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1851-75 BADEN, BAYERN (BAVARIA), THURN by/on/at. TAXIS, nice selection of 57 pcs of classical stamp, contains set better values, i.a. 5x pair on cut square, various color shades and cancel., high catalogue value 1862 Mi.1y + 2y. mint never hinged (!), nice, c.v.. 600€ 1849 Mi.1 Ia, One Kreuzer Black, plate I, black-grey color, very wide margins, new photo-certificate M. Brettl (BPP) from April 2007, stamp. hasn't original gum, in certificate marked as (*), interesting price U:A5
1862 comp. of stamps Mi.10a,b (10 pcs of), solo, cut-squares, 1x Reg letter with red postmark Chargé, various postmark, good condition, according to supplier c.v.. 350MiMk, 1862-67 comp. 3 pcs of stamps with postal agency pmk Schwarzach, Hals, Steinburg, 2x stmp and 1x close cut square, postmark almost whole, stamps Mi.11 + 15 (2x), well preserved 1855 letter with Mi.2, cancelled by numbered cancel, postmark Augsburg 22.DEC.1855, on reverse hints after sticking 1860 folded letter with 6 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer, Mi.2II, 4II, numeral pmk 37 and semicircle Bayerfurt 29.11., letter torn in corner below L stamp., otherwise nice U:A5
1853 Mi.6, lower close margins, linear postmark, well preserved, exp. Behrens, c.v.. 70€ 1859 Mi.6, wide margins, well preserved, c.v.. 55€ 1850 SACHSEN (SAXONIA) forgery of stamp Mi.1, marked 1851-65 comp. 3 pcs of stamps (1x on cut-square), Mi.2 + 22 + 31, well preserved, c.v.. 56€ 1920 Mi. D32, Official stamps (Dienstmarken), blk-of-25, on reverse remainder background (envelope/-s), some stamps light dusky, thin/light postmark, c.v.. 3€/ pcs, We recommend it examination 1924 Mi.363 H.von Stephan, mint never hinged, c.v.. 70€ 1927 Mi.407-409, set. line, c.v.. 250€ 1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, size sedí, c.v.. 1500€ 1933 Mi.499-507 Richard Wagner, 8x perf A, č.505B, well preserved, c.v.. ca. 360€ 1934 Mi.540-543 Objevitelé, mint never hinged, c.v.. 210€ 1934 Mi.554-55, F.Schiller, mint never hinged, c.v.. 110€ 1935 Mi.588-97 National costumes, complete set 10 pcs of, superb, c.v.. 200€ 1935 Mi.Bl3 miniature sheet OSTROPA 1935, 2x special postmark Königsberg (Pr)/ OSTROPA 1935/ Cranz-Rossiten Schiffspost/ 27.6.35, UR corner small defect, after all well preserved, c.v.. 900€ 1936 Mi.609-616 Olympic Games, mint never hinged, c.v.. 150€ 1937 Mi. Block 7, 9 Birthday A. Hitler + 9. empire congress, Bl.7 hinged, fold corners and smaller wrinkled, Bl.9 well in good condition, small shift pin hole, c.v.. 324 € 1937 Mi.651-59 Winter relief - ships, complete set of, clear postmark, c.v.. 22€ 1937 Mi.651-659 Winter relief - ships, mint never hinged, c.v.. 125€ 1938 Mi.671 Brown Ribbon, mint never hinged, c.v.. 160€ 1939 Mi.695-97 Norimberský circuit, corner stmp mounted on/for special card, Un, special postmark to plants/races, well preserved, c.v.. 100€ 1939 Mi.695-697, Nürburgring-Rennen, nice quality, c.v.. 280€ U:A5
1939 Mi.698 70 years derby, nice, c.v.. 100€ 1939 Mi.730-737, Winter Relief Fund, mint never hinged, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1941 Mi.MH48, complete stamp booklets, good quality, c.v.. 65€ 1942 Mi.820-22 Evropský post. congress, blk-of-16 with margin, by/on/at č.822 hint of conglutination by/on/at 3 stamps and 1x detachment/section in perforation between two stamps, every blk-of-16 1x fold in perforation, other stamps nice quality, c.v.. ca. 80€ 1944 Mi.873-885 Wehrmacht, complete set in blocks of four, mint never hinged, c.v.. 68€ 1945 Mi.909-910, Parteiformationen SA and SS, mint never hinged, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, Parteiformationen SA and SS, imperforated, both with lower margin of sheet and control-numbers, mint never hinged, at our place rare occurrence, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, Parteiformationen SA and SS, corner pieces hinged in margin, Mi.909 with slight production errors/flaws gum, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1923 INFLATION, PC Mi. P120 with uprating, Us in/at inflation period, promotional postmark Sassnitz/ 30.7.23, exp. Peschl, on reverse stamp. Klickow + 4x Infla Echt, smaller hinged, good condition, rare U:A5
