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2003 Pof.364 V.Klaus, selection of 21 pcs of stamps with 19 various errors/flaws (2x declared in catalogue, other without statement), all printing plate 1, some with margin, mint never hinged, face-value 134,40CZK 2003 Pof.365/368 Aquarium Fishes, comp. 6 pcs of miniature sheets with various počtem lines on/for stone, mint never hinged, face-value 372CZK 2003 Pof.A365/368, Aquarium Fishes, 4 pcs of miniature sheets with production flaw - various number lines (0, 1, 2, 3 lines), mint never hinged U:A5
2004 Pof.PL395 Nové country EU, comp. 4 pcs of PB according to plate A-D, mint never hinged, c.v.. 500CZK 2004 Pof.PL395, plate B+D 2004 Pof.PL396, EUROPA - holidays, field H with flaw print No.4 (red stain on břízce), incl. other flaws on other fields, mint never hinged, c.v.. 150CZK U:A5
2004 Pof.A409/412, Parrots, comp. 7 pcs of variants miniature sheet, with various plate variety and flaw print (incomplete-printing headings, incomplete-printing beak," drops", perf), interesting, mint never hinged 2005 Pof.PL436, Europe - Gastronomie, set. comp. of 4 plates (A-D), mint never hinged 2006 Pof.492 Vrtbovská garden, comp. 4 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with various form perf and whole counter sheet printing plate 1 with two overlapping perforation hole R, on/for upper margin number counter sheet, date of print and pin hole, mint never hinged, high face-value 2006 Pof.498, Praga 2008, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw on pos. 2 (large circle between numerals 5 and 0) and with production flaw on pos. 12 (circle) U:A5
2007 value 11CZK, Praga 2008, vertical corner blk-of-8 with production flaw on pos. 39 (circle through/over letter J)