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1966 PT2x BRNO ´66 Janáček, format 142x204mm, unnumbered (catalogue shows only format but no unnumbered), in upper margin flaw in paper, otherwise nice quality, rare 1968 PT3 PRAGA ´68 Air, format 148x210mm, unnumbered (catalogue doesn't report), nice quality, rare 1968 PT4 PRAGA ´68 Rosary celebration, without description and unnumbered (catalogue doesn't report), right size, mint never hinged, rare 1968 PT4N PRAGA ´68 Rosary celebration, unissued special commemorative print, known 30 pcs of, nice, c.v.. 5000CZK 1971 PT6c Old Prague, unnumbered, mint never hinged, c.v.. 400CZK 1978 PT12c PRAGA '78 Tiziano Vecelli, with zero, nice quality, c.v.. 300CZK U:A5
1989 PT22, Washington, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1976 VT8a, Day of Stamp, numbered, nice quality, c.v.. 2300CZK U:A5
1976 VT8b, Day of Stamp, with zero, very fine, c.v.. 3000CZK U:A5
1985 ministry New Year card with picture stamp. Pof.2696 from of author Z.Filipa + envelope with additional-printing, Un 1952-57 Leopoldov, Příbram, comp. 2 pcs of letters on/for one recipient, 1x averaged service letter from Nápravného equipment Příbram, 1x letter from prisoner in/at Leopoldově, incl. content, censorship marked below sticked up upper lapel, good condition 1953 Ostrov near Karlovy Vary, unpaid sent vyrozumění about/by permit visit odsouzeného, burdened with postage-due, CDS Ostrov near Karlovy Vary (!)/ 4.IX.53, arrival postmark. Brno 2/ 7.IX.53, detached corners in the place conglutination, worse condition, but genuine document/attribut 1951 FDC with stamps Pof.583-4 Agricultural Work, postmark of day issue with defective date 2.IV.51, on reverse hints of white adhesive pastě, otherwise well preserved, Monograph 2000CZK U:A5
1978 FDC Common Space Flight Czechoslovakia–USSR, larger format with additional-printing, with Pof.2296-2297, supplemented with signatures astronauts Remek, Gubareva, Grečka and Romaněnka, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1986 3 pcs of ministerial FDC, 2x XVII. Congress of Communists with stamp. Pof.2736-37 with various red and gold postmarks, 1x 65. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia with stamp. Pof.2737-38 with red cancel., all in/at cover Czechosl. communications with basic row clear stamp. 1946 TRACING SERVICE air-mail letter sent to Red Cross to Geneva, Inter Arma Caritas, dohledávání prisoners after/around II. world. war, CDS ŠMÍDEBERK/ 14.XI.46; good condition U:A5
1956 Pešákova mailing printed-matter to Switzerland to camp EM GR.L.MOB.CDA, as response card, German railway postmark (Waldshut - Basel), camp postmark, unlifted and sent back on/for his pracoviště, hints of odlepení?, as zbloudilá mailing, good condition 1991 letter from of the 2nd day transport official courier service Czechoslovak post with Pof.2927 3x, straight line postmark Directory post Prague/ Postal courier service/ 2.7.91 with distinctive character "A", ordinal number 6, arrival postmark Prague 612/ 2.7.91 on reverse, good condition, same letter in/at mail service Profil (06/2006) after/behind 2.498CZK U:A5
1946 CDV VII, volume I to exhaustion- Slovak PC with hand-made violet overprint, uprated with stamp 1,20Kčs, Pof.419, to Austria, CDS Bratislava 1/ 3.V.46, passed through Austrian censorship; good condition 1946 CDV81/22 Lomnický peak, red machine overprint, CDS Bratislava 10.VIII.46, addressed to to Germany, censorship mark., good condition 1950-51 CDV96, comp. 2 pcs of PC to Germany, various shade, CDS Jablonec and Prague, round censorship marks, good condition 1951 CDV103/4-11, incomplete rekreace Labour Unions (8 pcs of), good condition, total c.v.. 1600CZK 1953 CDV118/1-16, 30 years of Czechoslovak Airlines, complete set, nice quality, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1953 CDV119/1-2, 30 years of Czechoslovak Airlines, good quality, c.v.. 1200CZK U:A5
