Mail Auction 18 / Collections

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63691 - 1955 [COLLECTIONS]  gift album minister communications to 53
1955 [COLLECTIONS] gift album minister communications to 53. birthday Viliama Širokého, chairman governance Czechoslovakia, Prague 31.5.1955, with stamp. 10. anniv of liberation Czechoslovakia incl. imperforated proof print (copy-print gravures) stamp. Pof.821-23 in brown color on/for kouscích zapaspartovaného paper; catalogues neregistrují., definitely interesting
Starting price: CZK
62706 - 1936 HAVRLÍK Svatopluk (1908–1966): South Bohemian countr
1936 HAVRLÍK Svatopluk (1908–1966): South Bohemian country, oil, 92x62cm, in/at masivním wooden gilt frame;
Starting price: CZK
64325 - 1925-49 comp. 5 pcs of bulletins in Czech, Kaufmann Hugo: Mo
1925-49 comp. 5 pcs of bulletins in Czech, Kaufmann Hugo: Monograph stamps with overprint Slovak Rep. 1939, Prague, 1940; Hirsch Ervín: Thirty years Czechoslovak post. stamps, Prague, 1949; bounded měsíčník Czechoslovakia, 1950; bounded journal Filatelista, 1949; bounded Czech philatelist, 1925
Starting price: CZK
64328 - 1891-1913 comp. 5 pcs of German written books, 2x Philatelis
1891-1913 comp. 5 pcs of German written books, 2x Philatelistischer Börsen-Courier, Moravská Ostrava , 1888 and 1891; Mitteldeutsche Philatelisten-Zeitung, Gössnitz, 1900; Philatelisten-Zeitung, Gössnitz, 1905; Philatelisten-Zeitung, Gössnitz, 1913; all bounded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64331 - 1894-1919 comp. 6 pcs of German written books, Austria-Phila
1894-1919 comp. 6 pcs of German written books, Austria-Philatelist, Prague, 1894; Die Post, Leipzig, 1895; 2 pcs of Schweizerische Briefmarken-Sammler, 1913 and 1915; Der Briefmarkensammler, 1918; Donaupost, Bratislava, 1919; all bounded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64326 - 1902-11 comp. 6 pcs of bounded books, written in German, Sze
1902-11 comp. 6 pcs of bounded books, written in German, Szekula, Briefmarken-Verkehr, good condition
Starting price: CZK
65202 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  HRADČANY-issue  collection
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 HRADČANY-issue collection on pages Lindner in spiral folder, contains mainly clear stamp. hinged, i.a. incomplete set bloks of four, samostaných stamp., shades, perf, defects print, perf also plate variety, complete set PLATE PROOF in black color incl. 1h, spiral types, stamp. with overprint SO1920 (overprint) etc.., originates from Austria, catalogue by estimation min. 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
63142 - 1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  selection of better items Hr
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of better items Hradčany, typography and POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 in stockbook A4, contains i.a. 1-26 incl. 6N, 9N, 13N and rarer shades 11, 21 and 22, various perf, then 57a, 66, 68, 69, 91, 101-110, 111-123, 140-142, 156TBa, 157TBa, 164-469, L1-3, L1A, L2A, L3B, L4-6, better perf L7-14, DL24a, SO1-23 (without SO3-5, 7), SO24-25, SO26-43, PP2A-4A, SK1-2 etc.., high catalogue value, cennější stamp. expertized
Starting price: CZK
64757 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - HRADČANY-issue  big accumu
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - HRADČANY-issue big accumulation unstuck Hradcany-issue stamp. (thousands pcs) and cuts postal orders (min. 300 pcs of), part scattered, part sorted according to values in paper bags or used on pages, all in larger box
Starting price: CZK
65191 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 HRADČANY-issue  business sup
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 HRADČANY-issue business supply of stamps on 16 pages stockbook A4 without folder + 1 stockbook A4, divided according to drawings and values, part clear stamp. mainly hinged, without blocks contains i.a. these clear stamp. Pof.26 3x, 23 4x, 6N exp., 9x used 6N exp. by Mrnak with CDS Rimavská Sobota, 25 4x etc.., supplemented with lot of used stamp. - perf, defects, postmark etc.., by estimation cat. min. 5000CZK
Starting price: CZK
64296 - 1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue  comp. of ca. 8
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue comp. of ca. 8000 pcs of stamps, freely scattered and in paper bags, partially on cut-squares, all placed in box from shoes, suitable to research
Starting price: CZK
64376 - 1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue  comp. of stamp
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue comp. of stamps separately or on cut-squares, sorted and described, placed in big new 32-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
63264 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue,  study coll
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue, study collection zaměřená on/for flaw print, plate variety, color shades, very carefully elaborated, supplemented with examples usage on entires, placed on album sheets with hand-made descriptions and názornými printings, 2 pcs of spring folders, interesting
Starting price: CZK
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue/ PLATE PROOFS collection 150 pcs of PLATE PROOF all values, part without gum, part on/for carton and maculature paper, trial/expertization colors, recess printing 10h green, part expertized, 20h and 300h on stamp paper with gum, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
