1918 commercial letter sent as printed matter, franked with Austrian stmp 6h Mi.187, MC Prague 1/ 20.XII.18, from exhibit (ex Dražan), on reverse missing upper lapel, otherwise nice
trial print 20h, letterprint, V. design, comp. 6 pcs of in various colors on stamp paper with gum, exp. by Leseticky.., Gilbert., Pofis-Beneš and 2 pcs of Karasek.
Pof.59, Newspaper stamp - Mercure R 10h red, light off center overprint, in UL corner ca. 1mm cut, mint never hinged, exp. by Leseticky (2x), exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 65000CZK
1934forgery Anthem-issue, forgeries both miniature sheets incl. forgeries plates, written expression Professor. Gilberta owner, copy penal notification (without signatures), very well preserved, for study purposes !
1935 Pof.285-286, T. G. Masaryk, the bottom corner pieces with margin, plate mark "1", "1A" and wide margin without plate mark + Pof.287K-88K, L also right coupons, mint never hinged, c.v.. 500CZK
1850-58 comp. 14 pcs of stamp. and 2 pcs of pairs issue I values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer + 12 pcs of stamp. issue II, supplemented with 6 pcs of newspaper fiscal stamps, part on cut-squares
1858 selection of 23 pcs of classic newspaper stmp, contains i.a. 9x Mercure, Mi.16, 17, 21, some pieces with horšími margins, very high catalogue value, profitable
1935 Mi.499-508, Rescue of Chelyuskin Expedition, good postmark through/over corners, some stamps with gum, wmk neověřeny, good quality, c.v.. ca. 100€
1980 HUSÁK Gustav, president, signature on special envelope with postage stamps Husák 30h and 60h, special postmark Presidential Election republic in red and blue color, good condition
1994 team of authors: Monograph Czech-Slovak stamps, XV. part, Postal postmark in territory of Slovakia from year 1752 to year 1918, issued by Slovak Philatelic Union, Bratislava
1930 Müller Edwin: Die Poststempel auf der Freimarken-Ausgabe 1867 von Österreich (Austria) and Ungarn, publisher Die Postmarke, Wien, 370 sides, tables, map, exhibits postmarks, have/has signs of usage
1929-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 accumulation stamp. various issues, stamps with margin, blocks of four, 400 pcs of stamps with plate mark, gutter, part interesting postmarks, prevail issue Coat of arms, Newspaper stamps - pigeon blocks of four without přerušovaného frame, in 12-sheet stockbook
1919-28CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 part semifinished collection production flaws on stmp issues Postage due stmp, Newspaper stamps and Express, also issues issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk 1920 and other issue, major part used, smaller part Un, sorted and described, placed on album sheets, total 6 pcs of album/-s (5x spring folder, 1x 16-sheets stockbook), originates from Germany, total 13kg of material
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 partial collection of stmp and miniature sheets, blocks of four, parts of sheets, coupons, margins, plate number, placed in big 15-sheet stockbook A4
1919-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete collection, contains issue Hradčany, issue Agriculture and Science, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue on/for labels (exp. Gi.), covers Anthem-issue, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint) and oths., high catalogue value 30.000CZK, included to sum only better item/-s, placed on album sheets, in screw folder