1910?Map hvězdné sky, otáčivá tool for znázorněníhvězdné sky in/at every hodině year, made from tvrdého carton, format ca. 31x31cm, 5. issue, issued. J. Lorenz Třebíč, smaller reparation corner, otherwise well preserved
1940team of authors: Plzeň, kolébka Czech typography, 92 sides, bound in leather, copy No. 1 with dedication státnímupresidentu Dr. EmiluHáchovi, very good condition
1914 Mein (my) Österreich (Austria), mein (my) Heimatland, Illustrierte Volks- and Vaterlandskunde des ÖsterreichischenKaiserstaates, Verlag für vaterländischeLiteratur, Wien; 2 volumes, 515 and 503 sides, very light stains on/for some sides, good condition
1919-28CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 part semifinished collection production flaws on stmp issues Postage due stmp, Newspaper stamps and Express, also issues issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk 1920 and other issue, major part used, smaller part Un, sorted and described, placed on album sheets, total 6 pcs of album/-s (5x spring folder, 1x 16-sheets stockbook), originates from Germany, total 13kg of material
1919-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete collection, contains issue Hradčany, issue Agriculture and Science, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue on/for labels (exp. Gi.), covers Anthem-issue, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint) and oths., high catalogue value 30.000CZK, included to sum only better item/-s, placed on album sheets, in screw folder
1919-26 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 business supply of stamps various issues, contains mainly Legionaire, Pigeon-issue, Landscape, placed in big 15-sheet stockbook
1920CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stmp and entires issue issue Chainbreaker, on 5 pages chosen plate variety, retouch, multiblocks, entires, high catalogue value
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps on hingeless sheets in spring folder, contains i.a. complete imperforated Hradčany without Pof.6, 13, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 without Pof.89, 91, 94, Olympic Congress and Festival, Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker TB, carefully elaborated, partially expertized, c.v.. 34.000CZK
1918-40 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of used and clear stamp. as for example. SO 1920, part clear in blocks, T. G. Masaryk 1920, T. G. Masaryk siderography, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA I. official in blocks of four, newspaper provisory, cut-squares with multicolor franking newspaper stmp Sokol, supplemented with several album sheets England postage stmp; various quality, prevail used stamps
1919-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue interesting comp. of stamps all values, perforated and imperforated, postage stmp and overprint SO1920 (overprint), placed in big 12-sheets stockbook, various shades basic stamps, part examined, cat. min. 29.000CZK, good quality, very interesting offer, We recommend it
1920CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / issue Chainbreaker Pof.151-161, specialized collection of stamps, all values with plate variety and retouch, identified, described, placed on 16 pcs of stock-book sheets A4, in spiral folder, contains through/over 9.500 pcs of plate variety and 185 pcs of retouch, extraordinary selection of, We recommend it
1918CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue / PLATE PROOFS collection 78 pcs of PLATE PROOF various values, part without gum, part on/for carton and maculature paper, trial/expertization colors, black prints, placed in 8-sheet stockbook, interesting offer
1920CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / NEWSPAPER STAMPS / Falcon in Flight (issue) comp. of trial printings (2x block of four), black-prints (11x block of four), uncleared plate, printing trial/expertization on/for papers various colors (3x block of four), maculature prints with stamps other values and issues, placed on 10 pages in folder, cat. min. 12.000CZK
1925CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / OLYMPIJSKÝ CONGRESS collection on/for 8 pcs of exhibition sheets, contains mint never hinged issue, usage on/for Us entires, Reg letter, added print p.stat, nicely elaborated, originates from Germany, c.v.. ca. 15.000CZK
1920CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / SO1920 (overprint) interesting selection of various issues, Hradčany, Express, Newspaper stamps and Postage due stmp, contains significant plate variety overprint, i.a. thin "O", římská "1", numeral(s) odlišného type and oths., single stamps, margins, corners, part/-s blocks, placed in 2 pcs of stockbooks, cat. min. 14.000CZK, very interesting, We recommend it
1918-45 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA remainder collection Czechoslovakia I., mainly used stamp. on album sheets in spiral folder, originates from USA, interesting photo from exhibition WordsFair in New York + remainder collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on hingeless sheets in folder Leuchtturm, contains clear stamp. from 30. years + supplemented with stockbook A4 with duplication stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps, blocks of four, coupons, various variants, margins, plate number, Official, Postage due stmp, several pieces hinged, placed in big 15-sheet stockbook A4
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps, blocks of four, coupons, variants, almost complete plate number and plate mark, incl. rare, excellent quality, placed in 4 pcs of stockbooks, good quality, high catalogue value through/over 65.000CZK, it is worth seeing
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps, parts of sheets, margins, coupons, lower bands and corners with plate mark, contains i.a. Newspaper stamps Pof.NV10-18, placed in 8-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 2700CZK
