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1993 Zsf.2 State Coat of Arms , LL corner blk-of-4, shifted print - red L and silver R, mint never hinged 1993 Zsf.2 State Coat of Arms , 2x vertical pair with upper margin, omitted color and significant shifted perforation, mint never hinged 1993 Zsf.2 State Coat of Arms , horizontal pair with big shift colors and perf, mint never hinged 1993 Zsf.2 as blk-of-4 with shift silver and blue color; fold in perforation 1993 Zsf.2 VCH, strong shift red color transport 1993 Zsf.3 VCH, omitted print nominal value, c.v.. 4000SKK 1993 Zsf.19 VCHa, president Kováč without print nominal value, c.v.. 4500SKK 1995 Zsf.65VCHc, Peace and freedom, production flaw - double impression blue color, c.v.. -,- U:A5
1998 Zsf.161 PLb, one coupon between stamp., c.v.. 900SKK 2001-03 Ervo-catalogue VZ ATM1 stmp from automatic machine, comp. of 5 values, 9, 11, 14, 16 and 18Sk, value 11Sk used only shortly 1995 commemorative print Zsf.36PTb, with additional-printing "Pofis", good condition 1995 commemorative print Zsf.44PTb, with additional-printing "Pofis", good condition 1995 commemorative print Zsf.72b special commemorative print, with additional-printing "Pofis", good condition