63259 - 1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  incomplete basic collection
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete basic collection on album sheets Stibůrek in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
63222 - 1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. of stamps without firs
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps without first typography issues, supplemented with examples usage on entires, contains issue Festival, issue Agriculture and Science 1922, Small Landscapes, plate number, part used and clear, placed on album sheets Leuchtturm in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
65398 - 1918-34 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. of stamps mainly hinge
1918-34 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps mainly hinged on 2 on stock-sheets A4, contains i.a. Pof.141-42, opposite facing pair 5, 10, 40 and 60h, Hradčany 25h ultramarine and several PLATE PROOF and marginal gutter 3h with plate variety, 2x corner blk-of-4 5h Pigeon-issue with plate number, air-mail L1A, L3B, L4-L6, several bloks of four air-mail The 3rd issue., L11A etc.., c.v.. ca. 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK
64288 - 1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. of stamps., identified
1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps., identified several production flaws, placed on 4 pcs of stock-book sheets, c.v.. 6.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
63224 - 1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. of stamps., especially
1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps., especially Hradčany, 30. years, Postage due stmp, placed on album sheets Leuchtturm in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
64754 - 1925-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  specialized incomplete colle
1925-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 specialized incomplete collection (wmk, papers) issues T. G. Masaryk Neotypie (gravure-print) + gravure (c.v.. ca. 7500CZK), Small Landscapes (c.v.. ca. 1700CZK), Prague - Tatras (c.v.. ca. 2800CZK), all on unbound pages in glassine envelopes, total c.v.. ca. 12000CZK
Starting price: CZK
64207 - 1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  older incomplete basic colle
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 older incomplete basic collection on album sheets in spring folder, value mainly in/at stmp with overprint POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, i.a. contains Pof.47a, 51I, 72-82, 84, 87, 111-117, 131-139, Protichůdné pair, Congress, Festival, I. air-mail, Military PP5-15, Revolutionary RV22-42 etc.., cat. min. 63000CZK, all zkoušeno(!) Mrňák., Gilbert., Pofis
Starting price: CZK
64299 - 1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  big accumulation ca. 29.000
1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 big accumulation ca. 29.000 pcs of stamps, in packets and loosely scattered sorted to envelopes, placed in more/larger paper box, weight 2,7kg
Starting price: CZK
64756 - 1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  stockbook with duplication a
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 stockbook with duplication after/around German collector, several better items from issues Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, Prague - Tatras plate number, parts of sheets, offsets etc.., c.v.. ca. 10000CZK
Starting price: CZK
64753 - 1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  remainder collection in albu
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 remainder collection in album Schaubek, value mainly in/at clear stamp. hinged as for example. issue POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, coupons Arras, For Children-issue etc.., supplemented with used stamp. single issues, c.v.. ca. 12000CZK
Starting price: CZK
63486 - 1923 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - issue Agriculture and Science
1923 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - issue Agriculture and Science comp. 5 pcs of big choice notebooks with stamp. issue Agriculture and Science 1923, mainly values 100h, part 200h, smaller part issue 1920, supplemented with several paper bags with scattered stamp., total ca. 12.000 pcs of stamp., all in shoe box
Starting price: CZK
63265 - 1920-22 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ BREAKING CHAINS,  study coll
1920-22 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ BREAKING CHAINS, study collection zaměřená on/for flaw print, plate variety, color shades, very carefully elaborated, supplemented with examples usage on entires, placed on album sheets with hand-made descriptions and názornými printings, 1 pcs of spring folders, interesting
Starting price: CZK
63276 - 1918-49 CZECHOSLOVAKIA  comp. of stamps containing issue Hra
1918-49 CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. of stamps containing issue Hradčany, overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ, Legionaire, issue Agriculture and Science, Landscape, gutter, coupons, blocks of four, duplication; placed in big 12-sheets stockbook
Starting price: CZK
63802 - 1930-50 CZECHOSLOVAKIA  a lot of sheets and blocks, contains
1930-50 CZECHOSLOVAKIA a lot of sheets and blocks, contains i.a. air-mail, newspaper, Moscow-issue etc.., high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
64164 - 1850-1960 Czechoslovakia + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA + EUROPE   smalle
