Mail Auction 18 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920

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62170 -  Pof.143-150, selection of 35 pcs of stamps with odlišením
Pof.143-150, selection of 35 pcs of stamps with odlišením in colour, sort paper, perf, types., 1x hinged, otherwise well preserved, c.v.. ca. 300CZK
Starting price: CZK
64799 -  Pof.144, 146, 148, 154, 156(*), 157, TBa, TBb, complete set
Pof.144, 146, 148, 154, 156(*), 157, TBa, TBb, complete set close and wide opposite facing pairs, stamps Pof.156 hinged, c.v.. 6500CZK
Starting price: CZK
63940 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, complete vertical str-of-10 wit
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, complete vertical str-of-10 with L margin without control-numbers, line perforation 13¾;, complete retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 1-91, plate 8
Starting price: CZK
63942 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch on pos. 100
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch on pos. 100, plate 1, 5 pcs of stamp. with přerušenou úhlopříčkou (1x in/at blk-of-9), supplemented with used postcard with mixed franking of stmp i.a. Pigeon-issue 5h violet with přerušenou úhlopříčkou
Starting price: CZK
63930 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 1, plate 8, 4 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 2 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14, supplemented with letter on reverse franked with. smíšnou franking stamp. 1x 20h, 2x 10h, 4x 5h, from that 3 pcs of stamp. with retouch on pos. 1, 11, 21; well elaborated, interesting
Starting price: CZK
63931 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 11, plate 8, 3 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 3 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14 (incl. horiz. pairs), supplemented with block of 8 with retouch on pos. 11, 21; well elaborated, interesting
Starting price: CZK
63932 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 21, plate 8, 2 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 3 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14, 2x pair horiz. and 1x pair vertical with retouch on pos. 21, 31
Starting price: CZK
63933 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 31, plate 8, 3 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 2 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14, supplemented with letter with mixed franking of stmp i.a. stamp. with retouch on pos. 31; well elaborated, rare
Starting price: CZK
63934 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 41, plate 8, 2 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾; (incl. str-of-3), 4 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14 (1x pair); suitable to research
Starting price: CZK
63937 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 51, plate 8, 3 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 1 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14, supplemented with R-dopisem franked with. mixed franking i.a. pair with retouch on pos. 51; 1x repaired stamp.
Starting price: CZK
63935 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 61, plate 8, 2 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 3 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14 (incl. mint never hinged horiz. str-of-3 and vertical pairs with retouch on pos. 51, 61); supplemented with entires with mixed franking of stmp with retouch on pos. 61; well elaborated, suitable to research
Starting price: CZK
63936 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 71, plate 8, 3 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾; (1x mint never hinged), 2 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14 incl. block of 6 with reteší on pos. 61, 71, 81, block of four with retouch on pos. 71, 81, supplemented with letter on reverse with mixed franking of stmp incl. stamp. with retouch on pos. 71; rare, suitable to research
Starting price: CZK
63938 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 81, plate 8, 2 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 2 pcs of stamp. with comb perforation 14, supplemented with used postcard franked with. rare 8-tuple franking stamp. 5h, retouch on pos. 81; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
63939 -  Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription
Pof.144, retouch 5h violet, elaboration retouch inscription "Post" on pos. 91, plate 8, 2 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾;, 2 pcs of mint never hinged stamp. with comb perforation 14, supplemented with used postcard franked with. mixed franking incl. stamp. 5h, retouch on pos. 91; nice
Starting price: CZK
62906 -  Pof.144N, wide margins, exp. by Stupka
Pof.144N, wide margins, exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
64838 -  Pof.145, 10h dark green, LR block of four, full machine off
Pof.145, 10h dark green, LR block of four, full machine offset
Starting price: CZK
63451 -  Pof.145, 10h green, horiz. gutter from skusmých prints, in
Pof.145, 10h green, horiz. gutter from skusmých prints, in str-of-3, on/for rose maculature paper, together with value 5h blue (c.v.. Pofis, page. 73), interesting
Starting price: CZK
62905 -  Pof.145A, block of four with lower margin and control-numbe
Pof.145A, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, full machine offset
Starting price: CZK
63428 -  Pof.145N, horizontal pair, double impression, exp. by Gilbe
Pof.145N, horizontal pair, double impression, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
62907 -  Pof.146N, standard margins, exp. by Stupka + owner's mark
Pof.146N, standard margins, exp. by Stupka + owner's mark
Starting price: CZK
62908 -  Pof.147A, block of four, full machine offset
Pof.147A, block of four, full machine offset
Starting price: CZK
64835 -  Pof.148N, 20h orange, imperforated, c.v.. 500CZK
Pof.148N, 20h orange, imperforated, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
64831 -  Pof.148TBa, c.v.. 800CZK
Pof.148TBa, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
64808 -  Pof.148TBb, 20h orange, wide TB with upper margin, lightly
Pof.148TBb, 20h orange, wide TB with upper margin, lightly hinged only in margin, c.v.. 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
64832 -  Pof.148TBb, c.v.. 800CZK
Pof.148TBb, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
63604 -  Pof.148ZT, 20h wide zero, letterprint plate proof in black
Pof.148ZT, 20h wide zero, letterprint plate proof in black color on white paper
Starting price: CZK
63140 -  Pof.150, 30h violet, corner horizontal pair with margin, co
Pof.150, 30h violet, corner horizontal pair with margin, control-numbers and plate number 26 from plate 7, c.v.. 1180CZK
Starting price: CZK
63141 -  Pof.150, 30h violet, pair with control-numbers
Pof.150, 30h violet, pair with control-numbers
Starting price: CZK
62862 - 1920-26 comp. 14 pcs of entires with Pigeon-issue, issue Cha
1920-26 comp. 14 pcs of entires with Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker and issue Agriculture and Science, chosen pmk, some very interesting, We recommend it, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
63941 - 1922 Oznam undeliverableness in value 2,50CZK, franked 50-tu
1922 Oznam undeliverableness in value 2,50CZK, franked 50-tuple franking stamp. Pigeon-issue Pof.144 5h violet, 1 pcs in front, 49 pcs of stamps on reverse, CDS Šilperk 28.III.22, arrival Prague 30.III.22; exceptional franking, stamps originate from plate 8, line perforation 13¾;, stamps in margin block pos. 1–41 with retouch inscription "Post"; unique document/attribut
Starting price: CZK
62247 - 1923 comp. 2 pcs of printed-matters franked with. opposite f
1923 comp. 2 pcs of printed-matters franked with. opposite facing pairs Pof.146TBa, resp. 146TBb, MC Brno 2/ 24.VII. and 3.VIII.23, philatelic correspondence, after all interesting, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
65324 - 1927 Blind mailing, postcard franked with. stmp Pof.143 (5h
1927 Blind mailing, postcard franked with. stmp Pof.143 (5h Pigeon-issue), CDS Prague 11/ 3.XI.27, arrival postmark. incomplete postal agency pmk SLABCE (Geb.1202), greeting vydírkován "ZASÍLÁ JOSEPH", good condition, cat. min. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 18 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920 - Information