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA specialized collection used stamp. on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm in spring folder, complete overprint issue also with coupons, chosen defects overprint and plate variety other issues, mainly vertical and horiz. gutter-pair, coupons, incl. expertized admission stamp. Terezín on cut-square (exp. Gi.), high catalogue value, originates from Germany
1939-54BOHEMIA-MORAVIA mainly extensive collection of stamps, sheets and parts of sheets, gutter, blocks of four, bands, horseshoe, gutter-pair, plate mark, plate number, coupons, contains i.a. Overprint issue, expertized, Postage due stmp, Official and oths., placed on album sheets in 4 pcs of spiral blocks SAFE, high catalogue value, total 11,9kg of material, very interesting offer
1939BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers postage-due stamps, L and right blocks of four, various number, from every values one pair, in addition several bloks of four without numbers and incomplete cut gutter (missing 20K), nice quality, suitable to doplňování, placed in stockbook A5 (loose binding)
1939BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers newspaper stmp issue I, mostly blocks of four, 1x zjištěno *, on hingeless pages on album sheets, suitable to continuation, according to supplier c.v.. 5788CZK
1943BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, semifinished collection of plate numbers newspaper stmp issue II, L and right blocks of four, protective frames without break + 1x or 2x interrupted, suitable to finishing, missing by/on/at higher values interrupted frame etc., hingeless/glass on album sheets, cat. according to owner 6450CZK
1939SUDETENLAND / MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA overprint Wir sind frei!, comp. of stamps on unbound album pages, Mi.1-19, 30-40, expertized, also with other 3 album sheets with lower values, incl. cut-squares
1939-45SLOVAKIA big selection of mint never hinged stamps, PB and part/-s blocks, mainly complete without overprint issue, 1. issue Newspaper stamps and Postage due stmp, all sets, contains i.a. miniature sheet For Children-issue 2x, gutter pair Tiso 2x, blocks of four, cat. min. 17.700Sk, very interesting, suitable to other elaboration
1918-70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA collection used stamps, placed in big 32-sheet stockbook, incomplete selection of mint never hinged stamps from period of 1945-90, high catalogue value
1936-52 CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. of stamps, contains all sets, coupons, blocks of four, miniatures, Airmail, also with margin, Postage due stmp, old currency with margin and dates of print, placed in 20-sheet stockbook, interesting
1945-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 business supply of M-sheets and PB, much duplication, placed in stockbook Leuchtturm, as new; catalogue through/over 11.000CZK
1970-89CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 business supply of stamps, blocks, miniature sheets and PB, souvenir sheets and PB contains always in/at several pcs., incl. miniature sheets with higher catalogue price, then coupons, margins, corners, papers, all placed in 6 pcs of stockbooks and in/at envelopes in shoe box, sorted according to volumes, total 12kg of material, high catalogue value
1945-92CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection miniature sheets, PB, coupons and gutter-pairs, placed on 80 pages in spiral stockbook, contains also better pieces, c.v.. 25.000CZK, index inserted
1954-67CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stamps from y. 1954-1967, contains according to supplier 877 pcs of stamps, 13 pcs of miniature sheets, 1x PB, placed on on stock-sheets, value according to catalogue Pofis 2005 should be 7794CZK, profitable offer, We recommend it
1945-86CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stamps, sets, miniature sheets, blk-of-10 and PB, placed in 3 pcs of stockbooks Leuchtturm, part stamp. old currency in worse quality, catalogue min. 28.000CZK
1945-73CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, sorted according to year, placed in 2 pcs of 16-sheets stockbooks, contains i.a. miniature sheet Bratislava, incomplete year/volume 1953 and missing several drobností, c.v.. 10000CZK, index inserted
1983-88 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps, miniature sheets and PB, various variants, blocks, strips, margins, placed in 16-sheets stockbook, c.v.. ca. 2500CZK
1945CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 specialized collection of plate flaws elaborated according to trial Graman - Koupal (Philately 2004-05), which/what is also also with, contains through/over 800 pcs plate variety incl. duplication from that is 169 katalogizováno, color, omitted perforation hole, papers, gum, registry dagger and shifts perf, total ca. 2000 pcs stamp. mainly in blocks of four on free sheets in/at office folders
1945-90CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 big complete set stamps, miniature sheets, PB, blk-of-10, coupons, variants, part/-s blocks, placed partially on hingeless sheets, partially in/at stockbooks, total 9 pieces, described, duplication, high catalogue value through/over 32.000CZK, suitable for collector and also businessmen, total 15kg of material
1945-48 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 larger comp. sheets and parts of sheets, War Heroes, Moscow-issue and oths., folded in perforation, placed in flat box, high catalogue value
1993-03CZECH REPUBLIC almost whole collection of stamps 11 year, missing only several pieces, soupisy attached, according to supplier face-value is 3871,80CZK, profitable offer