Mail Auction 18 / Autographs

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61733 - 1562 FERDINAND II, Archduke of Austria (1529–1595), govern
1562 FERDINAND II, Archduke of Austria (1529–1595), governor in Czech lands (1557–1567); edict of restriction circulation foreign less valuable coins in Kingdom of Bohemia with autograph, format 44x34cm, folds, signs of age, after all well in good condition, extraordinary historical document in Czech
Starting price: CZK
65356 - 1948 SPORTSMEN  postcard from Paris sent 8.11.48,  signature
1948 SPORTSMEN postcard from Paris sent 8.11.48, signatures hockey-players i.a. Zábrodský, Hajný, Bubník, Roziňák, also also signatures Trojáka, Stibora, Šťovíka, which/what next day zahynuli near/in/at přeletu to England, good condition
Starting price: CZK
65354 - 1951? FOOTBALL  postcard sent from Hungary with signatures o
1951? FOOTBALL postcard sent from Hungary with signatures of players Bohemians, Chobot, Hajský, Vedral, Studnička and oths., good condition
Starting price: CZK
65369 - 1936 SPORTSMEN  postcard sent from Olympiády in Berlin, sig
1936 SPORTSMEN postcard sent from Olympiády in Berlin, signatures veslařů, i.a. also medailistů Wenceslas Mottla and Zdeněk Škrdlanta, B/W view of olympic stadium, margin postcard by/on/at address part/-s a little damaged
Starting price: CZK
63563 - 1930-32 SPORTSMEN,  2 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. f
1930-32 SPORTSMEN, 2 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Germany in years 1930 and 1932, i.a. Polák, Hašek, Herman, Šícha, Puč, Suchý, Kratochvíl, Šubrt, Trlica, total 25 signatures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
63559 - 1923-25 SPORTSMEN,  2 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. f
1923-25 SPORTSMEN, 2 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Rumania in years 1923 and 1925, i.a. Burger, Košek, Vaník, Šoltys, Janovský, Tošner, Ryšavý and reporter Laufer, total 31 signatures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
63561 - 1926-29 SPORTSMEN,  2 pcs of Ppc from tours Czechosl. footba
1926-29 SPORTSMEN, 2 pcs of Ppc from tours Czechosl. footballers to Maďaraska in years 1926 and 1929, i.a. Pleticha, Kráťa, Novák, Seifert, Puč, Plánička, Vodička, total 25 signatures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
63562 - 1926-33 SPORTSMEN,  3 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. f
1926-33 SPORTSMEN, 3 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to France in years 1926, 1930 and 1933, i.a. Čapek, Strong, Puč, Vodička, Tichý, Bouška, Nový, Čtyřoký, Němec, Madelan, total 39 signatures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
63560 - 1924-26 SPORTSMEN,  3 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. f
1924-26 SPORTSMEN, 3 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Yugoslavia in years 1924, 1925 and 1926, i.a. Vaník, Veselský, Jelínek, Seifert, Čermák, Štapl, Hübsch, Dobiáš, Bělík, Krejčí, total 39 signatures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64386 - 1920-80 ARTISTS  comp. 10 pcs of Ppc with photos and autogra
1920-80 ARTISTS comp. 10 pcs of Ppc with photos and autographs popular representatives home cultural life, contains jména: Ambros, Gott, Kohout, Křička, Matějovský, Nikolská, Tichý and other
Starting price: CZK
64385 - 1920-44 ARTISTS  comp. 12 pcs of Ppc with photos and autogra
1920-44 ARTISTS comp. 12 pcs of Ppc with photos and autographs popular of actors and representatives home cultural life, contains jména: Deyl, Hübnerová, Karen, Kohout, Křička, Vítová, Vojan, Vojta
Starting price: CZK
64959 - 1905-13 HISTORICI  comp. 5 pcs of cards with signatures know