1. 6. 1920  Holubice

Na výzvu Ministerstva pošt a telegrafů předložil vítězný návrh na poštovní známky emise Holubice Jaroslav Benda. Celkem bylo vydáno 8 známek v 6 různých hodnotách, od 5 do 30 haléřů, z toho hodnoty 5h a 10h ve dvou různých barvách. Všechny známky emise Holubice byly vytištěny knihtiskem (KT), pro tisk jednotlivých hodnot byl použit různý počet tiskových desek (TD), od 2 do 69 kusů, sestavených do 2 nebo 4 tiskových forem (TF) ze známek stejných nebo různých hodnot, dokonce i v sestavě se známkami jiného vydání (Hradčany, Osvobozená republika). Všechny hodnoty byly vytištěny na bílém papíru s hladkým lepem a opatřeny hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14. Celé 100 kusové archy poštovních známek 5h fialová a 10h olivová byly opatřeny i řádkovým zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾ a stejným ŘZ 13¾ byly ozoubkovány i známky 5h fialová, 10h olivová a 20h oranžová pocházející z archů vytištěnými pro známkové sešitky. Ze stejných archů pocházejí i mezi sběrateli oblíbené úzké nebo široké dvojice těchto 3 hodnot.

Poštovní známky emise Holubice byly do poštovního provozu zaváděny postupně, hodnoty 5h modrá, 10h zelená a 15h hnědá v červnu 1920, 5h fialová, 10h olivová, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená v srpnu 1920.  Vydání hodnoty 30h fialová bylo v úředním Věstníku oznámeno 22. 4. 1925. Platnost jednotlivých hodnot emise Holubice nebyla ukončena ve stejný den, ale opět postupně, podle potřeb poštovního provozu. Poštovní známky 5h modrá (1. náklad) a 10h zelená pozbyly platnosti 30. 4. 1921, hodnoty 5h fialová a 30h fialová dne 31. 7. 1928, zbývající hodnoty 5h modrá (2. náklad), 10h olivová, 15h hnědá, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená platily do 29. 2. 1932.