Mail Auction 19 / Revenue Stamps

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67737 - 18?? TURKEY, document with mounted revenues in front also on
18?? TURKEY, document with mounted revenues in front also on reverse, postmark also text in/at Arabic, format longer A4, folded, short tearing, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
67738 - 18?? TURKEY, document with mounted revenues, any other one,
18?? TURKEY, document with mounted revenues, any other one, text Arabic, folded, light wrinkled, format longer A4, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67739 - 18?? TURKEY, preprinted blank form with mounted revenue stmp
18?? TURKEY, preprinted blank form with mounted revenue stmp 10 Para, text Arabic, folded, format narrower A4, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67740 - 18?? TURKEY, preprinted blank form with mounted revenue stmp
18?? TURKEY, preprinted blank form with mounted revenue stmp 20Para, Arabic text, more folded, format narrower A4, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67763 - 18?? TURKEY, handwritten document/attribut with larger lot o
18?? TURKEY, handwritten document/attribut with larger lot of various revenues and postmarks, written Arabian, fold also wrinkled, some tearing underglued, after all exceedingly interesting
Starting price: CZK
67209 - 1891-05 comp. 4 pcs of complete postupních documents with m
1891-05 comp. 4 pcs of complete postupních documents with multicolor franking official revenues, Kreuzers, Koruna and heller values, formats documents more/larger A4, nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
66468 - 1906-14 comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian newspapers with mounted rev
1906-14 comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian newspapers with mounted revenues 30f issue 1903
Starting price: CZK
70729 - 1749 AUSTRIA  handwritten letter with open seal Emperor's of
1749 AUSTRIA handwritten letter with open seal Emperor's office, nice kaligrafie, in head text nice revenue 15 Kreuzer (Koř.14, M. Theresia, Moravia), wmk, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70738 - 1767 document, confirmation payment 30 Dukátů, platba coun
1767 document, confirmation payment 30 Dukátů, platba count Martinic, revenue M. Theresia 15 Kreuzer (Kořínek cat.. 33), good condition
Starting price: CZK
70755 - 1847 HABSBURG MONARCHY  lease contract with revenues of issu
1847 HABSBURG MONARCHY lease contract with revenues of issue 1840, 16 fl. and 2x 10 Kreuzer on/for other sides, seal, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70750 - 1851 extract from invoice, revenues of issue 1836/40 ( 6 and
1851 extract from invoice, revenues of issue 1836/40 ( 6 and 3 Kreuzer ), 1850 (1 Kreuzer )!!!, mixed franking, Brno, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70763 - 1856 AUSTRIA  certificate of income/receipt 7727 fl., revenu
1856 AUSTRIA certificate of income/receipt 7727 fl., revenues 10 fl. and 15 Kreuzer issue 1854, service postmarks, tlakové seal, folded, interesting
Starting price: CZK
70748 - 1857-1861 LOMBARDY - VENETO  comp. 3 pcs of documents, reven
1857-1861 LOMBARDY - VENETO comp. 3 pcs of documents, revenues low values first two issues, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70569 - 1859 freight letter for railroad, pictures soudobých engine
1859 freight letter for railroad, pictures soudobých engines, various postmark and notice, folded and slightly torn
Starting price: CZK
70768 - 1860 AUSTRIA  4-page payment statement with revenues of issu
1860 AUSTRIA 4-page payment statement with revenues of issue 1858, 14 fl. and 3 fl., 50 Kreuzer, revenue 14 fl. perf 15:13½;, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70766 - 1865 AUSTRIA  multipaginal printed control statement with re
1865 AUSTRIA multipaginal printed control statement with revenues of issue 1858, 12 fl. and 4x 50 Kreuzer, seal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70773 - 1866 AUSTRIA  multipaginal protocol with revenues of issue 1
1866 AUSTRIA multipaginal protocol with revenues of issue 1858, 1866 and 1870, mixed franking, 10, 3 and 1 fl., 3x 50, 60, 15, 7 and 5 Kreuzers, blue postmark also on/for kolcích, seal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70721 - 1867 document with revenues of issue 1866, 3x 5 Fl and 1x 3
1867 document with revenues of issue 1866, 3x 5 Fl and 1x 3 Fl (revenues in value 5 Fl are from two various printing sheet), good condition
Starting price: CZK
70770 - 1868 rental multipaginal protocol with revenues of issue 186
1868 rental multipaginal protocol with revenues of issue 1866, 20 fl., 3 fl., 75,15 and 1 Kr, blue postmark, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70726 - 1868 statement plateb, revenues of issue 1867, 10 and 2,5 Fl
1868 statement plateb, revenues of issue 1867, 10 and 2,5 Fl ( blue postmark ), folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70587 - 1871 AUSTRIA freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., CDS Wi
1871 AUSTRIA freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., CDS Wien Landstrasse, green postal label, damaged seal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70591 - 1872 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., rose blank for
1872 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., rose blank form. CDS Wien... Nachname, seal, pomocná postmark post, tearing as way cancellation, otherwise in good condition
Starting price: CZK
