Mail Auction 19 / Collector`s Literature

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68310 - 1996 Beneš, Tošnerová: Post in ghetto Terezín 1941–194
1996 Beneš, Tošnerová: Post in ghetto Terezín 1941–1945, issued PROFIL, Prague, 343 sides, perfect condition, without insert
Starting price: CZK
68982 - 1986 Karásek John and team of authors: Monograph of Czechos
1986 Karásek John and team of authors: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 4. part, Stmp air-mail, newspaper, postage-due, express and delivery (1918–1939), issued PFS Prague, very good condition, torn protective wrapping
Starting price: CZK
69208 - 1963 Karásek, Kvasnička, Paulíček: Forgeries Czechoslova
1963 Karásek, Kvasnička, Paulíček: Forgeries Czechoslovak postal stamps, issued by Publ. transport and communications, Prague, 368 sides, with signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
63476 - 1998 Karásek: Czechoslovak post stamps and its forgeries, i
1998 Karásek: Czechoslovak post stamps and its forgeries, issued by Merkur-Revue, including black print, new
Starting price: CZK
70740 - 1987 Maxa: Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia,
1987 Maxa: Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia, free sheets A5 in fold
Starting price: CZK
69206 - 1998 team of authors: Catalogue Czechoslovak p.stat I. 1918
1998 team of authors: Catalogue Czechoslovak p.stat I. 1918–1992, issued Pofis, Prague, good condition
Starting price: CZK
69099 - 1994 team of authors: Monograph Czech-Slovak stamps, XV. par
1994 team of authors: Monograph Czech-Slovak stamps, XV. part, Postal postmark in territory of Slovakia from year 1752 to year 1918, issued by Slovak Philatelic Union, Bratislava
Starting price: CZK
69097 - 2000 team of authors: Die-stamping from flat plates, post. s
2000 team of authors: Die-stamping from flat plates, post. stamps and souvenir sheets – 1. part, issued Company collectors Czechosl. stamps Federation of Czech Philatelists, Prague, 102 sides, very good condition, with insert commemorative print Czech Republic PT12
Starting price: CZK
69207 - 1971 Novotný Ladislav: Special manual for collector Czechos
1971 Novotný Ladislav: Special manual for collector Czechoslovak stamps, issued Postal philatelic service, Prague, 708 sides, with signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
69098 - 1998 Tovačovský Oldřich: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 5
1998 Tovačovský Oldřich: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 5. part, SO1920 (overprint), issued Pofis Prague; as new
Starting price: CZK
70739 - 1981 Maxa: Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia,
1981 Maxa: Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia, free sheets A5 in fold
Starting price: CZK
70362 - 1926 Czech philatelist, orgán Union Czechoslovak philatelic
1926 Czech philatelist, orgán Union Czechoslovak philatelic clubs/associations in Prague, comp. 7 pcs of bounded books, annual volumes 1926, 1929-33, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, reakce union on/for postoupení příhraničních regions, interesting
Starting price: CZK
70361 - 1919-33 Philatelic Revue (1929-33) and Czech philatelist (19
1919-33 Philatelic Revue (1929-33) and Czech philatelist (1919-1922), comp. 2 pcs of books, bound annual volumes Czech expert journals, expert articles, polemiky, lot of illustration, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
70024 - 1935 Kurs francouzštiny for post. service, Fr. Zavřel, pap
1935 Kurs francouzštiny for post. service, Fr. Zavřel, paperback copy, contains expert names and their/its překlady; damaged envelope
Starting price: CZK
69110 - 1923 Post in/at České Budějovice, paperback History pošt
1923 Post in/at České Budějovice, paperback History poštovnictví in/at České Budějovice from origin to to today, Fr. M. Čapek, supplemented with much printings and photos, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70383 - 1939-79 comp. 3 pcs of expert literature in Czech and Englis
1939-79 comp. 3 pcs of expert literature in Czech and English, August B.: Čínské mincovnictví, Prague, 1939, reedice, Kunc Joseph: Čínské coin/-s imperial dynastií, Prague, 1979, Lockhart J. H. S.: The Lockhart Collection of Chinese Copper Coins, Lawrence (Mass.), 1975, book/-s with hints usage, good condition
Starting price: CZK
