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1993 Zsf.2 State Coat of Arms as blk-of-4 with sheet margin, on all stamps very shifted print blue and silver color, mint never hinged 1993 Zsf.2 State Coat of Arms , horizontal pair with big shift colors and perf, mint never hinged 1993 Zsf.2, Small state coat of arms, 2 pcs of complete 50 pcs of printing sheet (sudý and lichý) with shift silver and blue color significantly transport, date of print 3.XII.92, vertical fold, cat. only stamp. 30.000Sk 1993 Zsf.2, Small state coat of arms, block of four with L margin, shift red and blue color transport 1993 Zsf.2, Small state coat of arms, block of four with omitted print red color and with shifted print silver color and shifted perforation 1994 Zsf.30PL, oblique light line through head on pos. 4 U:A5
1994 Zsf.41H, additionally vyrobená "double perf", difference in size holes and in/at number holes in vertical perf (16:17) 1995 Zsf.65, Peace and freedom, marginal stmp with L margin, significant production flaw - double impression red color, c.v.. doesn't report, also with stmp for comparison U:A5
1998 Zsf.161PLb, 1 coupon between stamps, c.v.. 800SKK 2002 Ervo.PL271a, without imprinted coupons 2003 Ervo.PL292, production flaw stain in okvětním card 2003 Ervo.PL292a, without imprinted coupons 2004 Ervo.PL320a, without imprinted coupons 2006 (Mi.538) 10Sk Děvín, counter sheet with printing coupons "tog." 2006 (Mi.538) 10Sk Děvín, PB, contains 8 pcs of stamps with coupons to 15. Anniv police corps, mint never hinged U:A5
2006 (Mi.538) 10Sk Děvín, counter sheet without imprinted coupons 1997-2000 selection of, Ervo-catalogue PNL08a (zero) Nepela, PNL11a (zero) Basketball, c.v.. 800SKK 2000 selection of, official postal stationery cover Ervo-catalogue CSO10 with New Year's card signed minister post, official envelope with heading ministry (without imprinted stamps) with New Year's card, commemorative sheet Ervo-catalogue PaL01