70590 - 1873 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., German - Czech
1873 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., German - Czech issue, CDS Prag, seal, redirected from Nedvědice to Brno, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70577 - 1875 freight letter for railroad, private issue, German - Cz
1875 freight letter for railroad, private issue, German - Czech, with mounted revenue issue 1875, CDS Moravský Krumlov, for two parcels, in good condition
Starting price: CZK
70594 - 1878 AUSTRIA  freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., Germa
1878 AUSTRIA freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., German - Italian issue, CDS TRIESTE, seal, various post. notice, adrersováno on/for count Mittrovsky, supplemented with about/by customs release, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70581 - 1879 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., imprinted stam
1879 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., imprinted stamp, CDS Wien, seal, folded, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
70585 - 1879 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., German - Czech
1879 freight letter for railroad with C.O.D., German - Czech text, CDS Prag, content cigarette/-s in value 36 fl., seal, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70573 - 1879 freight letter for railroad, private issue with mounted
1879 freight letter for railroad, private issue with mounted revenue issue 1877, CDS Wien Siebensterngasse, seal sender, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
70713 - 1885 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  lease contract, revenues of issue 1885
1885 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY lease contract, revenues of issue 1885, i.a. 15 Fl, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67211 - 1891-13 comp. 7 pcs of debenture bonds, mounted various reve
1891-13 comp. 7 pcs of debenture bonds, mounted various revenues in/at Kreuzers, Koruna and heller value, various combinations, document/-s format larger than A4, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
70717 - 1896 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  preprinted auction protocol, 4 revenue
1896 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY preprinted auction protocol, 4 revenues of issue 1893, i.a. 15 Fl, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70564 - 1919-38  freight letters for railroad, various issue, postma
1919-38 freight letters for railroad, various issue, postmark and hinge / label, selection of 83 pieces, good condition
Starting price: CZK
67210 - 1920-44 selection of 16 pcs of various documents with cizím
1920-44 selection of 16 pcs of various documents with cizími revenues, 1x Sudetenland 1944, 4x Turkey 1927, 3x Slovakia 1942-44, 1x Austria 1937, 4x Italy 1925, 1x German-Austria (Deutschösterreich) 1920, 1x Yugoslavia 1937, 1x Poland 1933, various quality, some filling holes
Starting price: CZK
66574 - 1930-40? Czechoslovakia  comp. 10 pcs of Radio-kolků, value
1930-40? Czechoslovakia comp. 10 pcs of Radio-kolků, values from 1CZK to 40CZK, all with perfin "EK", mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
69890 - 1944 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  Pfandmarke, zástavní stamps 2x block
1944 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Pfandmarke, zástavní stamps 2x block of 6 values 10K and 20K
Starting price: CZK
69766 - 1937 certificate of residence in Czechosl spa with mounted p
1937 certificate of residence in Czechosl spa with mounted poplatkovou stamp. Central union Czechosl. bath and mineral zřídel in Czechoslovakia in value 2,50CZK, cancelled lázeňským cancel. Karlovy Vary, components/parts order about/by discounted ride Czechoslovak State Railways with revenue 50h issue 1919; folded
Starting price: CZK
66484 - 1946-49 comp. 6 pcs of freight letters for railroad, Slovak
1946-49 comp. 6 pcs of freight letters for railroad, Slovak pre-printing revenues, uprated Czechoslovak revenues, pojistné stamps, standard condition
Starting price: CZK
69892 - 1946 Czechoslovakia  Zástavní stamps - Pfandermarke, Bohem
1946 Czechoslovakia Zástavní stamps - Pfandermarke, Bohemian and Moravian issue with overprint 1946/ Koruna, 1x only currency rubber cancel. Koruna, 2x block of 6 values 10K orange, 1x block of 6 10K ochre, 1x block of 6 20K
Starting price: CZK
69472 - 1919 PLATE PROOF revenue 1CZK, issue 1919 in blue color on c
1919 PLATE PROOF revenue 1CZK, issue 1919 in blue color on common paper, by hand tinted
Starting price: CZK
69474 - 1919 PLATE PROOF revenue 40h issue 1919, 2 pcs of in/at carm
1919 PLATE PROOF revenue 40h issue 1919, 2 pcs of in/at carmine and red-violet color on/for stronger and thin/light chalky paper
Starting price: CZK
69475 - 1919 PLATE PROOF revenue 40h issue 1919, 2 pcs of in/at carm
1919 PLATE PROOF revenue 40h issue 1919, 2 pcs of in/at carmine and red-violet color on/for stronger and thin/light chalky paper
Starting price: CZK
70611 - 1848 JUDAICA / Austria, bollette dokládající payment fee
1848 JUDAICA / Austria, bollette dokládající payment fee for member Jewish community Davida Quiet after/behind vycestování to Hungary, print, Boskovice, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70608 - 1817 AUSTRIA / BŘECLAV  bollette about/by payment toll, Lun
1817 AUSTRIA / BŘECLAV bollette about/by payment toll, Lundenburg (Břeclav), print. preserved.
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 19 / Revenue Stamps - Information

