of Let-známek Mi.248-50 + Mi.286-87 used and Mi.248, 249 unused, c.v.. 335€ U:A5
1861-62 CONFEDERATE STATES, General Issues comp. 8 pcs of stamp. Sc.6, 7, 8 2x, 12d+b, 13a+b, part stamp. with original gum U:A5
1928 BRASIL post card 100R sent to Czechoslovakia, added franking Mi.295, daily postmark Porto Alegre 28.Mar.28, corner of the stamp missing, otherwise no damage, decorative U:A5
1930 air-mail letter to Bolivia, transfered by community Condor, first flight 29.8.1930, CDS Rio de Janeiro/ 28.8.30, arrival postmark. La Paz/ 2.9.30, multicolor franking, well preserved U:A5
1844-77 selection of 17 pcs of classical stamp., better pieces, c.v.. 1630€ U:A5
1938 Mi.176-87, various motives + George VI., complete set., mint never hinged, as * c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1939 larger part international parcel dispatch-note sent from Ecuador to Bohemia-Moravia, two-sided franked by multicolor franking.., outside other Mi.309 4x, CDS Guayaquil MAR.17.1939, transit pmk Hamburg, Dresden, Prague, Plzeň; interesting, vertical fold U:A5
1937 Reg letter to France, multicolor franking, CDS Cayenne Guyane Francaise/ 24.JUIN37., on reverse arrival postmark. Calais/ 28.7.37, well preserved U:A5
1947 Mi.134f motive ship, corner piece, mint never hinged, c.v.. 38€ U:A5
1946 air-mail letter sent from Czechoslovak embassy in/at Santiago de Chile to Prague, franked with stamp. Mi.205, 209, 217, worse CDS Santiago de Chile/ 22.JUN.46, service postmarks embassy, abraded margin else preserved U:A5
1898 international post card 3ct Columbus, MC 1Valparaiso/ 27.IX.98, to Bohemia (Rix), in front arrival postmark. Heřmanův Městec/ 2.11.98 (inverted year), good condition U:A5
1938 Mi.104 George VI., better value, nice, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1932 Mi.76-85, 300th Anniv of Settlement., catalogue value for hinged 240€, superb U:A5
1910 international pictorial PC 3ct, brown, girl, picture hospital, linear numeral cancel, on reverse CDS Montevideo/ 31.JUN.1910, to Bosnia and delivered on/for K.u.K Milit. Post Sarajevo/ 27.VI.10, good condition U:A5
1903 REVOLUTIONARY ISSUE Mi.19II., Estado Guyana 5c, fragment blue cancel. Instruccion Publica, c.v.. 40€ U:A5
1938 Mi.72-81, complete set (issue 1938), mint never hinged, c.v.. 31€ U:A5