1918-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - HRADČANY-issue big accumulation unstuck Hradcany-issue stamp. (thousands pcs) and cuts postal orders (min. 300 pcs of), part scattered, part sorted according to values in paper bags or used on pages, all in larger box
1850-1945GERMANY business supply of stamps German states and Deutsches Reich, contains Official stamps, occupied territories in time of 1. and WWII., plebiscite, Memel, Saar; all placed in 2 pcs of stockbooks (16 and 12 sheets), c.v.. ca. 2000€ (included to sum only stamps and set with higher note), all very good quality, We recommend it
1950-80TOPOGRAPHY + MOTIVE, large format, big selection of more than 50.000 pcs Ppc, contains topography Czechoslovakia, partially sorted, part abroad and motives, especially Europe, Christmas, Eastern and other, much pieces interesting for collectors, from estate after/around big collector, placed in 12 pcs of full banana boxes, general weight ca. 280kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP, topographical postcard contains about from 60–70%, very interesting offer!
1918Pof.RV1-RV21, Prague overprint I. - Small Emblem, complete set of, values 3h - 1 Koruna exp. by Gilbert.., values 2 Koruna - 10K granite paper exp. by Gilbert.., Mrňák., Pofis + mark Kosina, superb
1938 Map Česko-Slovenska and Carpathian Ruthenia, zobrazuje republic without annexed territory Germany, Poland and Hungary, as contemporary document issued Kolín chicory below name "Small, but our", on reverse statistical data about/by annexed územích and počtech inhabitant, folded into smaller format, smaller tearing in folds underglued, extraordinary document with short time územní validity (ca. 5 months), format 58x26cm
1918-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 HRADČANY-issue collection on pages Lindner in spiral folder, contains mainly clear stamp. hinged, i.a. incomplete set bloks of four, samostaných stamp., shades, perf, defects print, perf also plate variety, complete set PLATE PROOF in black color incl. 1h, spiral types, stamp. with overprint SO1920 (overprint) etc.., originates from Austria, catalogue by estimation min. 20.000CZK
1918-2? Czechoslovakia I., comp. of cancelled stamps Hradčany, tříděné in/at envelopes, according to supplier 2800 pcs of, contains 17 values, large part V. design, suitable to research or to compilation of plate
1918-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue, study collection zaměřená on/for flaw print, plate variety, color shades, very carefully elaborated, supplemented with examples usage on entires, placed on album sheets with hand-made descriptions and názornými printings, 2 pcs of spring folders, interesting
1918-34 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps mainly hinged on 2 on stock-sheets A4, contains i.a. Pof.141-42, opposite facing pair 5, 10, 40 and 60h, Hradčany 25h ultramarine and several PLATE PROOF and marginal gutter 3h with plate variety, 2x corner blk-of-4 5h Pigeon-issue with plate number, air-mail L1A, L3B, L4-L6, several bloks of four air-mail The 3rd issue., L11A etc.., c.v.. ca. 3000CZK
1918-39 Czechoslovakia I., collection (comp. of stamps), postage stmp, air-mail, postage-due, scout, overprint, coupons etc.., also some matters of interest, various quality, placed in full 12-sheet stockbook A5, according to supplier price between 2-3tis., it is worth seeing
1850-1960Czechoslovakia + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA + EUROPE smaller kufřík with plenty of envelopes with sorted unstuck stamp., smaller part waste, We recommend it examination
1918-45 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, comp. of stamps, contains i.a. letterpress issues, PČ 1919 (overprint), 30. years, perf, plate number, placed on album sheets in spring folder
1939-45SLOVAKIA basic collection on hingeless sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, blue Štefánik, complete overprint set - highest value incl. both 3,50CZK exp. by Synek., miniature sheet For Children-issue, 4-stamps. gutter pair Tiso, etc.., c.v.. (Trojan) 14.000CZK , including list/roster
1945-79CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 nice basic stamp collection miniature sheets on hingeless sheets in/at 5 pcs of spring folders, contains i.a. also Pof.A435 type II., 450K-52K L + R, A564, A691/692, A853/857 A+B, A1216, PL1574-78 and oths., profitable offer
1945-73 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stamps., to year 1949 in blocks of four, other almost all in vertical or horiz. párech, placed in 6 pcs of stockbooks A4, part with light stains after wrong storage, also with 3 pcs of stockbooks CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and stamps Europe
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, quantum of doublets, contains Partisan MS, Kosice MS, part Czechoslovakia I., placed in 2 pcs of big stockbooks
1850-1938AUSTRIA basic collection, very contains a lot of classic, Lombardy-Veneto, field post and republic, placed on album sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, good quality, suitable for continuation, profitable offer, c.v.. ca. 10.000€
1860-1940WHOLE WORLD big unorganised comp. of stamps on album pages, in paper bags and stockbooks, a lot of of material, contains i.a. colony/-ies and other sought stamp countries, part archoviny, all in big travel case, from estate, very interesting offer
1880-1980WHOLE WORLD a lot of stamps from estate, old stamps from European countries, colony/-ies, placed in choice books, little-boxes and envelopes, all in big travel case, suitable to other elaboration
1900-2000CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA + CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 + Europe larger comp. entires, Ppc, also stamps, interesting medley, all in box about/by weight 22kg, We recommend it examination!
