Mail Auction 18 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains

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64493 - 1940-41 USA  2 pcs of oblong envelopes firm A.Caemmer sent t
1940-41 USA 2 pcs of oblong envelopes firm A.Caemmer sent to Bohemia-Moravia franked by stmp with perfin "26" in circle, CDS New York, Us Brit. and German censorship; folds and tearing in margin envelopes
Starting price: CZK
63473 - 1900-30 USA  comp. 8 pcs of stamps with perfins, contains al
1900-30 USA comp. 8 pcs of stamps with perfins, contains also better values (2,00$), 2x on cut-square
Starting price: CZK
64492 -  GERMANY  letter sent from ship M.S. Sauerland to Germany, f
GERMANY letter sent from ship M.S. Sauerland to Germany, franked with. Japanese stamp. with CDS Dairen 7.11.29, envelope ship company Hamburg - America Lines; good condition
Starting price: CZK
65460 - 1916 selection of 36 pcs of photos and 1 Us postcard, fotodo
1916 selection of 36 pcs of photos and 1 Us postcard, fotodokumentace from stay internee team Austria-Hungary marine in/at Beijing in 1916, part photos with descriptions and date
Starting price: CZK
62270 - 1918 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. stamps FP Mi
1918 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. stamps FP Mi.61+69 + revenue, CDS Etappenpostamt/ Beograd/ 24.X.18, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64574 - 1914-16 comp. 3 pcs of letters with FP, from that 1x as Regi
1914-16 comp. 3 pcs of letters with FP, from that 1x as Registered with CDS Etappenpostamt Piotrków, 1x mixed franking stamp. I. and issue II with CDS Etappenpostamt Dzialoszyn; small stains and tearing in/at envelopes, cat. Ferchenbauer 400€
Starting price: CZK
61664 - 1916 postcard with mixed franking Austria-Hungary FP (Mi.26)
1916 postcard with mixed franking Austria-Hungary FP (Mi.26) + BH (Mi.89, 90, 92, 93, 94), evidently philatelically motivated, marked as Registered, over-franked. about/by 1H, to Germany, CDS FP č.71/ 23.V.16, arrival postmark. Breslau/ 29.5.16, incomplete military unit postmark with eagle, nice good condition, photo postcard records in/at palebném position houfnici Škoda, ráže 30,5cm, two-sided interesting item
Starting price: CZK
64961 - 1914 2 pcs of cards from start war addressed to Bohemia, 1x
1914 2 pcs of cards from start war addressed to Bohemia, 1x with railway pmk č.382/ Jungzblau - Nimburg 12.VIII.14, 1x with CDS FP č.79/ 22.VIII.14; nice print good condition
Starting price: CZK
64964 - 1914 selection of 19 pcs of cards sent to start war without
1914 selection of 19 pcs of cards sent to start war without postmarks FP, part only postmark formations in Kroměříž and Hradec Králové, several franked or PC, 1x burdened with postage-due
Starting price: CZK
61702 - 1915 BIRCH BARK CARD  transported field post, CDS FP č.100/
1915 BIRCH BARK CARD transported field post, CDS FP č.100/ 15.III.15 + violet military unit postmark with eagle, small format, sent to Brno, extraordinary, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
65515 - 1917 K.u.K.. FP No.76, straight line postmark, circular pmk
1917 K.u.K.. FP No.76, straight line postmark, circular pmk FP No.76 27.III.17, in picture side photo postal clerks, bumped corners, ribbed corner
Starting price: CZK
65009 - 1918 FP No. 1062/a/ 15.IX.18 on Ppc addressed to to Prague,
1918 FP No. 1062/a/ 15.IX.18 on Ppc addressed to to Prague, incomplete print, rare usage, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64406 - 1918 K.u.K Etappenpostamt ELBASSAN (Albania), comp. 2 pcs of
1918 K.u.K Etappenpostamt ELBASSAN (Albania), comp. 2 pcs of folded FP cards, supplemented with line FP cachet postmark K.u.K.. Tragbare Sekt./F203, Rainer. 600 pt
Starting price: CZK
46514 - 1915 K.u.K.. LUFTSCHIFFERABTEILUNG (Aeronautical Division) /