Fiskální ceniny - kolkové známky a signety

Fiskální filatelie zahrnuje kolky, kolkové známky, kolkové signety, známky daňové, dávkové, poplatkové - mj. příspěvkové, propagační, příležitostné, místní neboli městské poplatkové známky, bolety a další.

Signety jsou kolky tištěné přímo na listiny, oznamovací kolky, dále kolky na vlasové pudry, líčidla a škrob

Kolková známka je cenina, potvrzující zaplacení správního či soudního poplatku nebo daně. Kolky jsou buď známky k vylepení na dokumenty, nebo tištěné přímo na papír dokumentu. Kolky se vylepují na směnky, šeky, dlužní úpisy (promesa), kupní a jiné smlouvy. Do této kategorie patří také dávkové známky, kalendářní a novinové kolky, bankovkové kolky a kolky na hrací karty.

Cenné papíry obsahují kolky z tržeb z cenných papírů a kolkované cenné papíry.

Průkazky a legitimace obsahují rybářské a honební lístky, dobytčí pasy, osobní průkazy.

Kolky vojenské hranice

Kontrolní a uzavírací známky na mlýnské výrobky, cukr, kypřící prášek do pečiva, cigaretové kolky, kolky potvrzující daň ze šumivého vína v lahvích, daň ze zápalek, umělých sladidel, výbušných látek a uzavírací známky tabákových výrobků.

Zvláštní známky obsahují oznamovací kolky, statistické známky, daň z masa, daň z piva v sudech, tabákových náhražek, známky desátkové daně, známky pro platbu školného, soudní doruční známky, městské kolky, národní kolky, daňové stvrzenky, juxty a bolety, známky Slovakotur, známky potravní daně, kolky na poštovních průvodkách a statistických ohláškách, kolky na rozhlasových koncesích, známky k hracím automatům, dálniční kupony, veterinární poplatkové známky, pojišťovací známky a známky kuponové privatizace.

Jiné známky obsahují známky Červeného kříže, Sokolské známky, členské příspěvkové a jiné známky, známky městské hromadné dopravy, reklamní známky, místopisné známky, výstavní a příležitostné, charitativní, propagandistické, vlastenecké a národopisné, známky léčebného fondu, známky rozhlasového poplatku, železniční známky a známky ostatní dopravy, dopisní zálepky, pečetky atd.