1898-40 TOPOGRAPHY Czechoslovakia selection of 43 pcs of Ppc mainly from Bohemia, several pcs long address, smaller part photo postcard, commercial price ca. 1500CZK
1953CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 gift album minister communications předsedovi governance Czechoslovakia ViliamuŠirokému to/at day Czechosl. army 6.10.1953. Contains clear also used blocks of four and imperforated plate proofs stamp. Pof.750-52 in original colors on/for kouscíchzapaspartovaného paper, catalogues neregistrují. Poprvé in auction!!
1993 Pof.1 and Pof.3 Coat of arms and Václav Havel, complete counter sheet with margin, both sheets signed VáclavemHavlem, by/on/at counter sheet Coat of arms polepeny margins stamps Czechoslovakia with special postmark to election president, counter sheet Havel with 2x CDS Prague 012 Castle, both sheets with gum in perforation cross folded
1945 selection of 17 pcs of stmp with overprint, without certification, by/on/at No.21 blunt corner and light fold, listing attached, examination recommended, c.v.. ca. 2600€
1942 MILITARIA JAMBOR Oldřich (1913–1942), RAF pilot, captain aircraft 311. Czechosl. bombing wing, 34 operačních flight, in y 1991 povýšen on/for Col. in memoriam, 3 photo small format, always in uniform, from that 1x portrait with signature, well preserved
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 HRADČANY-issue business supply of stamps on 16 pages stockbook A4 without folder + 1 stockbook A4, divided according to drawings and values, part clear stamp. mainly hinged, without blocks contains i.a. these clear stamp. Pof.26 3x, 23 4x, 6N exp., 9x used 6N exp. by Mrnak with CDS Rimavská Sobota, 25 4x etc.., supplemented with lot of used stamp. - perf, defects, postmark etc.., by estimation cat. min. 5000CZK
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ HRADČANY-issue comp. of stamps separately or on cut-squares, sorted and described, placed in big new 32-sheet stockbook A4
1930-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of clear stamp. sorted in paper bags according to issues, contains i.a. 2x set Tyrš 32, blocks of four with overprints BIT, postage stmp T. G. Masaryk, multiblocks Congress Carpathian Ukrainy etc..
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 stockbook with duplication after/around German collector, several better items from issues Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, Prague - Tatras plate number, parts of sheets, offsets etc.., c.v.. ca. 10000CZK
1920-22CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39/ BREAKING CHAINS, study collection zaměřená on/for flaw print, plate variety, color shades, very carefully elaborated, supplemented with examples usage on entires, placed on album sheets with hand-made descriptions and názornými printings, 1 pcs of spring folders, interesting
1938-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps, single, in blocks of four, coupons, gutter-pair, plate mark, plate number, placed in 5 pcs of stockbooks (4x A4, 1x A5), c.v.. ca. 8000CZK, interesting
1938-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of complete sheets, parts of sheets and bands, contains i.a. 3x complete sheet Pof.OT1, sheets and parts of sheets Landscape with plate number and plate mark, Linden Leaves
1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, complete collection of plate numbers on/for official stmp issue II, 1x complete. single corner pieces, 1x complete. blocks of four, L also right, hingeless/glass on album sheets, c.v.. 740CZK
1993-2005 CZECH REPUBLIC almost quite complete set stamp., miniature sheets, PB and stamp booklets, placed in overfull 15-sheet stockbook A4, face-value over 10.900CZK