1850-1960 Czechoslovakia + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA + EUROPE smaller kufřík with plenty of envelopes with sorted unstuck stamp., smaller part waste, We recommend it examination
Starting price: CZK
64471 - 1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  incomplete basic collection, contai
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA incomplete basic collection, contains i.a. blocks of four, coupons, plate number, plate mark, bands, gutter-pair etc.., placed in 2 pcs of stockbooks A4 and on album sheets in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
64378 - 1938-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  business supply of stamps, single,
1938-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps, single, in blocks of four, coupons, gutter-pair, plate mark, plate number, placed in 5 pcs of stockbooks (4x A4, 1x A5), c.v.. ca. 8000CZK, interesting
Starting price: CZK
55878 - 1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  comp. of stamps mainly in blocks of
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps mainly in blocks of four, coupons, horseshoe, plate mark, overprint set (exp. Gi.), incl. official, postage-due and newspaper, catalogue according to owner ca. 14.000CZK, placed in big 16-sheets stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
63699 - 1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  comp. of stamps with chosen plate v
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps with chosen plate variety, Pof.102 plate variety 6, 104 plate variety 3, 108 plate variety 2, 111 plate variety 2, 112 plate variety 4, 115 plate variety 1, contains stamps with coupons also multiblocks, c.v.. 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
62419 - 1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, complete collection of plate numbers o
1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, complete collection of plate numbers on/for official stmp issue II, 1x complete. single corner pieces, 1x complete. blocks of four, L also right, hingeless/glass on album sheets, c.v.. 740CZK
Starting price: CZK
62404 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbe
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers postage-due stamps, L and right corner pieces, single stamps, suitable to continuation, all on hingeless pages on album sheets, price according to supplier 7158CZK
Starting price: CZK
62418 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbe
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers on postage due stmp, the bottom horiz. str-of-5, various combinations marginal perf, on hingeless pages on album sheets, according to supplier price 4268CZK
Starting price: CZK
62417 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbe
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers on postage due stmp, L and right corner blocks of four, all on hingeless pages on album sheets, price according to supplier 8923CZK
Starting price: CZK
62401 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbe
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers on postage due stmp, all in/at blk-of-10 from L or right side/party bottom bnd-of-20, various combinations perf margins, all on hingeless pages on album sheets, according to supplier ca. 19000CZK
Starting price: CZK
62395 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbe
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers newspaper stmp issue I, mostly blocks of four, 1x zjištěno *, on hingeless pages on album sheets, suitable to continuation, according to supplier c.v.. 5788CZK
Starting price: CZK
62393 - 1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbe
1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers newspaper stmp issue II, L and right blocks of four, protective frames without break + 1x or 2x interrupted, suitable to finishing, missing by/on/at higher values interrupted frame etc., hingeless/glass on album sheets, cat. according to owner 6450CZK
Starting price: CZK
62423 - 1941 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, almost complete collection of plate nu
1941 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, almost complete collection of plate numbers on/for official stmp issue I, 1x single corner pieces, 1x blocks of four, L also right, missing only L + R block of four values 1,20 Koruna with plate number 2-41, all hingeless/glass on album sheets, snadná completion, c.v.. 3950CZK
Starting price: CZK
56019 - 1939-45 SLOVAKIA  basic collection on hingeless sheets Stib
1939-45 SLOVAKIA basic collection on hingeless sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, blue Štefánik, complete overprint set - highest value incl. both 3,50CZK exp. by Synek., miniature sheet For Children-issue, 4-stamps. gutter pair Tiso, etc.., c.v.. (Trojan) 14.000CZK , including list/roster
Starting price: CZK
63697 - 1939-45 SLOVAKIA  incomplete collection, contains i.a. Modr
1939-45 SLOVAKIA incomplete collection, contains i.a. Modrého Štefánik without overprint also with overprint, blocks of four overprint issue also other issues, incl. corner with plate mark, several stamp. issue Hlinka with mixed perforation etc.., all in/at 10-sheets stockbook A4, c.v.. 8200Sk
Starting price: CZK
64198 - 1939-45 SLOVAKIA  incomplete Gen. collection on/for unbound
1939-45 SLOVAKIA incomplete Gen. collection on/for unbound hingeless pages, contains incomplete overprint issue (missing 10K, 2x 3,50K, 60h) stamp. 4CZK and 5CZK hinged and expertized, miniature sheet For Children-issue hinged, 2-stamps gutter Tiso etc..
