Mail Auction 18 / Other Collector`s Domains / Personal Documents

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64079 - 1809 certificate, printed certificate journeyman with nice i
1809 certificate, printed certificate journeyman with nice initial, Prussia, revenues, damaged red seal
Starting price: CZK
64046 - 1813 Lauf-Paß, letter of discharge from army, nice seal 8.
1813 Lauf-Paß, letter of discharge from army, nice seal 8. Linienregimentu
Starting price: CZK
64044 - 1813 Schub-Zettel, Schub-Paß (tow-pass) printed, much zápi
1813 Schub-Zettel, Schub-Paß (tow-pass) printed, much zápisů, seal
Starting price: CZK
64051 - 1824 printed certificate from Sunday school in/at Blučině
1824 printed certificate from Sunday school in/at Blučině (dist. Brno-province), nice red seal school
Starting price: CZK
64054 - 1827 Vander-Paß, journeyman's sheet handwritten, nice mark
1827 Vander-Paß, journeyman's sheet handwritten, nice mark of lordship, revenue 6 Kreuzer, cat. Korinek 72-B, officially free of validity cutting, stain
Starting price: CZK
59467 - 1827 migration book bound in/at hard cover,  revenue signet
1827 migration book bound in/at hard cover, revenue signet 15 Kreuzer from year 1818, data with postmarks places from surroundings Brno, very well preserved
Starting price: CZK
64053 - 1830 Schub-Paß, Schub-Paß (tow-pass) preprinted, postmark
1830 Schub-Paß, Schub-Paß (tow-pass) preprinted, postmark
Starting price: CZK
64055 - 1836 Hausierungspaß, permit to podomnímu shop with inserte
1836 Hausierungspaß, permit to podomnímu shop with inserted živnostenským sheet, decorative print, revenues 2G and 3 Kreuzer
Starting price: CZK
64049 - 1840 passport of Kingdom of Bohemia, decorative červeně-č
1840 passport of Kingdom of Bohemia, decorative červeně-černý print, common signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
59474 - 1840 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA  large apprenticeship diploma wi
1840 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA large apprenticeship diploma with decorated heading and with symbols craft industry , revenue signet 1 gulden, wax seal, folded, light spots
Starting price: CZK
64146 - 1841 decorated printed confirmation for vandrovního stolař
1841 decorated printed confirmation for vandrovního stolaře zůstávajícího on/for nocleh ("herberk")
Starting price: CZK
64137 - 1848 MILITARIA  certificate of insertion to national guard,
1848 MILITARIA certificate of insertion to national guard, Uherský Brod, printed with decorative small frame, signature commander
Starting price: CZK
64048 - 1848 Reise-Paß, passport March of Moravia, revenue 6 Kreuze
1848 Reise-Paß, passport March of Moravia, revenue 6 Kreuzer, controll imprinted stamp; common hints wearing
Starting price: CZK
64050 - 1848 very ornamentally napsané and nakreslené profesní ce
1848 very ornamentally napsané and nakreslené profesní "certificate" učitele and hudebníka Francis Mokrého, where sám form dotazníku shows his/her/its data, nice red seal deanery Jedovnice
Starting price: CZK
64061 - 1849 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE  decorated heading with Austrian
1849 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE decorated heading with Austrian eagle, seal, revenue 30Kr, c.v.. Koř.105-WI, controll imprinted stamp; good condition
Starting price: CZK
64052 - 1861 document, ornamentally unilaterally printed identity ca
1861 document, ornamentally unilaterally printed identity card valid 1 year, on reverse 15 Kreuzer revenue, cat. Korinek 57
Starting price: CZK
59473 - 1869 diploma Moravian-Silesian company for povznesení econo
1869 diploma Moravian-Silesian company for povznesení economy, Brno, gravure, folded
Starting price: CZK
59637 - 1906 document Czech sailor Austro-Hungarian mariny, zajatéh
1906 document Czech sailor Austro-Hungarian mariny, zajatého in China, written Chinese and German, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64931 - 1908 FORGING  apprenticeship diploma, společenství kovář
1908 FORGING apprenticeship diploma, společenství kovářů and podkovářů, Brandýs nad Labem, in form book, 8 sides, revenue, postmark, signatures, illustration
Starting price: CZK
62083 - 1916 Identity-card member Czechoslovak. legions in France, r
1916 Identity-card member Czechoslovak. legions in France, rozevírací, mounted stamps, inside red round postmark LEGION DE VOLONTAIRES TCHEQUES PARIS (Verner No.47), good condition, extraordinary historical document/attribut
Starting price: CZK
64509 - 1929-34 3x various document, 2x  Kruhu friends Nezávislé u
1929-34 3x various document, 2x Kruhu friends Nezávislé unity Czechosl. legionaries, 1x paper slip small format and 1x booklet small format with mounted stamps, both from odbočky Náchod, good condition; 1x member passport Union members Czechosl. army in/at reserve in Prague, booklet with mounted stamps, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
64510 - 1935-38 2x various document, 1x Masaryk's air league in Uzhh
1935-38 2x various document, 1x Masaryk's air league in Uzhhorod, 3-piece folding picture-book with mounted stamps, bilingual postmark; 1x Corps voluntary firemen in Old Městě Náchod II., both good condition
Starting price: CZK
64508 - 1937 JUDAICA  document členky Union Czechs Jews in Czechosl
1937 JUDAICA document členky Union Czechs Jews in Czechoslovakia, paper slip small format, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
64506 - 1939-40 Identity-card Mládeže of National Union and Member
1939-40 Identity-card Mládeže of National Union and Member passport of National Union, issued in/at BABÍ, dist. Náchod for same member, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
64694 - 1941 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  Identity card ČMD (Bohemian-Moravian
1941 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Identity card ČMD (Bohemian-Moravian Railway) for participant kursu (I.kurs for training instruktorů racers), mounted revenue 5 Koruna, vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
64111 - 1946 Military passport to/at entry to Nuremberg in/at US zon
1946 Military passport to/at entry to Nuremberg in/at US zone, 3-piece folding picture-book, good condition
Starting price: CZK