1915 K.u.K.. LUFTSCHIFFERABTEILUNG (Aeronautical Division) / AIRCRAFT COMPANY No.8 violet straight line postmark on card for FP, supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. FP/ 186/ 18.1.15, incomplete-printing circular postmark
Starting price: CZK
46526 - 1916 Ballonabteilung No.15  violet straight line postmark on
1916 Ballonabteilung No.15 violet straight line postmark on card for FP, supplemented with round cancel. TP/916FEB.2, superb print
Starting price: CZK
46511 - 1916 K.u.K. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Pola, red round
1916 K.u.K. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Pola, red round postmark with eagle on Ppc, supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. Field Post/ 4.VIII.16, nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
46516 - 1916 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN* AIRCRAFT COMPANY No.14, superb
1916 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN* AIRCRAFT COMPANY No.14, superb violet round military unit postmarks on/for Hungarian card for FP, supplemented with imperfect print CDS 24/6/16
Starting price: CZK
1916 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ FLIEGERETAPPENPARK (Aircraft Base Park) No.4, violet straight line postmark supplemented with round cancel. same útvaru(!!), cancel. Etappenpostamt 185/ 27.I.16, superb print
Starting price: CZK
46504 - 1916 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ AIRCRAFT COMPANY Nr.24  two va
1916 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ AIRCRAFT COMPANY Nr.24 two various uniquely designed postmarks (line and round) on correspondence card for Feldpost (Field-Post), supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. FP/ 223/ 29.V.16, cross fold, superb postal imprints
Starting price: CZK
46520 - 1916 K.u.K.. Luftschifferabteilung*/ Fliegerkompagnie No. 2
1916 K.u.K.. Luftschifferabteilung*/ Fliegerkompagnie No. 2 red circular pmk on card for FP, supplemented with K.u.K.. FP/ 320/ 14.III.16, worse readability text on/for subdivision cancel
Starting price: CZK
1917 K.u.K.. FLIEGERSATZTRUPPE/ FLIEGERSATZKOMPAGNIE No.11 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with straight line postmark in various color variants (red, violet, purple-red), supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. MILIT.POST/ MOSTAR, nice imprints line postmarks
Starting price: CZK
46503 - 1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN* AIRCRAFT COMPANY 18*  violet c
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN* AIRCRAFT COMPANY 18* violet circular pmk on/for subdivision correspondence card with portrait Franz Joseph, supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. HFPA/ 117/II/ 7.III.17, light stains, superb print
Starting price: CZK
46502 - 1917 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen/ Fliegerkompagnie Nr.44  comp.
1917 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen/ Fliegerkompagnie Nr.44 comp. 4 pcs of entires with FP cachet straight line postmark in various variants (3x color, 1x tvarová), supplemented with round postmark K.u.K.. FP/ 235, nice imprints line postmarks
Starting price: CZK
46495 - 1918 K.u.K.. Feldwetterstation No.10, red straight line post
1918 K.u.K.. Feldwetterstation No.10, red straight line postmark field povětrnostní station, supplemented with round cancel. FP 437/ 11.I.18, good condition, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
65010 - 1914 S.M.B. 99, oval violet cancel. supplemented with line S
1914 S.M.B. 99, oval violet cancel. supplemented with line S.M. Boot "99M", envelope addressed to to Budapest, from above slightly cut, on reverse torn flap, rare!, cat. Pithart doesn't report!
Starting price: CZK
61978 - 1917 PUNTA ACCUZZO, thin/light CDS Field Post Pola/ 17.XII.1
1917 "PUNTA ACCUZZO", thin/light CDS Field Post Pola/ 17.XII.17, start line postmark illegible, fold corner, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