68999 - 2005 Auktionhaus Meixner, München (Munich), auction catalog
2005 Auktionhaus Meixner, München (Munich), auction catalogue 76. auction Ppc, through/over 9500 vyobrazených tickets
Starting price: CZK
68929 - 1960 Barevné tables LIPSIA Heft 6 (Philatelic color scale t
1960 Barevné tables LIPSIA Heft 6 (Philatelic color scale tables), spiral binding, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
67646 - 1978 Dichand Hans: Jugendstilpostkarten, Dortmund, 69 pictur
1978 Dichand Hans: Jugendstilpostkarten, Dortmund, 69 picture, paper bound, good condition
Starting price: CZK
68286 - 1962-65 Gindl H. L.: Special catalogue, Österreich (Austria
1962-65 Gindl H. L.: Special catalogue, Österreich (Austria), 2. Republic, comp. 4 pcs of books, Sondermarken, Wappen, Posthorn, Trachtenserie, Landschaftserie, German text
Starting price: CZK
67621 - 1941 Hörr Hugo: Die Postwerzeichen des Sudetenland, Gebrüd
1941 Hörr Hugo: Die Postwerzeichen des Sudetenland, Gebrüder Senf, Leipzig, 234 sides, postal history Sudetenland, written in German, lot of picture, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70360 - 1902 Illustrirtes Poststamps Journal, Redacteur Dr. Alfred M
1902 Illustrirtes Poststamps Journal, Redacteur Dr. Alfred Moschkau, publisher von Gebrüder Senf, professional literature in German, bound journals, several year, nice illustrations, with signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
68984 - 1960 LIPSIA, Philatelic color scale tables, publisher Enzykl
1960 LIPSIA, Philatelic color scale tables, publisher Enzyklopädie, Leipzig, multilingual sampler colors, kroužková binding, good condition
Starting price: CZK
68985 -  MICHEL-Farbenführer, 28. edition, publisher Schwaneberger,
MICHEL-Farbenführer, 28. edition, publisher Schwaneberger, München (Munich), multilingual sampler colors
Starting price: CZK
68581 - 1930 Müller Edwin: Die Poststempel auf der Freimarken-Ausga
1930 Müller Edwin: Die Poststempel auf der Freimarken-Ausgabe 1867 von Österreich (Austria) and Ungarn, publisher Die Postmarke, Wien, 370 sides, tables, map, exhibits postmarks, have/has signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
68580 - 1925 Müller Edwin: Grosses Guide der Abstempelungen (cancel
1925 Müller Edwin: Grosses Guide der Abstempelungen (cancellation) von Altösterreich and Lombardy-Veneto, publisher Die Postmarke, Wien, 350 sides, tables, map, exhibits postmarks, damaged backbone, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
69460 - 1925 Müller Edwin: Grosses Guide der Abstempelungen (cancel
1925 Müller Edwin: Grosses Guide der Abstempelungen (cancellation) von Altösterreich and Lombardy-Veneto, publisher Die Postmarke, Wien, 350 sides, tables, exhibits postmarks, have/has signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
70927 - 1980 comp. 3 pcs of dodatků to/at catalogue Müller, good c
1980 comp. 3 pcs of dodatků to/at catalogue Müller, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67645 - 1980 Walters Thomas: Jugendstil-Graphik, DuMont Buchverlag,
1980 Walters Thomas: Jugendstil-Graphik, DuMont Buchverlag, Köln, 104 picture, 16 in colour, 221 sides, paper bound, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67643 - 2002 Wiener Werkstätte Postkarten, Sammlung (collection) Wi
2002 Wiener Werkstätte Postkarten, Sammlung (collection) Wien, Salzburg, auction catalogue Ppc, 132 sides, 717 picture Ppc, solid binding, also with score document, as new
Starting price: CZK
69866 - 1999 Comprehensive Catalogue of Ukrainian Philately, J.Bulat
1999 Comprehensive Catalogue of Ukrainian Philately, J.Bulat; as new
Starting price: CZK
69864 - 2005 Handbook of Carpatho - Ukrainian Philately, J.Carringan
2005 Handbook of Carpatho - Ukrainian Philately, J.Carringan, I.Kuzych; as new
Starting price: CZK
70386 - 1976 Schjöth F.: Chinese Currency, London, professional lit
1976 Schjöth F.: Chinese Currency, London, professional literature in English, lot of tables and picture, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70384 - 1986 Thierry F.: Les Collections Monétaires, Monnaies d'Ext
1986 Thierry F.: Les Collections Monétaires, Monnaies d'Extréme Orient, I. + II., Chine, Vietnam, Japon, Paris, professional literature in French, lot of tables, good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 19 / Collector`s Literature - Information

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