Mail Auction 19 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia

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68343 - 1939 comp. 11 pcs of response envelopes firm V. Hellmann, Dv
1939 comp. 11 pcs of response envelopes firm V. Hellmann, Dvůr Králové n. L., with Overprint issue, 1x R, good condition
Starting price: CZK
68845 - 1939 comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. overprint stamp.,
1939 comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. overprint stamp., 2x as Registered from that 1x to Germany with arrival CDS (more/larger envelope A5), various franking, CDS Kravsko, Jistebnica and Prague; small folds and tearing in margin 1 envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
69686 - 1939 Pof.32KP-40KP + 32KL-40KL, incl. 2, resp. 3 color shade
1939 Pof.32KP-40KP + 32KL-40KL, incl. 2, resp. 3 color shades at value 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna, total 24 pcs of, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
67296 - 1939 Pof.33-40 Landscape I., incomplete line counter sheet (
1939 Pof.33-40 Landscape I., incomplete line counter sheet (only 6 pcs of), Pof.33+, Pof.35+, Pof.36**, Pof.37+++, Pof.39+, Pof.40*, two sheets damaged (margin of stmp + coupons), various variants of coupons, 1x folded in perforation, several smaller detachment/section
Starting price: CZK
69688 - 1939 Pof.36-40 Landscape I., UL corner blocks of four with c
1939 Pof.36-40 Landscape I., UL corner blocks of four with coupons VK-2, asterisk, mint never hinged, c.v.. 535CZK
Starting price: CZK
67317 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, selection of counter sheet Krajinek II
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, selection of counter sheet Krajinek II., incomplete set (missing 50h), with margin, Pof.42*+, Pof.43++(2x), Pof.43***, Pof.44*+, Pof.45**++, Pof.46+(2x), Pof.47*+, Pof.48*+, Pof.49**++, some sheets damaged the bottom or upper row (stamps + coupons), big sheets 1x folded, smaller detachment/section in perforation, variants of coupons (vertical also horiz. horseshoe), corners etc.., plate marks, profitable offer, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
67328 - 1939 Pof.45-49 Landscape II., selection of coupon variants,
1939 Pof.45-49 Landscape II., selection of coupon variants, the bottom and upper bands (mostly 3-řadé), L and right horseshoe, various plate marks, nice quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
70607 - 1939 Pof.45-49, comp. of 5 values in/at L and P podkovách w
1939 Pof.45-49, comp. of 5 values in/at L and P podkovách with margin
Starting price: CZK
70612 - 1940 Pof.45-49, upper and lower bands with ležatými horses
1940 Pof.45-49, upper and lower bands with ležatými horseshoes with margin, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
67333 - 1940 Pof.50-51 Red Cross I., complete. counter sheet with ma
1940 Pof.50-51 Red Cross I., complete. counter sheet with margin, 5x plate variety on coupon stamp. No.50, horiz. folded in perforation, on stmp No.51 several brown dots in margin gum, otherwise nice quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
67331 - 1940 Pof.50-51 Red Cross I., complete. counter sheet with ma
1940 Pof.50-51 Red Cross I., complete. counter sheet with margin, on/for both sheets one stmp with print on reverse, 5x plate variety on coupon stamp. Pof.50 (interrupted e), higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
67339 - 1941 Pof.52-53 Red Cross II., complete counter sheet with ma
1941 Pof.52-53 Red Cross II., complete counter sheet with margin, sheet No.52 in perforation přepůlen, otherwise nice quality
Starting price: CZK
67337 - 1941 Pof.52-53 Red Cross II., complete counter sheet with ma
1941 Pof.52-53 Red Cross II., complete counter sheet with margin, in perforation 1x folded, mint never hinged, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
67345 - 1941 Pof.54-56, 54a-56a Linden Leaves II., both editions, co
1941 Pof.54-56, 54a-56a Linden Leaves II., both editions, complete counter sheet with margin, 1x vert. fold, mint never hinged, c.v.. 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
67351 - 1941 Pof.57-61 Landscape III., complete. counter sheet with
