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1907 Reg letter franked by stmp 5x ½P + 2x 1P (Edward VII.), CDS Coverisland..?..bour/ Bahamas/ 23.FEB.07, black Reg cancel, addressed. to Bohemia, transit pmk on reverse, small format, several thin/light nahnědlých stains U:A5
1953 Mi.141-52, full set 12 pcs of, cheaper stamps hinged, otherwise nice, catalogue value for MNH 120€ U:A5
1893 PC 1c blue oval, uprated with stamp Mi.26 1c Victoria yellow, to London, decorative, on reverse hints after sticking U:A5
1930 air-mail letter (Medicine Hat - Winnipeg) franked with. i.a. 4-blokem(!) stamp. 1c, Mi.92 without horiz. perf - arrangement for coil- issue, MC Medicine Hat 3.Mar.30 and cachet 1. flight, cat. Scott 75$ U:A5
1946 comp. 2 pcs of postal stationery covers 4c red, sent by air mail to Czechoslovakia, uprated with stamp 2x 3c and 20c, good condition U:A5
1908-30 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc franked 1x stamp. Panama with overprint CANAL ZONE, CDS La Boca JUL.23.1908, and 1x stamp. USA with overprint CANAL ZONE, CDS Balboa MAR.6.1930, to Brno and Prague U:A5
1953-68 comp. 13 pcs of FDC, Un, various motives, good quality U:A5
1857 Mi.1, full margins, without gum, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1861 Mi.13y, wide margins, c.v.. 20€ U:A5
1861 Mi.14y, close margins, on reverse 2 hinge / label and note by pencil., c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1866 Mi.16y, dumb postmark., on reverse owner's mark, c.v.. 40€ U:A5
1866 Mi.18y, in lower part light ribbed paper, c.v.. 65€ U:A5
1857 Mi.2, wide margins, owner's mark, on reverse heavy hinge, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1935-37 Mi.214-17 and Mi.218-20, complete set U:A5
1937 Mi.221-31A, complete set, mint never hinged, value 48c horiz. fold, c.v.. 30€ U:A5
1868 Mi.22I. (stamp. without gum) + Mi.22II. (used zn.), significant color shades, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1857 Mi.3, very wide margins, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1876-1947 Mi.30 - 244, selection of 85 pcs of stamps, total c.v.. ca. 450€ U:A4
1897 Mi.55, light off center, c.v.. 50€ U:A5
1897 Mi.56, on reverse owner's mark, UR corner light fold, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1880-1947 comp. 6 pcs of entires, contains 3 various newspaper letter-card/-s, 1x FDC, 1x CDV and 1x Reg letter, good condition U:A5
1861 Mi.15y, wide margins, c.v.. 40€ U:A5
1949 selection of 18 pcs of miniature sheets UPU U:A5
1928 postcard sent to Slovakia, franked with. overprint stamp. Mi.57 (USA 2C), burdened with postage-due 100h, Pof.DL54, MC Ancon Canal zone/ JAN.27.28, arrival postmark Jľava/ 23.II.28 (faulty inscription in/at cancel place Iľava), good condition U:A5
1955 FDC with miniature sheet Mi.Bl.1, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1932 postal stationery cover 2c with cachet to 5. Anniv flight nonstop through/over Atlantic, uskutečněnému Charlesem A. Lindberghem on/for trace New York - Paris 20-21.5.1927, MC Hammond/ May21.1932, nice good condition U:A5
1932 postal stationery cover 2c with flight cachet the first women Amelie E.Putnam through/over Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland, MC New York/ JUN.20.1932, nice good condition U:A5
1925 postal stationery cover uprated with stamp 8c (Mi.286), transported the first nočním flight New York - Chicago and then transported transit flight to Toronta in Canada, CDS Boston/ JUL.1.1925, + cachet Air Mail/ First Overnight Flight/ New York to Chicago, on reverse transit. Chicago/ JUL.2 1925 and arrival postmark Toronto/ JUL.3.25 Canada, good condition U:A5
1914 letter franked with. parcel stmp 2c, Mi.2 (Scott Q2), allowed order minister post from 1.7.1913, CDS Union, Iowa/ JAN.14.1914, well preserved U:A5
1913 letter franked with. parcel stmp 3c, Mi.3 (Scott Q3), allowed order minister post from 1.7.1913, MC Oakland/ Jul.24.1913, redirected, well preserved U:A5
1897 USA letter sent from New York 5.Nov.97 to Memfhisu franked with. půlenou(!) 4c stamp. Mi.50, several folds in envelope U:A5
