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1945 Frýdecký overprint on newspaper stmp issue II, Geo. L80/2 (star and lion), whole line 9 pcs of, 2x damaged. gum from conglutination or abrasion (5+7h), other mint never hinged 1945 Frýdecký overprint on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA St. Vitus., 3 pcs of, Geo. L80/1+2, overprint 1 on/for both stmp, overprint 2 only at value 1,50 Koruna, 2x in gum hints from black background, suitable examination 1945 Frýdecký overprint, complete set 22 pcs of stamps A. Hitler., Geo. L80/2 (star and lion), black color, some stamps worse gum (no hint), almost all however mint never hinged 1945 Horažďovický overprint, line 9 pcs of stamps BOHEMIA-MORAVIA A. Hitler., overprint black, 4x in gum more/larger or thin/light brown stains, 1x small finger-print (Pultrův ?) 1945 Chebský overprint (Geo. L160/2+3), 2x heart and 2x cards, total 4 pcs of, mint never hinged 1945 Jaroměř, 11 pcs of stamps with overprint Liberated Jaroměř 1945 (Geo. L180), on stmp 50h small hint of conglutination, otherwise mint never hinged 1945 Jičínský overprint (Fikarův), Geo. P50, whole set 19 pcs of with red or blue overprint, 14x with gum, 5x without gum, otherwise good quality 1945 Louny + Josefov, revolutionary overprints on/for 2x 8 pcs of stamps Hitler, both overprints have same values, overprint Louny cat. Geophila-Holoubek doesn't report, overprint Josefov Geo. L200, two highest value Louny have in gum residue/scrap from black background, otherwise mint never hinged 1945 Nové Město na Moravě , selection of 19 pcs of stamps Hitler with black overprint III.ČSR/ 1945 (Geo. L300), c.v.. value 4,20 Koruna doesn't report, mint never hinged 1945 Olomouc, comp. 6 pcs of miniature sheets with stamp. Eagle incl. values 120h in/at green color with cancelling hole, same ordinal number, chalky paper 1945 Olomouc eagle + overprints, set 5 pcs of Surtax stamps local issue with eagle (1x light damaged. gum from bad placing), set 5 pcs of stamps BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with overprint (Geo. L320) and same set with padělanými overprints 1945 Pardubice overprint (Pardubice 2), Geo. L330, 2x black + 4x red Opt, to set missing 3x black (Koruna values), 1x hint, otherwise mint never hinged 1945 Plzeň (Pilsner) overprint "Pravda wins" on/for 9 pcs of stamps BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, catalogue Geo. doesn't report, without certification, mint never hinged 1945 Posseltův overprint (Prague Smíchov) Geo. P210, 8 pcs of on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Hitler, 6x red, 1x blue and 1x blue-green (partial light overprint offset on gum), good quality 1945 Prague - Holešovice, black Opt (lion) on/for 27 stmp Hitler, Smetana, St. Vitus (Geo.N1180), cat. Geophila-Holoubek Smetanu doesn't report, mint never hinged 1945 Prostějovský overprint "Czechoslovakia/ 1945", 6 pcs of stamps BOHEMIA-MORAVIA A. Hitler., values 10-80h, overprint black (Geo. N1300), mint never hinged 1945 Pustiměř + Prague - Letná, 12 pcs of stamps with overprint Geo. L390 (Pustiměř - Geo nespecifikuje), 12 pcs of stamps with overprint Geo. N1210, both set same values, mostly hinged 1945 Rimavská Sobota selection of 19 pcs of stamp. with red overprint Czechoslovak Post. on/for Hungarian stamp. (incomplete), all exp. Blaha, stamp. 80f brown vertical fold in R margin 1945 selection of revolutionary overprints on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 29 pcs of + 4 pcs of with inverted overprint, contains are Přerov (2x), Domažlice, Frýdek, České Budějovice, Pardubice, Olomouc, Břevnov, Náchod, undetected, some pieces hinged, in addition commemorative sheet from Kostelec n./O. with three stamps with overprint Geo. L220 and red CDS 1945 Svitavský overprint on German stmp A. Hitler., line 11 pcs of, Geo. N1530, stmp 15pf without gum, other mint never hinged 1945 Ústecký overprint Č.S.R./ 9.5.1945/ Ústí n.L., 13 pcs of stamps BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with black overprint (Geo. N1660), mint never hinged, 7 values missing to set 1945 2x letter, 1x Svatý Kopeček with stmp 1,20 A. Hitler and overprint Geo.L480, broken out cancel Svatý Kopeček / 20.V.45, 1x Reg letter Prague 51 Břevnov, with 4 stamps with overprint Geo.L370, insufficient franking, Reg label from period of Czechoslovakia I., broken out cancel Prague 51/ 12.V.45, on reverse CDS Prague 51/ 14.V.45, both good condition 1945 letter to Slovakia with with overprint Czechoslovak Post. 1. Partyzánaká brigade John Žižka 1945 (Geo. L550 Vsetín), broken out cancel NOVÝ HROZENKOV/ 14.V.45, in addition 2x block of 6 stamps 60h and 1,20 Koruna with this overprint, good quality U:A5
1945 commercial Reg letter cash paid with revolutionary additional-printing Prostějov free of Germanic felons 9. May 1945 and provisory R postmark and broken out CDS Prostějov 1/ 2.VI.45, on reverse arrival postmark Prague 3.VI.45; good condition 1945 comp. 5 pcs of entires, all with provisory cancel. Česká Kamenice, from that 3x R mailing, 3 various emergency Reg labels and 3 various CDS, good condition U:A5
