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1900 Hradec nad Moravicí - 3-views lithography; long address, Us, bumped corners1895 Karlštejn (castle) - forerunner Ppc; long address, Us, good condition 1899 Bezděz - lithography, altar, inside of church; long address, Us, good condition1899 Rábí - lithography, emblem; long address, Us, good condition1906 Orlík - lithography, deer, embossed, gilt; long address, Us, very good condition 1890 Orlík - forerunner Ppc; long address, Us, broken corner, short tear in lower margin U:A5
1897 Krkonoše - 4-views, Spálený Mlýn (Mill) (Mohornmühle ), Obří důl (Riesengrund) (Riesengrund ), Temný colliery (Dunkelthal ), glassworks; long address, Us, bumped corners, stains in the picture 1902 Krkonoše - Czech hut on/for Sněžka (Schneekoppe), winter view, people on/for sledge; long address, Us, very good condition 1900 Šumava (Böhmerwald) - lithography, railway-station on/for Špičák, Černé jezero, hotel Rix, boarding-house Prokop; long address, Un, oxidation in margins 1900 Šumava (Böhmerwald) - Třístoličník (Dreisessel ), hotel Muhr , lithography; long address, Us, light abraded in the picture (L at top) 1905 Šumava (Böhmerwald) - man on/for top (of) Javora ; long address, Us, light bumped corners1900 Beroun - Plzeň (Pilsner) gate, lithography; long address, Un, good condition 1898 Zdice - pen drawing; long address, Us, good condition 1898 Brno - 4-view collage, Veverská street, stárek from Líšně , restaurant Shelter Hut by/on/at Macocha, church; long address, Us, bumped corners 1900 Brno - Vegetable square, stalls, people, buildings, interesting view; long address, Us, good condition1908 Brno - hotel Slavia and National café, 5-view collage with interiáry , Us; slightly dirty from stamping ink in the picture 1914 Brno - hotel Pilsnerhof , Jacob square (Rennergasse ); Us, bumped corners1909 Tuřany (Turas) - lithography; Us, good condition1900 Židenice - Táborská třída (street), people; long address, Us, warped R margin, short tear (6mm)1916 Střelice near Brno - pub, people; Us, very light stain1905 Vranov - people in/at uličce ; long address, Us, light stains, broken corners R 1900 VRANOV - gravure from year 1740 on brown paper; long address, Un, bumped corners also marginsU:A5
1905 Tišnov - view of street; long address, Us, good condition1898 Židlochovice (Groß Seelowitz ) - lithography, sugar-factory; long address, Us, wrinkled corner 1903 Karlova Studánka (Karlsbrunn) - lithography, coats of arms, embossed, gilt; Us, very good condition 1901 Krnov (Jägerndorf) - lithography, night Cvilín; long address, Us, good condition1905 Krnov (Jägerndorf) - view over pond; long address, Un, light bumped corners1917 Břeclav (Lundenburg) - railway-station, trains; Us, good condition 1903 Lednice - lithography; long address, Us, bumped corners, on reverse in corners underglued 1912 Česká Lípa (Leipa) - people in/at commercial street; Us, good condition1898 Jestřebí (Habstein ) - carriage in the street; long address, Us, bumped corners, light stains1908 Kravaře (Graber) - lithography; long address, Us, bumped corners1905 SLOUP V Č. (Bürgstein) - restaurant Fichrelschänke , gilt; long address, Un, bumped cornersU:A5
1900 České Budějovice - lithography, city coat of arms; long address, Un, good condition 1902 České Budějovice - lithography, square; long address, Us, light fold corner 1904 České Budějovice - brewery, 2-views collage, long address, Us, good condition 1920 České Budějovice (Budweis) - old street; without address lines, advertising added print, Un, good condition1919 Nové Hrady (Gratzen) - square with carriages before/(in front of) hotel Cernitzky , Us good condition, decorative 1897 Český Krumlov - lithography, outlook-tower Kleť; long address, Us, very good condition 1894 Český Krumlov (Krumau) - 4-views collage, outlook-tower Kleť; long address, Us, light stains1905 Děčín (Tetschen) - lithography, restaurant Peschke , interior; long address, Us, pulled-down stamp 1901 Česká Kubice - lithography, tunnel; long address, Us, bumped corners Rýzmberk - color coated postcard with castle and pub by/on/at Pešků , Us, very light folds in/at bottom corners1905 Baška - 4-views, factory, factory railway; long address, Us, good condition1899 Frýdek-Místek - 8-views collage, chapel on/for Prašivé , castle, church, interiors, chapel, brown shade; long address, Us, pulled-down stamp, light bumped corners 1917 Paskov - 5-views, railway-station, brewery, castle, bridge, square; Un, superb1898 Havlíčkův Brod (Německý Brod) - styl forerunner Ppc; long address, Un, oxidation in margins, rounded corners, abraded lower margin 1897 Kyjov (Gaya) - 3-views collage, brown shade; long address, Us, good condition1897 Kyjov (Gaya) - 5-view collage, glassworks, blue shade; long address, Us, bumped corners1897 Hradec Králové - lithography; long address, Us, bumped margins, tearing in upper margin (2mm)1904 Chlumec nad Cidlinou - B/W collage, people in the square; long address, Us, very good condition 1897 Františkovy Lázně (Franzensbad) - 4-views lithography, peat bath; long address, Us, good condition 1900 Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad) - lithography, caricature návštěvníků bath; long address, Us, light spots 1902 Aš (Asch) - lithography, town-hall, coat of arms, embossed, gilt; long address, Us, good condition 1902 Cheb (Eger) - picture collage "arcade", Wallenstein house, Valdštejn in card, gilt; long address, Us, broken corner1924 PODHOŘÍ (Kreuzenstein) - vanished village, excursion restaurant Mlýnek (Isl. Mühlerl); Us, preservedU:A5
1913 Chomutov (Komotau) - promotional Ppc German club/association; Us, good condition 1909 Chomutov, 5-view color collage in the middle Kaiser Joseph street, Us, good condition1915 Chomutov, color collage, square with soldier "O du mein (my) Österreich! ", Us good condition1905 Chomutov, colored collage view from window in the street Plattnerstrasse , Us, very good condition 1 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 6 / 6