1994 express stmp issued to 25. Anniv first man on the Moon, Mi.2478 (Scott 2842), mint never hinged, c.v.. Mi.24€ U:A5
1988 special delivery stmp 3rd issue, Mi.2014 (Scott 2394), mint never hinged, c.v.. 36€ U:A5
1995-96 special delivery stamps 3 pcs of, Mi.2581/I.+II., 2612 (Scott 2544+a+d), mint never hinged, cat. Michel 40€ U:A5
1941 first flight Evansville - Louisville, Route No.47 Extension, green cachet on/for franked with. envelope 1. flight, MC Evansville 12.Jun.41, good condition U:A5
1929 First Flight Miami - Canal Zone, black cachet on envelope 1. flight, with Mi.250, 264, MC Miami, FLA 4.Feb. 29, on reverse arrival postmarkl Cristobal 6.Feb.29, good condition U:A5
1925 international reply coupon (Design Stockholm) for value 11c, cancelled one CDS Trdy 24.Sep., in corner archiving perforation and several stains U:A5
1869 Mi.27, 28, 31, c.v.. 218€ U:A5
1938 National Airmail Week Butte with mounted měděnou destičkou, air envelope with MC Butte 21.May.38, good condition U:A5
1937 envelope Us advertising flight Anglo-American Goodwill Coronation Flight New York - London, with USA and Britain, CDS New York 8.May 37, London 13.My.37, supplemented with americkým also Brit. cachet U:A5
1843 pre-philatelic letter, green (!) envelope, red CDS Cincinati/ APR.11., addressed. to Columbus (Ohio), small format, 1x vert. fold, good condition U:A5
1922 comp. 14 pcs of stamps, issue for automat, various perf, suitable for specialist U:A5
1909-10 comp. 2 pcs of postal stationery covers, uprated nice color franking, Reg from New York to Austria, decorative U:A5
1922 comp. 2 pcs of postage stmp., various size picture, suitable for specialist U:A5
1928-36 comp. 2 pcs of Zeppelin-letters to Europe, 1x first flight Zeppelins Hindenburg and 1x Graf Zeppelin, cachets flight, well preserved U:A5
1851-70 comp. 3 pcs of letters with Mi.4, Ni.9 with nice blue CDS Harrisburgh 13.Nov. 1857 and Mi.36, small defects U:A5
1893-1915 comp. 4 pcs of postal stationery covers (3x Columbus 1892), uprated by. interesting franking, 1x as Registered, to Europe (3x) and Brazil (1x), decorative U:A5
1893-03 comp. 4 pcs of postal stationery covers 1c, 2c, 5c and 10c issued on the occasion of 400 years from discovery America Kryštofem Kolumbem (Scott U348-51), 2x used to Europe and 2x in/at Ohiu, 3x on reverse arrival, good condition U:A5
1903-1915 comp. 4 pcs of postal stationery covers with commercial added-print, 3x uprated (1x perfin), sent 3x to Europe, decorative added-print U:A5
1936-77 comp. 6 pcs of stamp with odlišnými colors print, Mi.1317 2x on cut-square U:A5
1900 comp. 7 pcs of postage stmp G. Washington, with speciálními postmarks in form of separate star, star in circle, rosety and soustředných kružnic, suitable for specialist U:A5
1983 STAMP BOOKLETS stamp booklets with 3 stamps 1. issue expresních stamps, Mi.1648C(2x)+D (Scott 1909a), mint never hinged U:A5
1985 STAMP BOOKLETS stamp booklets with 3 stamps 2. issue expresních stamps Mi.1750C(2x)+D (Scott 2122), T I. (value $10,75 skvrnitá), mint never hinged U:A5
1896 PC Asch.3, to Austria, CDS Port of Spain/ DE.5.96, arrival postmark. Gorz/ 25.12.96, smaller hinged, fold corner, else preserved U:A5
1931 Mi.155 anniv. - waterfall, 3x shorter tooth, blunt corner, still preserved, c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1902 comp. 2 pcs of letters sent to Austria U:A5
1951 Mi.143-55 King George VI., lightly hinged, otherwise nice quality, catalogue value for MNH 36€ U:A5
1861 Queen Victoria, imperfect perf, partial odstřižení, further determination neprovedeno, examination recommended, preserved U:A5
1869 Mi.7 Queen Victoria, short cutting in margin, worse perf, examination recommended, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1925 air-mail letter private line Montevideo - Florida, franked with. 2 pcs of private stamp. with oval red cancel. Coreo Aero Montevideo 25 de Agosto 1925, addressed to to Estonska(!), on reverse arrival postmark Talin 1.9.25; vertical fold U:A5