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1945 photo postacard Košice franked with. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354, CDS Košice 4.VII.45, good condition 1946 Reg letter with Pof.354, 356, 404, CDS Spišská Nová Ves 26.II.46, framed Reg pmk, on reverse arrival postmark Prague, good condition 1947 Reg and airmail letter to USA with Pof.445, 458-9, L20, special postmark Prague 10 Castle/ T. G. Masaryk 1937-1947/ 14.IX.47, transit and arrival pmk on reverse, good condition 1947-50 comp. 11 pcs of letters sent by air mail to USA, 2x as Registered, various franking stamps postage, special, air (also provisory), nice selection of, all one recipient, good condition, it is worth seeing 1948 comp. 3 pcs of philatelic R letters addressed to Vienna, paid/franked together complete. sets St. Adalbert with coupons L and R, Pof.450KL-452KL, 450KP-452KP, from that 2 pcs of else/yet uprated, all with CDS Kalek 24.V.48 - worse readable, censorship mark., good condition U:A5
1953 Reg letter strictly private with mounted delivery stamp. Pof.DR3, CDS Litoměřice 18.V.53, multicolor franking; good condition 1953 large format letter franked with. 60 pcs of stamp. Pof.504, CDS Brno 18.VI,1953, last day of validity, light stains, wrinkle paper 1953 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 gift album minister communications předsedovi governance Czechoslovakia Viliamu Širokému to/at day Czechosl. army 6.10.1953. Contains clear also used blocks of four and imperforated plate proofs stamp. Pof.750-52 in original colors on/for kouscích zapaspartovaného paper, catalogues neregistrují. Poprvé in auction!! 1953 Pof.767 plate variety, L the bottom corner piece with imprint of transfer roll in margin, c.v.. 500CZK 1953-63 comp. 4 pcs of blocks with margin and dates of print, Pof.768 (21.I.54), 1104 (18.II.60) + (11.X.62), 1311 (29.V.63), only Pof.1311 hinged in margin 1953 Pof.773DO, Anniv of Death, L the bottom corner piece with imprint of transfer roll on/for L margin, c.v.. 500CZK U:A5
1954-59 Pof.786a+b Profession - engine-driver, 2x the bottom corner blk-of-6 with date of print 30.IV.54 and 15.IX.59, both shades, mint never hinged, c.v.. 960CZK 1954 Pof.792, 2 pcs with plate variety 31/1 + plate variety 36/2, c.v.. 380CZK U:A5
1955 [COLLECTIONS] gift album minister communications to 53. birthday Viliama Širokého, chairman governance Czechoslovakia, Prague 31.5.1955, with stamp. 10. anniv of liberation Czechoslovakia incl. imperforated proof print (copy-print gravures) stamp. Pof.821-23 in brown color on/for kouscích zapaspartovaného paper; catalogues neregistrují., definitely interesting U:Z
1957 selection of plate variety, Pof.948 with plate variety 17/1 (line in L), Pof.2060 with plate variety 1/1 (double nib N in/at L coupon), block of four Pof.2444 with plate variety 9/2 (red stains on/for face), mint never hinged, c.v.. 490CZK U:A5
1957-65 comp. 5 pcs of various plate variety and production flaw, contains Pof.948 plate variety 17/1, 975 plate variety 8/1, 979 production flaw, 1069 plate variety 21/1 and 1474 plate variety 3, mint never hinged, c.v.. 720CZK U:A5
1957 Pof.A967 A. Zápotocký, miniature sheet T II., good quality, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 3200CZK, profitable 1958 Pof.975 plate variety 8/1, incomplete-printing printings eye, horizontal pair U:A5
1958 Pof.PL1017, Brno 1958, complete set 4 plate, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1200CZK 1959 Pof.1091X A. Novotný, so-called. issue I, marginal block-of-4, superb, exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. 11200CZK 1961 Pof.1174 T II., (Orszách) with L margin, pos. 31, c.v.. 4000CZK U:A5