65023 - 1914 S.M.S. ADRIA  censor black cancel. with date 16.XII.14
1914 S.M.S. ADRIA censor black cancel. with date 16.XII.14 on/for identické card same ship with portrait F.J.; stains , folds, viewing of quality recommended, after all rare usage
Starting price: CZK
62169 - 1917 comp. 3 pcs of FP cards sent to ships, from that 2 pcs
1917 comp. 3 pcs of FP cards sent to ships, from that 2 pcs of on/for S.M.S. ADRIA and 1 pcs of on/for S.M.S."ERZHERZOG FRIEDRICH", still preserved
Starting price: CZK
61721 - 1915 S.M.S. BELLONA, red round censorship mark with eagle +
1915 S.M.S. "BELLONA", red round censorship mark with eagle + CDS Field Post Pola/ 19.IX.15, partially overlapped, good condition, cat. Pithart 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
61722 - 1915 S.M.S. BELLONA, red round censorship mark with eagle +
1915 S.M.S. "BELLONA", red round censorship mark with eagle + CDS Field Post Pola/ 22.IX.15, partially overlapped, good condition, cat. Pithart 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
64881 - 1919 S.M.S. BALATON  round violet cancel. with date 15.III.1
1919 S.M.S. BALATON round violet cancel. with date 15.III.19 + red censor, addressed to to Bohemia, photo postacard sailor Řiháček?, superb print, cat. Pithart 1100CZK
Starting price: CZK
65501 - 1915 S.M.S. Bodrog,  printed matter Ausweis, statement frank
1915 S.M.S. Bodrog, printed matter Ausweis, statement franked/paid money company; tearing in R margin
Starting price: CZK
61720 - 1915 S.M. SCHIFF BELLONA, round violet postmark with eagle +
1915 S.M. SCHIFF "BELLONA", round violet postmark with eagle + CDS Field Post Pola/ 30.VII.15 + red line censor, slightly overlapped but readable, good condition, cat. Pithart 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
65433 - 1916-18 S.M.Dampfer Dolfin, 2x postcard, 1x violet oval pmk
1916-18 S.M.Dampfer "Dolfin", 2x postcard, 1x violet oval pmk with eagle, 1x red line, 2x CDS Field Post Pola, partially overlapped and thin/light print, c.v.. Pih. 4000CZK
Starting price: CZK
65440 - 1915 S.M.S. Don Juan d´Austria, round violet postmark with
1915 S.M.S. "Don Juan d´Austria", round violet postmark with eagle + censor line red + CDS Field Post Pola/ 6.IX.15, partial overlap, sent from wharf submarines Pola, good condition, cat. Pithart 2800CZK
Starting price: CZK
61716 - 1916 S.M.S. Erzh. Friedrich, red round censorship mark with
1916 S.M.S. "Erzh. Friedrich", red round censorship mark with date + CDS Field Post Pola/ 27.XII.16, good condition, nice print, cat. Pithart 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
61790 - 1918 S.M.S. ERZH. KARL, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc,  frame censorshi
1918 S.M.S. ERZH. KARL, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, frame censorship marks in violet color + CDS Etappenpostamt No.267/ 10-11.X.18, good condition, cat. Pithart 2x 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
61718 - 1915 S.M.S. Erzh. Karl, round violet censorship mark with da
1915 S.M.S. "Erzh. Karl", round violet censorship mark with date 13.III.1915, nice print, well preserved, cat. Pithart 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
65502 - 1907 S.M.S. Enns,  statement franked/paid money, signatures
1907 S.M.S. Enns, statement franked/paid money, signatures incl. captain; tearing in R margin, interesting
Starting price: CZK
61788 - 1918 S.M.S. HELIGOLAND, violet straight line postmark + CDS
1918 S.M.S. HELIGOLAND, violet straight line postmark + CDS Etappenpostamt No.267/ 18.VIII.18, smaller overlap otherwise well preserved, cat. Pithart 1200CZK
Starting price: CZK
65011 - 1918 S.M.S. HELIGOLAND, oval violet postmark with big coats
1918 S.M.S. HELIGOLAND, oval violet postmark with big coats of arms, through/over R label Ercegnovi Castelunovo di Cattaro and incomplete CDS, on reverse arrival postmark Rtyně 17/1 18; envelope torn and dirty, cancel. cat. Pithart this sort neuvádí(!)