1953 CDV120/1-30 Beauties of Our Homeland, complete set., nice quality, c.v.. 5000CZK 1956 CDV128/1-6, II. meeting of tourists, dřevitý paper, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1960 CDV142, complete collection 16 pcs of pictorial post cards, very fine, c.v.. 1100CZK 1978 CDV179 inverted technique print colors, light wrinkled corner, interesting 1978 COB53 Praga 78 without pre-printing address, forwarded by balloon and sent by air mail to Japan, all attributes, arrival postmark Hannan-Osaka 26.V.78 on reverse, good condition, c.v.. minimally 500CZK 1978 COB53A air envelope for balloon transport, address additional printing Pofis Prague, commercial product with appropriate postmarks, lapel unfolded, nice quality 1980 COB67, ministry, 2x red postmark + 1x blue, unfolded lapel 1983 COB76 Olympiad of Pigeons, uprated. 2x 50h and sent as Reg and Express letter, all attributes, well preserved 1983 COB76X, printing error ČESKOSKOVENSKO, lapel sticked up, otherwise nice quality, c.v.. 2300CZK U:A5
1984 COB81 Olympiad of Pigeons, uprated. 2x 50h and sent as Reg and Express letter, all attributes, well preserved 1987 CSO5, Exhibition PRAGA ´88, incl. inserted signed PF, Un, very fine, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1950 CPH4/ 1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 18, 21, 23, 24, incomplete set, good quality, c.v.. 400CZK 1969 CAE4B PRAGA 1968, aerogram transported to Tehran the first flight IL-62, violet cachet, CDS Prague 120/ 4.XI.69, on reverse arrival postmark. Tehran (Arrivee)/ 6.11.69, only light wrinkled margin, overall good condition, c.v.. 500CZK 1969 CAE5B PRAGA 1968, aerogram transported to Singapur I. flight IL-62, violet cachet, special postmark Prague/ Prague - Cairo - Bombay - Djakarta/ 7.11.1969, on reverse arrival postmark. Singapore/ 11.NOV.69, nice quality, c.v.. 500CZK 1972 CAE8A Bird wing, aerogram transported near/in/at I. flight aircraft TU134A from Prague to Tripoli, violet cachet, special postmark Prague/ first flight aircraft/ 8.1.72, on reverse arrival Tripoli Libya/ 15.1.72, returned CDS Prague 10/ 31.I.72, nice good condition (!), c.v.. 300CZK 1972 CAE8A Bird wing, aerogram transported to Tunis I. flight aircraft TU134A, violet cachet, special postmark Prague/ first flight letadla.../ 8.I.1972, on reverse arrival postmark. Tunis Carthage/ 23.1.1972, sent back CDS Prague 10/ ??, well preserved, c.v.. 300CZK 1945 CPL5 Certificate of mailing, comp. 7 pcs of, 2x machine additional printing, 5x hand-made violet also red, 1x uprating, 1x bianco CDS, higher catalogue, profitable 1945 CAZ3, address zázn. card with hand-made violet overprint, nice, c.v.. 1000CZK 1945 postal stationary3B complete unfolded, luxurious, catalogue 1790CZK 1976 stationery CPV32o, unfolded, pin hole from outer strany(!) 1949-52 certificate of rent, comp. 2 pcs of, 1x provisional by hand written with mounted doplatními(!) stamp. Pof.D70 2x, with CDS DOLNÍ KOUNICE 23.VII.49, 1x printed matter 580 with Pof.505 with CDS Desná in Jizera Mountains 15.I.52 1948 cut of order with advertising additional-printing MNV Velká Polom (district. Opava), ordinary postmark Lanškroun 18.XII.48, postmaster marks