1961 Pof.A1216, miniature sheet PRAGA 1962, so-called. "linen", common small defects in gum, small/rare inside fold one stamps, overall good, c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
1961 PLATE PROOF stamp. Pof.1222, 80h Butterflies, print original gravure in black color on brown paper, exp. by Gilbert 1963 Pof.A1308, Man and Space Exploration, complete set 12 pcs of types I-XII, some on reverse marked type, mint never hinged, c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
1964 Pof.PL1396 Summer Olympic Games Tokio, miniature sheet with wide margin, inscription at top, light shadow of fold, otherwise good quality, c.v.. 4800CZK 1964 Pof.A1400, Voskhod I, complete set types I-VIII., mint never hinged, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1966 Pof.A1508 Bartered bride, complete set 4 MS pos. + Pof.A1523 Prague castle, complete set 4 types, mint never hinged 1966-67 Pof.1519/II. + Pof.1587/II. Fishes + Birds, both stamps T II., mint never hinged, c.v.. 250+220CZK 1966-69 comp. 8 pcs of various plate variety and plate variety, contains Pof.1555 plate variety 6/1, 1555 plate variety 12/1, 1585 plate variety 13/1, 1597 plate variety 25/2, 1647 plate variety 1/1, 1647 plate variety 18/1, 1780 plate variety 3/1, 1790 plate variety 1/1, mint never hinged, c.v.. 900CZK 1966-72 selection of plate variety and type, Pof.1570 T II., Pof.1799 with plate variety 2/1 (guideline through/over L circle rakve), pair Pof.1825 with plate variety 24/1 (dry branch), Pof.1938 with plate variety 14/1 (vertical little lines by/on/at frame), mint never hinged U:A5
1966 Pof.PL1574, Art I. Hollar, plate variety 3/2 ("slza"), light bumped corners, otherwise good quality, c.v.. 1300CZK U:A5
1966-67 Pof.PL1574-78, Art I. + PL1647-51 Art II., mint never hinged, c.v.. 1720CZK 1967-80 selection of plate variety, Pof.1585 with plate variety 13/1 (vertical guideline by/on/at emblému), Pof.2253 with plate variety 31/2 (curb), Pof.2255 with plate variety 18/1 (cut s), Pof.2422 with plate variety 40/1 (after/behind head runner missing blue color) pair, Pof.2430 with plate variety 34/2 (stain by Prague), mint never hinged, c.v.. 890CZK U:A5
1968 Pof.1718PL Coat of arms Prague, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1300CZK 1968 comp. 5 pcs of various plate variety, contains Pof.1722DO (group lines), 1722 plate variety 3/2, 1722 plate variety 8/2, 1728 plate variety 3/2, 1728 plate variety 7/1, mint never hinged, c.v.. 960CZK 1969 Pof.PL1791, Congress UPU, complete set 4 plate, mint never hinged, c.v.. 500 1970-72 comp. 9 pcs of various plate variety and plate variety, contains Pof.1808 plate variety 2/1, 1808 plate variety 86, 88, 90 (str-of-5), 1808 plate variety 82/2, plate variety 81/2, 91/2 (block of four), 1825 plate variety 2/1, 1825 with incomplete printing frame and smoke, 1841 plate variety 6/2, 1912 plate variety 3, 1938 plate variety 14/1 and 1990 plate variety 21/1, mint never hinged, c.v.. 770CZK U:A5
1954-78 selection of 28 pcs of various hahodilých production flaws, for example. on stmp Pof.790, 843, 1588, 1593, 1824, 1985, 2054I., 2296, etc.., mint never hinged, c.v.. minimally 500CZK 1970 Pof.1824, T II., dark-blue, marginal piece with date of print 14.V.70, below CZECH REPUBLIC blue line (production flaw (?)), mint never hinged, c.v.. 1200CZK 1970 Pof.1866ZT, additionally zhotovený plate proof on white paper without gum, joined printing black and yellow color, very light fold paper, on reverse thin/light sheet offset in black color, otherwise nice U:A5