1897 color postcard (veslař on/for lake) with mixed franking 5 various countries (Germany, Switzerland, Bavaria, Württemberg and Austria), CDS ship post KONSTANZ-LUDWIGSHAFEN/ č.119/ 30.9.97 + Konstanz 30.9.97, arrival postmark Dresden 2.10.97, decorative, rounded corners 1923 printed matter sent in period of inflation cash franked with straight line postmark Fr. It. Einn.-Nachw./ in Dresden-A.9 and by hand "4", CDS Dresden 31.8.23, good condition 1925 letter to Netherlands, with 374, burdened by at the delivery place postage-due, to exhaustion- stamp. 12 ½; c, redirected and returned back through/over drážďanskou dead letter off. to dohledání sender, MC Drsden 21.9.25, on both sides 6 various oznamovacích postmarks and lot of notices, in good condition document/attribut 1933 commercial letter with MC Berlin 9.6.33 out of stmp 25pf, Mi.481, additionally by hand cancelled violet cancel. Entwertet/ Berlin 7, good condition 1941 letter with propagandistic cachets, straight line postmark "Nichtarißche raus" and circular pmk Heil Hitler with swastika, CDS Meringen/ 5.2.41, addressed to to Jeny, postmark Neárijci ven is on/for end blurred, envelope have/has stamps transport 1942-43 3 entires with protibolševickými advertising postmarks, 1x as Registered with special postmark Branau/ Unser Führer bannt day Bolschewismus, 1x letter with special postmark Hamburg/ Kampf dem Bolschewismus, 1x postcard with MC Exhibition Das Soviet Paradies, well preserved 1943 2x official envelope on/for inserted and already odhlášený telegram to delivery common post, window, Un, well preserved 1943 letter with Mi.787 + bisected stmp 4Pf Mi.783, CDS Krauschwitz 5.6.43, corresponding porto, envelope light wrinkled and in the middle 1x vertical folded, after all interesting 1937 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet Danzig Exhibition, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1922 Reg and airmail letter with Mi.66, 69, 79, CDS Danzig 20.9.22, on reverse transit pmk Berlin-Luftpost, Augsburg, recipient not found, sent back, postmark Danzig 24.9.22, interesting document transport 1920 UPPER SILESIA issue for occupation territory, overprint C.I.H.S., Mi.15 (Mi.104), blue Opt, exp. Haertel, c.v.. 800€ 1920 UPPER SILESIA issue for occupation territory, overprint C.I.H.S., Mi.19 (Mi.107), blue Opt, exp. Haertel, c.v.. 1500€ 1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT miniature sheet Mi.65, very light wrinkled paper in lower part, otherwise clear, nice good condition, c.v.. 40€ 1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.104, miniature sheet with plate mark II/4 1941 LITHUANIA - Rokiškis Mi.7, exp. Krischke 1941 LITHUANIA - Telšiai Mi.7 60k carmine, c.v.. 30€, unexamined 1942 UKRAINE Reg letter franked with. 2 pcs of stmp with overprint Mi.9 with CDS Shitomir 9.12.42, supplemented with straight line postmark Durch Deutsche Dienstpost Ukraine, on reverse arrival postmark Nürnberg; on reverse torn flap 1943 OSTLAND, commercial Reg letter to Prague through/over German Service Post Reval Ostland, franked with. stamps A. Hitler with overprint Ostland (24+15Pf) and overprint Ukraine (3Pf), 2x CDS German Service Post/ 21.8.43 + straight line postmark German Service Post, circular pmk Aa, on reverse arrival postmark. Prague 14/ 26.VIII.43, well preserved 1941 FRANCE Mi.Bl.I, Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, nice quality, right size, c.v.. 550€ U:A5
1941 GUERNSEY postcard to London with Mi.1, 2, CDS Guernsey 11.OC.41, good condition 1948 SOVIET ZONE comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, with multicolor franking stmp with overprint., i.a. Mi.193, 189, 1x CDS Bad Schandau 2.8.48 with provisional registry label and Dippoldiswalde 28.12.48; good condition U:A5
1948 SOVIET ZONE whole newspaper wrapper with multicolor franking also with district overprints Bezirkshandstempel 14, 41, 30, CDS Dresden A41/ 5.7.48; stains and small tearing in margins 1949 SOVIET ZONE Mi.Bl.6, miniature sheet Goethe, size sedí, c.v.. 220€