1905-13 HISTORICI comp. 5 pcs of cards with signatures known personalities: Wenceslas Francis Suk (1883–1934), literát, historian, Wenceslas Chaloupecký (1882–1951), historian, Joseph Brániš (1853–1911), historian, Hanuš Kuffner (1861–1929), Francis Herites (1851–1929), writer
Starting price: CZK
64528 - 1922-47 ARTISTS  selection of photo postcard and invitation
1922-47 ARTISTS selection of photo postcard and invitation cards with signatures operních pěvců and pěvkyň - Zdeněk Otava, Anthony Bednář, Oldřich Kovář, Jindra Blažíček, Jarmila Novotná, Mary Podvalová and conductor Charles Tomíček, 3x with dedication, 1x invitation-card cross folded, otherwise all well preserved
Starting price: CZK
61730 - 1893 AMORT Vilím (1864 - 1913), sculptor, handwritten lette
1893 AMORT Vilím (1864 - 1913), sculptor, handwritten letter wife from Munich (München), incl. envelope/-s, signature only "Vilím", well preserved
Starting price: CZK
64827 - 1943 BASS Edward,  signature with Christmas congratulation o
1943 BASS Edward, signature with Christmas congratulation on/for Us aristic postcard Eda Bass zpívá svoje "flyers" in/at Červené sedmě, sent to George Hojera; hint of sticking on address-side
Starting price: CZK
64511 - 1945 BENEŠ E., SVOBODA L., and other 3 autographs on paper
1945 BENEŠ E., SVOBODA L., and other 3 autographs on paper slip small format, added May Day 1945 Turč. Sv. Martin.., on the back side typewriter "member deputace 1st Czechoslovak. corps", good condition, extraordinary
Starting price: CZK
65579 - 1945 BENEŠOVÁ Hana, wife of president, Christmas congratul
1945 BENEŠOVÁ Hana, wife of president, Christmas congratulation Union pilots ARČS, autograph
Starting price: CZK
61729 - 1942 BEZRUČ Peter, poet, handwritten written veršované th
1942 BEZRUČ Peter, poet, handwritten written veršované thanks for wish to birthday, whole signature, nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
64001 - 1872 d´ELVERT Christian (1803–1896), the third svobodně
1872 d´ELVERT Christian (1803–1896), the third svobodně zvolený mayor Brno, zasloužil with about/by rozvoj town, release with revenues 4. issue, seal
Starting price: CZK
64989 - 1964 DALER George, holder golden olympic medal from XVIII. O
1964 DALER George, holder golden olympic medal from XVIII. Olympic Games in/at Tokyo, dráhová cycling, signature on front side postcard
Starting price: CZK
60313 - 1936 FERDINAND ?, signature on passe-partout with photo,  so
1936 FERDINAND ?, signature on passe-partout with photo, sound condition, for expert history
Starting price: CZK
60309 - 1946 FIRKUŠNÝ Rudolf, pianist and composer, whole signatur
1946 FIRKUŠNÝ Rudolf, pianist and composer, whole signature on program (with photo) klavírního concert in Brno, format A4, 1x folded, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
63999 - 1844 FRIČ Joseph Wenceslas, JUNGMANN Joseph,  calligraphied
1844 FRIČ Joseph Wenceslas, JUNGMANN Joseph, calligraphied changed pre-printed document of Foundation "Matice česká" with signatures Joseph (Wenceslas) Frič and Joseph Jungmanna, with revenue 3 Kreuzer, cat. Korinek 102-1840, written in German
Starting price: CZK
60302 - 1910 HERRMANN Ignat, writer, handwritten letter with whole s
1910 HERRMANN Ignat, writer, handwritten letter with whole signature, incl. envelope/-s, good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
60307 - 1925? HILBERT Kamil, architect, restaurátor, builder, (dost
1925? HILBERT Kamil, architect, restaurátor, builder, (dostavba cathedral St. Vitus in Prague, obnova baziliky St. Prokop in/at Třebíč), odstřižek letter with whole signature, folded, signs of age, after all acceptable