Starting price: CZK
63277 - 1939-45 SLOVAKIA  selection of duplication stamps and corner
1939-45 SLOVAKIA selection of duplication stamps and corner blk-of-4 with plate mark, contains stamps with high catalogue price, all placed in big 16-sheets stockbook
Starting price: CZK
64729 - 1939-45 SLOVAKIA  selection of on 2 on stock-sheets A4, cont
1939-45 SLOVAKIA selection of on 2 on stock-sheets A4, contains i.a. Alb.1, overprint issue (unattested), 4-stamp gutter Tiso, overprint newspaper + 2x as blk-of-4, basic set, duplication
Starting price: CZK
64295 - 1945-77 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  basic stamp collection and m
1945-77 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 basic stamp collection and miniature sheets, placed on album sheets, from year 1975 on hingeless pages, in 3 pcs of spring folders
Starting price: CZK
63260 - 1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  basic collection, to  year 1
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 basic collection, to year 1976 hinged, from year 1977 mint never hinged, placed on album sheets Stibůrek (2 pcs of spring folders) and in/at 16-sheets stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
63465 - 1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  incomplete basic stamp colle
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete basic stamp collection in 12-sheet stockbook A4, without miniature sheets, coupons and PB, contains nice complete set from 60. years, c.v.. ca. 8000CZK
Starting price: CZK
63723 - 1956-70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  incomplete collection of sta
1956-70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete collection of stamps, miniature sheets and PB, missing some set, contains i.a. block of four Pof.2090xa paper without optical brightener, all in/at 8-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
64812 - 1945-79 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  nice basic stamp collection
1945-79 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 nice basic stamp collection miniature sheets on hingeless sheets in/at 5 pcs of spring folders, contains i.a. also Pof.A435 type II., 450K-52K L + R, A564, A691/692, A853/857 A+B, A1216, PL1574-78 and oths., profitable offer
Starting price: CZK
63558 - 1945-73 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  collection of stamps., to  y
1945-73 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stamps., to year 1949 in blocks of four, other almost all in vertical or horiz. párech, placed in 6 pcs of stockbooks A4, part with light stains after wrong storage, also with 3 pcs of stockbooks CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and stamps Europe
Starting price: CZK
58605 - 1945-48 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  comp. of stamps., blocks and
1945-48 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps., blocks and miniature sheets, margins, coupons, plate number, contains i.a. newspaper Pof.NV24 with plate mark 3-45 L + R blocks of four, placed in older 15-sheet stockbook A4, cat. according to owner 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
63928 - 1964-1990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  specialized collection of
1964-1990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 specialized collection of stamps issues Prague castle and Bratislava's historical motives, single stamp. and PB, carefully sorted and described, placed on 40 pages in spiral stockbook, c.v.. 6.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
64472 - 1945-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  big accumulation in 3 pcs of
1945-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 big accumulation in 3 pcs of overfull big stockbooks
Starting price: CZK
63572 - 1960-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  big selection of 3.674 pcs o
1960-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 big selection of 3.674 pcs of parcels (!!) after/around 100 pcs of (367.400 pcs of zn.), mainly postage stmp., part special from period of 70. and 80. years, several parcels CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 from 30. years, all in/at box from bananas, weight/scale total 22kg, rare accumulation for study purposes!
Starting price: CZK
64466 - 1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  mainly complete basic collec
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 mainly complete basic collection, all hinged on album sheets in/at 5 pcs of spring folders
Starting price: CZK
63927 - 1966-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / ART  complete collection of
1966-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / ART complete collection of stmp and PB with motive of Art, partially rozpracováno according to types, perf etc.., carefully sorted and described, placed on 80 pages in spiral stockbook, c.v.. 15.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
64463 - 1993-2003 CZECH REPUBLIC  incomplete basic stamp collection
1993-2003 CZECH REPUBLIC incomplete basic stamp collection miniature sheets, all hinged on album sheets unbound in folder and 1x in spring folder, 70% from face value
Starting price: CZK
63282 - 1993-2005 CZECH REPUBLIC  almost quite complete set stamp.,
1993-2005 CZECH REPUBLIC almost quite complete set stamp., miniature sheets, PB and stamp booklets, placed in overfull 15-sheet stockbook A4, face-value over 10.900CZK
Starting price: CZK