1971 Pof.1928xb 25. Anniv UNICEF, corner piece, optically cleared paper, marked, nice quality, exp. by Pazout.., c.v.. 1800CZK U:A5
1971 Pof.1931ZT UNICEF, 2x trial print, black and red stages of print, white paper without gum, red color with face-value, nice quality 1971 Pof.1932ZT UNICEF, additionally zhotovený plate proof in black color on white paper without gum, lower margin, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1972 Pof.1961, Czechoslovakia world champion, comp. 5 pcs of plate variety on pos. 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, all in pairs with margin, mint never hinged, c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
1972 Pof.1961-2, Czechoslovakia world champion, in addition 1962 with plate variety 18 (shorter the bottom bar E), mint never hinged, c.v.. 290CZK U:A5
1972 Pof.1961-62, Czechoslovakia world champion, in addition No.1962 with plate variety 24 (shorter right nožka R), mint never hinged, c.v.. 290CZK U:A5
1972 comp. 10 pcs of various plate variety on issue "Czechoslovakia world champion", contains Pof.1961 plate variety 3, plate variety 10, plate variety 11, plate variety 20, plate variety 29, plate variety 32 and Pof.1962 plate variety 18, plate variety 24, plate variety 27, plate variety 35, mint never hinged, c.v.. 2080CZK U:A5
1972-74 comp. 9 pcs of various plate variety, production flaw and plate variety, contains Pof.1984VV, 1999 plate variety 6/2, 2006 plate variety 5/2, 2049 plate variety 4/1, 2060 plate variety 1/1, plate variety 3/2, plate variety 17/2, 2082 plate variety 9/2, 2088 plate variety 4/1, mint never hinged, c.v.. 820CZK U:A5
1972 Pof.2000b, yellow color, for comparison also with stamp. Pof.2000a orange, mint never hinged, c.v.. 600CZK 1972 Pof.2002 + 2003ZT Birds, additionally zhotovené plate proofs in black color for values 2Kčs and 3Kčs,1x without nominal value, stamp paper with gum U:A5
1973 Pof.2024ZT Space Exploration, trial print on stamp paper with gum, stage violet color for T II. stamps (grid background), nice quality 1973 Pof.2037ZT Flora Olomouc, 2x trial print in/at black and green color on/for strong white paper without gum, the bottom part of the stamps double, in addition stmp on/for comparison, nice quality U:A5
1973 Pof.2037ZT Flora Olomouc, trial print in black color on/for měkčím white paper without gum, in lower part stmp double, nice quality 1974 Pof.2077-81, Hydrological Decade, complete set., stmp 2081 with plate variety 1/1 (white rabbet), in addition 2x stmp with coupon and signature J.Lieslera, mint never hinged, only plate variety 400CZK U:A5
1974 Pof.PL2081, Hydrological Decade, with plate variety 1/1 "white rabbet R from Koruna", mint never hinged U:A5
1948-90 comp. 13 pcs of stamp. with various plate variety, production flaw and papers, contains i.a. 2x Pof.767 with imprint of transfer roll in margin (defects in gum), 801 plate variety 50/1, 1521 plate variety 67/1, 1825 plate variety 3/1, 1964 xb, 2090 without opticaly clearing agent etc.., total c.v.. ca. 3000CZK U:A5
1974 Pof.2090xa, paper without optical brightener, added 1 common stmp for comparison, c.v.. 900CZK 1974-1980 comp. 7 pcs of various plate variety, production flaw and plate variety, contains Pof.2095 plate variety 48/1, 2106 plate variety 41/2, 2145 plate variety 23/2, 2280 plate variety 42/2, 2296 plate variety 10/2, 2366VV and 2444 plate variety 9/12, mint never hinged, c.v.. 790CZK U:A5
1974 Pof.2111, Postal emblems, 2 pcs of, tropical gum and shaded sachet exp. Kulda, mint never hinged 1976 Pof.A2184Aa+b Lexa, 2x miniature sheet with přesahujícím perforation hole, both size, 1x lower with plate variety, 1x higher without plate variety, mint never hinged, c.v.. 530CZK