Starting price: CZK
65484 - 1932 HOOVER, president USA, invitation-card for Czechosl. am
1932 HOOVER, president USA, invitation-card for Czechosl. ambassador Brože on/for recepci to White House, rare!
Starting price: CZK
60300 - 1924 KALVODA Alois, painter, handwritten letter with whole s
1924 KALVODA Alois, painter, handwritten letter with whole signature, folded to envelope/-s, otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK
65575 - 1935 KAREN Frederic, actor, photo postacard (Ströminger) wi
1935 KAREN Frederic, actor, photo postacard (Ströminger) with autograph, superb
Starting price: CZK
60281 - 1951 KINSKÝ Charles, ak.malíř and graphic artist. noblema
1951 KINSKÝ Charles, ak.malíř and graphic artist. nobleman, xylograph as thanks for wish to padesátinám with signature, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
62228 - 1935 KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politi
1935 KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politician and journalist, i.a. minister national defence, místopředseda senátu, signature on letter
Starting price: CZK
64953 - 1931 KOŽELUH Charles, tennis-player, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc wri
1931 KOŽELUH Charles, tennis-player, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc written Koželuhem, sent from USA to Czechoslovakia
Starting price: CZK
64983 - 1895 KRÁSNOHORSKÁ Eliška, signature with dedication in/at
1895 KRÁSNOHORSKÁ Eliška, signature with dedication in/at book poems from A.Puškina "Some poems rozpravné", conversion E. Krásnohorská, rigid folder, good condition
Starting price: CZK
60311 - 1923 KUBELÍK John, virtuoso violinist, whole signature on c
1923 KUBELÍK John, virtuoso violinist, whole signature on concert program with photo, nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
60310 - 1939 KUBELÍK Rafael, conductor and JERNEK Charles, film dir
1939 KUBELÍK Rafael, conductor and JERNEK Charles, film director, signatures on playbill opera Bartered bride hrané in/at Country divadle in Brno, where vystoupili j.h., well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60301 - 1963 KUBÍN Otakar (COUBINE Othon), painter and graphic arti
1963 KUBÍN Otakar (COUBINE Othon), painter and graphic artist, handwritten letter with signature, incl. envelope/-s, letter well in good condition, envelope with stains, rare
Starting price: CZK
62208 - 1946 LAUFER Joseph, sports reporter, signature on postcard s
1946 LAUFER Joseph, sports reporter, signature on postcard sent from Scotland with much other signatures of players, as Bláha, Kokštejn, Kolský, Zmatlík and much other, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60298 - 1926 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), poet and prose-w
1926 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), poet and prose-writer, handwritten letter with signature, incl. envelope/-s, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60306 - 1962 MAJEROVÁ Mary, authoress, handwritten written postcard
1962 MAJEROVÁ Mary, authoress, handwritten written postcard with whole signature, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
64955 - 1927-37 MASARYKOVÁ Alice, comp. 2 pcs of handwritten writte
1927-37 MASARYKOVÁ Alice, comp. 2 pcs of handwritten written letters with signature
Starting price: CZK
63996 - 1870 MENDEL Gregor, document with revenues 5. issue, 25 Kreu
1870 MENDEL Gregor, document with revenues 5. issue, 25 Kreuzer and 7Kr signed Gregor Mendel Div, with nice big red seal opata
Starting price: CZK
59735 - 1921 MRKOS Joseph, Dr.  front Czechosl. astronomer, autograp
1921 MRKOS Joseph, Dr. front Czechosl. astronomer, autograph on photo postcard addressed to on/for Professor. Dědinu, on photograph is on in/at civilu, Dr. Kozáková and later writer sci-fi Dr. Souček; good condition
Starting price: CZK
62572 - 1968 NOBILE Umberto, Italian General, aeronaut, polárník,
1968 NOBILE Umberto, Italian General, aeronaut, polárník, discoverer, signature on unused aerogram near/in/at his visit Prague on/for stamp exhibition, nice
Starting price: CZK
60296 - 1934 PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, foot
1934 PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, footballer, one from the best goalkeepers; sheet paper with mounted photos and dedication, nice
Starting price: CZK
60278 - 1941? POSPÍŠIL Jára, artist,  B/W photo postcard with sig
1941? POSPÍŠIL Jára, artist, B/W photo postcard with signature and dedication on face-side, photo Ströminger, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60303 - 1968 RAŠKA George (*1941), Czech sportsman, Olympic champio
1968 RAŠKA George (*1941), Czech sportsman, Olympic champion, B/W commemorative sheet (4-piece folding picture-book) with photos and accompanying text, issued MEZ Frenštát, signature J.Rašky on face-side, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60283 - 1978 REMEK Vladimír, GUBAREV Alexej Aleksandrovich, astrona
1978 REMEK Vladimír, GUBAREV Alexej Aleksandrovich, astronauts, ministerial FDC and honorary invitation card for exhibition PRAGA 1978 with signatures astronauts, wrinkled lapel otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK
65355 - 1978 REMEK Vladimír, GUBAREV Alexej Aleksandrovich, signatu
1978 REMEK Vladimír, GUBAREV Alexej Aleksandrovich, signatures astronauts 1. joined flight on/for FDC USSR with stamp. to/at same occasion