Starting price: CZK
64359 - 1916 SMS HERKULES  violet round cancel. with date 18.IX.16,
1916 SMS HERKULES violet round cancel. with date 18.IX.16, through/over red Zensuriert and supplemented with CDS Field Post Pola 18.IX.16, on reverse arrival postmark Zagreb, envelope small format, cat. Pithart 1500CZK
Starting price: CZK
65429 - 1916-17 S.M.S. KR.ERZH. RUDOLF, 2x postcard , 1x with round
1916-17 S.M.S. KR.ERZH. RUDOLF, 2x postcard , 1x with round violet postmark with eagle + CDS Zelenika/ 15.III.16, 1x with violet straight line postmark + CDS Zelenika/ 5.IX.17, good condition, cat. Pithart 2x 700CZK
Starting price: CZK
65019 - 1916 LACROMA bicircular violet cancel. sailing-ship/-s, part
1916 LACROMA bicircular violet cancel. sailing-ship/-s, partially through/over CDS Pola 25.IV.16, cat. Pithart 2500CZK
Starting price: CZK
65430 - 1917 S.M. SCHIFF MARS, postcard with red round postmark with
1917 S.M. SCHIFF "MARS", postcard with red round postmark with eagle + CDS Field Post Pola/ 6.III.17, sent on/for SMS Trabant, good condition, cat. Pithart 700CZK
Starting price: CZK
61789 - 1918 S.M.S. NOVARA, line violet postmark + CDS Etappenpostam
1918 S.M.S. NOVARA, line violet postmark + CDS Etappenpostamt No.267/ 4.VIII.18, smaller overlap, nice quality, cat. Pithart 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
65017 - 1916 S.M.S. PELIKAN round black cancel. with date 23/1 16 on
1916 S.M.S. PELIKAN round black cancel. with date 23/1 16 on card, supplemented with CDS Pola 23.I.16
Starting price: CZK
65015 - 1916 S.M. SCHIFF PLANET, round violet cancel., incomplete pr
1916 S.M. SCHIFF "PLANET", round violet cancel., incomplete print on/for zvlněném basis, supplemented with CDS Pola 21.VII.16, cat. Pithart 2500CZK
Starting price: CZK
64357 - 1914-16 SMS PELIKAN + SMS TEGETTHOFF + SMS ZRINYI, all circu
1914-16 SMS PELIKAN + SMS TEGETTHOFF + SMS ZRINYI, all circular black cancel. and date on/for postcards addressed to Bohemia, only cancel. Pelikan supplemented with CDS Pola - one above the other, superb print Tegetthoff, all postcard with slight stains, cat. Pithart 3400CZK
Starting price: CZK
65431 - 1918 S.M.S. REKA, postcard with red straight line postmark +
1918 S.M.S. "REKA", postcard with red straight line postmark + CDS Field Post Pola/ 24.III.18, color view of battle ship, well preserved, cat. Pithart 1500CZK
Starting price: CZK
61719 - 1914 S.M.S. REKA, round black postmark with date 22.IX.14, i
1914 S.M.S. REKA, round black postmark with date 22.IX.14, incomplete print but readable, good condition, cat. Pithart 1600CZK, postcard records artillery mainly on/for osmé deck/ VI. nejmenovaného křižníku
Starting price: CZK
65026 - 1917 S.M.S. Schwarzenberg  line violet cancel. freight ships
1917 S.M.S. "Schwarzenberg" line violet cancel. freight ships with torpédy, supplemented with CDS Šibenik 23.X.17, nice cancel., cat. Pithart 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
61707 - 1918 S.M.S. SZENT ISTVÁN, letter with line violet postmark
1918 S.M.S. "SZENT ISTVÁN", letter with line violet postmark + very thin/light CDS Field Post Pola/ 5.IV.18, good condition, cat. Pithart 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
61712 - 1916 S.M. Schiff Saint István, round violet postmark with e
1916 S.M. Schiff "Saint István", round violet postmark with eagle + CDS Field Post Pola/ 21.VI.16, good condition, cat. Pithart 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
61468 - 1916 S.M. SCHIFF SCHARFSCHÜTZE, red round coat of arms' pos
1916 S.M. SCHIFF SCHARFSCHÜTZE, red round coat of arms' postmark + CDS Field Post POLA/ 18.II.16, partial overlap, good condition, cat. Pithart 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
65018 - 1915 S.M. SCHIFF STREITER bicircular black cancel. with eagl
1915 S.M. SCHIFF STREITER bicircular black cancel. with eagle, nice print, this sort cat. Pithart neuvádí(!)
Starting price: CZK
65432 - 1914-18 S.M.S. TRABANT, comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with various ship
1914-18 S.M.S. "TRABANT", comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with various ship postmarks, round violet with eagle, round red with eagle, red oval and red line, CDS Field Post Pola, good condition, cat. Pithart ca. 5800CZK
Starting price: CZK
65020 - 1918 S.M.S. TATRA  blue straight line postmark., through/ove
1918 S.M.S. TATRA blue straight line postmark., through/over CDS Pola 21.VII.18, cat. Pithart 1700CZK
Starting price: CZK
65025 - 1915 S.M.S. VELEBIT  black round cancel. with date 7.III.15,
1915 S.M.S. VELEBIT black round cancel. with date 7.III.15, superb print, cat. Pithart 2500CZK
Starting price: CZK
65021 - 1916 S.M.S. ZARA  round violet cancel. steamship financial g
1916 S.M.S. ZARA round violet cancel. steamship financial guard, supplemented with CDS S.M.S. MONARCH 5/10 16 (incomplete print)
Starting price: CZK