1945 Prostějov, Reg letter and postcard, cash paid, broken out cancel Prostějov 1, provisional Reg cancel with additional writing, 2x special cachet "Prostějov free of Germanic felons/ 9. May 1945", good condition 1945 Rýnovice, money letter with 5 Koruna and 10K, broken out cancel 18.12.45, red straight line postmark Rýnovice, value label, round red provisional postmark Rýnovice 1945, on reverse arrival postmark Prague 20.XII.45; large format, on reverse seal, warped paper in corners 1945 Pof.353-59 Košice-issue, selection of 16 pcs of, various color shades, values 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna after/around 3 pcs of, other 2 pcs of, mint never hinged 1945 Pof.353-59 Košice-issue, selection of 39 pcs of various plate variety, all described, rare offer, mint never hinged, cat. over 700CZK 1945 Pof.354 Košice-issue 2 Koruna, marginal blk-of-18 (on reverse upper margin 4 stamp. light slightly rusty and 3 stamp. R fold) + Pof.356 Košice-issue 6 Koruna, marginal block-of-16, both multiblocks with private perf (!), for specialist interesting, good condition 1945 Pof.354Mv Košice-issue, unfolded horiz. 4-stamp gutter with plate mark 1A, mint never hinged, c.v.. 600CZK 1945 Pof.355 Košice-issue 5 Koruna, block of four with plate variety 79, 80, oblique light band, c.v.. 500CZK 1945 Pof.355Mv Košice-issue, unfolded horiz. 4-stamp gutter with retouch plate mark, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1800CZK 1945 Pof.356bMv Košice-issue, light blue, unfolded horiz. 4-stamp gutter with retouch plate mark, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1700CZK 1945 Pof.359 Košice-issue, LL block of four with Pl 1A from printing plate 1, incl. plate variety 110/1 (oblique line above K in/at L card), mint never hinged, c.v.. 360CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362 Kosice MS, complete set 15 pcs of souvenir sheet fields, mint never hinged, c.v.. 800CZK 1945 Pof.A360/362 Kosice MS, comp. 3 pcs of with registered marks, lower in the middle, L and LR corner, mint never hinged 1945 Pof.A360/362 Kosice MS, comp. 5 pcs of with various flaw print - white rings and stains, mint never hinged 1945 Pof.398, lower bnd-of-20 with margin and plate mark, shift horiz. perf overlapping to picture of stmp 1945 Pof.A408/412 Partisan MS, complete set 9 pcs of according to MS pos., některý miniature sheet small wrinkle corner, overall clear, good quality 1945 Pof.A408/412 Partisan MS, postmark on face-side, c.v.. 2000CZK, unattested 1945 Pof.A408/412 Partisan MS, comp. of 9 types 1945 Pof.416 Štefánik, in/at blue-green color, catalogue doesn't report, for comparison also with stamp. dark green 1945 Pof.431-32 Kozina, complete L and right bands 2-columned, extended variants VK-9 and VK-10, all with margin, mint never hinged 1945 Pof.431-32 Kozina, upper and the bottom horseshoe, extended variants VK- 6 and VK-7, upper horseshoe 18zn + 2 Koruna, the bottom 10zn + 2 Koruna, all with margin, mint never hinged 1945 Pof.431-32 Kozina, complete. counter sheet (100+12K) with margin, 2x vertical folded in perforation, short detachment/section in perforation, otherwise nice quality, higher catalogue 1945-54 comp. 5 pcs of various plate variety and varieties, contains Pof.384PO, 385 plate variety 91/1, 474 pos. 91, 771 plate variety 1/1, 773 plate variety, mint never hinged, c.v.. 780CZK U:A5
1948 Pof.A492, miniature sheet K. Gottwald, complete set 10 types + subtypes Ia, IIa, mint never hinged, c.v.. 900CZK 1949 Pof.498ST Lenin, L band counter sheet with joined. types II + I, 6x coupon L with margin, nice quality, cat. only ST 700CZK, sought 1949 PLATE PROOF stamp. B.Smetana, Pof.515, without numeral value, grey-blue color, carton without gum with signature of engraver B.Heinze 1950 Pof.543, 545, 5. anniv of liberation, 4x plate variety, 543 plate variety 9/1 (čtvrté window), plate variety 41/1 (guideline below arm rypadla), 545 plate variety 17/1 (point below SL), plate variety 20/1 (stain in L), mint never hinged, c.v.. 400CZK U:A5
1950 Pof.564 XIII.typ, sort inscription X, c.v.. 500CZK 1950 Pof.A564 PRAGUE 1950, type II., subtype "broken off board", plate 2, slightly bumped corner, otherwise nice, c.v.. 750CZK 1950 Pof.A564 PRAGUE 1950, plate 2., T II., stamps printed crossways, mint never hinged 1950 Pof.A564 PRAGUE 1950, plate 4., with production flaw "cracked plate", mint never hinged, sought 1950 Pof.A564 PRAGUE 1950, according to supplier type XIII., inscription 17, nice quality 1950 Pof.A564 PRAGUE 1950, type VI, inscription with rovnou "9", c.v.. 950CZK 1952 Pof.A691/692, Exhibition BRATISLAVA, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1953 Pof.730, Agriculture, plate variety 21/1 line below "OS", stamp. with L margin, c.v.. 350CZK U:A5
1945 money letter with provisional by hand writen V "label", with whole set of stmp Partisan Pof.403-407, provisional postmark HORNÍ GRUNT by/on/at Vansdorfu/ 1945, on reverse seal; envelope signs of postal service