Starting price: CZK
65482 - 1933 ROOSEVELT F. D., president USA, invitation-card for Cze
1933 ROOSEVELT F. D., president USA, invitation-card for Czechosl. ambassador Brože on/for recepci to White House, rare!
Starting price: CZK
64516 - 1903 RÖSSLER-OŘOVSKÝ Joseph (Resler), versatile sportsman
1903 RÖSSLER-OŘOVSKÝ Joseph (Resler), versatile sportsman, private letter-card with his handwritten letter and signature, interesting text relevant to skiing in Giant Mountains, messages J.Buchara, valné hromady Czechosl. Ski-klubu
Starting price: CZK
60299 - 1970? SUCHOŇ Eugen, composer, handwritten letter with whole
1970? SUCHOŇ Eugen, composer, handwritten letter with whole signature, folded to envelope/-s, otherwise nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
60279 - 1950? ŠTĚPÁNEK Zdeněk, actor,  B/W photo postcard with s
1950? ŠTĚPÁNEK Zdeněk, actor, B/W photo postcard with signature on face-side, theatre portrait, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60308 - 1958 ŠUBRTOVÁ Milada, ŽÍDEK Ivo, HAKEN Edward, TICHÝ Jo
1958 ŠUBRTOVÁ Milada, ŽÍDEK Ivo, HAKEN Edward, TICHÝ John Huss, opera pěvci, signatures on playbill Velké evening from world oper in Brno, folded to envelope/-s, still preserved
Starting price: CZK
60284 - 1924 TICHÝ Francis, painter, postcard used with message and
1924 TICHÝ Francis, painter, postcard used with message and signature, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
60297 - 1953 TROJAN Wenceslas, composer, handwritten letter, folded
1953 TROJAN Wenceslas, composer, handwritten letter, folded to envelope/-s, short tear, otherwise clear, nice
Starting price: CZK
62166 - 1916 TYRŠOVÁ Renata, wife founder Prague gymnastic unity S
1916 TYRŠOVÁ Renata, wife founder Prague gymnastic unity "Sokol", on Ppc (Batt./Guidon Sokol Prague), post. Us, on reverse hints after sticking
Starting price: CZK
60280 - 1940-44 VÍTOVÁ Hana, actress and songstress,  B/W portrait
1940-44 VÍTOVÁ Hana, actress and songstress, B/W portrait (photo Ströminger) with signature on face-side (little significant in black color), her personal visit card with signature on reverse, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
65577 - 1930 VOJTA Jaroslav, actor, caricature with autograph on car
1930 VOJTA Jaroslav, actor, caricature with autograph on card without address lines; small tearing in margin
Starting price: CZK
60282 - 1950 VOJTA Jaroslav, actor, karikaturní printing from Šnej
1950 VOJTA Jaroslav, actor, karikaturní printing from Šnejdárek with signature and dedication on face-side
Starting price: CZK
64534 - 1930 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas Dr. (1901-1932), polar researcher, p
1930 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas Dr. (1901-1932), polar researcher, participant Byrdovy antarctic expedition to jižnímu pole, handwritten letter with signature, written 18.2.1930 on/for základně Little America, to letter used original printed matter Radiogramu expedition, more folded, tearing well repaired, extraordinary memory on/for tragicky zahynulého man, doplňuje pol.3695 from mail auction 16
Starting price: CZK
65480 - 1946 VRZÁŇOVÁ Alena (Ája), figure skater, postcard sent
1946 VRZÁŇOVÁ Alena (Ája), figure skater, postcard sent from London to Czechoslovakia
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 18 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.