1920 2 pcs of PLATE PROOF refused design/sketch on/for Legionary stamp. 1919 from so-called. II. competition, Legionary in fire, C.C. in blue color, and Linden Leaves by/on/at pařezu, HT in red color on stamp paper with gum, author J. Benda
1939 Exile miniature sheet for World exhibition in New York 1939, Pof.ANV18 with additional-printing text also emblem / symbol in black color, c.v.. Trojan AS2a, usual small folds, otherwise mint never hinged
1919 COURIER MAIL PC sent from Paris to Prague, franked with. pair stamp.. Pof.3 (Hradčany 5h), larger part postmark courier service, postcard lightly broken, after all good quality
1933 Postal saving bank, form/blank envelope with additional-printing Post. bank in Prague format A5, sent as Reg with red R postmark and CDS PS Prague 8.V.33, on reverse paper seal; good condition
1936 postcard sent in Austria to Vienna, redirected to Karlovy Vary, here burdened with postage-due 60h, undelivered, label Departed, annulled postage due and redirected to Salzburg, well preserved
1918 Austrian PC 8h Franz Joseph, Mi.P223, printed stamp. over-mounted Austrian stamp. 2x 6h Mi.187, CDS Prague 3/ 23.XII.18, on reverse without text, good condition
1919CPŘ41, Hungarian envelope 15f sent as Reg to Košice, on reverse uprated. 6x Pof.5 with private perf, CDS Csacza919.AUG.1. (Čadca), dusky upper margin, good condition
1919 CPŘ56, Hungarian letter-card 20f without margins, CDS Pozsony 919 Jul.5. supplemented with Czech - Italian FP cachet FP-postmark 7. home-defensive Czechosl. batt and by hand Field post No.50; good condition
1918Hungarian passport order telegraph with imprinted value 2f, used as forerunner, uprated with stamp Károly 20f 4x, 10f, CDS Liptóujvár (Liptovský Hrádok) 4.DEC.1918, crosswise folds, interesting
1918 intrastate post. credit note big with imprinted value 2f, uprated with stamp Reaper 25f, CDS Breznóbánya (Brezno) 10.DEC.1918, detached cut mounted paper adhesive strip
1919-21 CDV7, 3x CDV10, 1x private additional printing in front Knihtiskárna Anthony Štrombacha in/at Louny on/for Valích (!), 2x CDV14 (distinctive shades color) and CDV20, from that 6 pcs of uprated and 1 pcs of burdened by postage-due, good condition
1920 CDV10 uprated with stamp 5h Hradčany Pof.4 + 15h and 20f PČ 1919 (overprint) Pof.38, 120, CDS Prague 1/ 8.1.20, sent to airport in Košice, good condition
1927CDV33 sent by air mail to Dresden, uprated with stamp Pof.L4, CDS Prague 82 Airport 16.VII.27, arrival red postmark Mit Luftpost Befördert Dresden N.25, good condition
1932 CDV48/3 PC with uprated by. stmp 1CZK and sent as express, CDS Německý Brod 1/ 30.VI.32, arrival postmark. Telegraph central station Prague/ 1.VII.32, presentation postmark palace Danube, good condition
1925form/blank international telegram, on reverse with advertising Paper Kraus and Restaurant Macháček, imprint 769č.(II-1925), imprint of straight line postmark Telephone central office Prague, only folds
1938 whole international postal order, selling price 10h, printed matter D1930, with Pof.303, 308, CDS Bardejov 30.VI.38, addressed to to Palestine (Tel-Aviv), transit pmk Port Said 18. and 21.FE.39 on reverse, well preserved