1941 Pof.57-61 Landscape III., complete. counter sheet with margin, 50 or 100 pcs, thin or wide margins, Pof.57š++,+, Pof.57ú++,+, Pof.58š*,+(2x), Pof.58ú+*, Pof.59š++,**, Pof.59ú+*, Pof.60š*, Pof.60ú+*, Pof.61š*(2x), Pof.61ú*(2x), sheets from both editions, 1x on reverse more/larger face with print and damaged. margin, mostly good quality
Starting price: CZK
67360 - 1941 Pof.62-63 A. Dvořák, complete. counter sheet with thi
1941 Pof.62-63 A. Dvořák, complete. counter sheet with thin and wide margin (10x5 and 10x10 fields), variants of coupons, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
67358 - 1941 Pof.62-63 A. Dvořák, complete counter sheet with thin
1941 Pof.62-63 A. Dvořák, complete counter sheet with thin and wide margin (10x5 and 10x10 fields), variants of coupons, nice
Starting price: CZK
67369 - 1941 Pof.64-67 Trade fair, complete. counter sheet with marg
1941 Pof.64-67 Trade fair, complete. counter sheet with margin, by/on/at one stamps several dots, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
67367 - 1941 Pof.64-67 Trade fair, complete counter sheet with margi
1941 Pof.64-67 Trade fair, complete counter sheet with margin, small spots in margin by/on/at one sheet, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
67372 - 1941 Pof.64-67 Trade fair, complete counter sheet with margi
1941 Pof.64-67 Trade fair, complete counter sheet with margin, mint never hinged, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
67366 - 1941 Pof.68-71 Mozart, complete counter sheet with margin, v
1941 Pof.68-71 Mozart, complete counter sheet with margin, variants of coupons, several brown dots in margin, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
67365 - 1941 Pof.68-71 Mozart, complete counter sheet with margin, v
1941 Pof.68-71 Mozart, complete counter sheet with margin, variants of coupons, folded in perforation, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
68576 - 1942 Pof.72-73, Additional printing, complete 24 pcs of over
1942 Pof.72-73, Additional printing, complete 24 pcs of overprint blocks issue 3. anniv of Bohemia-Moravia
Starting price: CZK
68577 - 1942 Pof.72-73, Additional printing, complete 24 pcs of over
1942 Pof.72-73, Additional printing, complete 24 pcs of overprint blocks issue 3. anniv of Bohemia-Moravia
Starting price: CZK
68578 - 1942 Pof.72-73, Additional printing, complete 24 pcs of over
1942 Pof.72-73, Additional printing, complete 24 pcs of overprint blocks issue 3. anniv of Bohemia-Moravia
Starting price: CZK
67543 - 1942 Pof.74-76 53. birthday Hitler, 4x counter sheet with ma
1942 Pof.74-76 53. birthday Hitler, 4x counter sheet with margin, incomplete line, 1x 30h, 2x 60h, 1x 1,20 Koruna, folded, some counter sheet small spots, variants of coupons (horseshoe etc.)
Starting price: CZK
67540 - 1942 Pof.74-77 53. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet
1942 Pof.74-77 53. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet with margin, folded, small detachment/section in perforation, several stamps small brown spots (zejm.2,50K), variants of coupons (horseshoe apod.), otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK
67563 - 1942-45 Pof.78-83 + 122  Hitler, recess printing + 1x die-st
1942-45 Pof.78-83 + 122 Hitler, recess printing + 1x die-stamping , complete. 100 kusové counter sheet with margin, horiz. folded in perforation, at value 4,20 Koruna fold in margin, otherwise nice, c.v.. 400CZK
Starting price: CZK
67341 - 1942 Pof.100-01 Red Cross III., complete. counter sheet with
1942 Pof.100-01 Red Cross III., complete. counter sheet with margin and year, in perforation 1x folded, much flaw print and plate variety, suitable to research, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
67340 - 1942 Pof.100-01 Red Cross III., complete counter sheet with
1942 Pof.100-01 Red Cross III., complete counter sheet with margin and year, folded in perforation, a lot of plate flaws and flaw print, suitable to research, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
67520 - 1943 Pof.102 Day of Stamp (2x), complete. counter sheet, var
1943 Pof.102 Day of Stamp (2x), complete. counter sheet, various printing, much same also various plate variety, 1x folded in perforation, suitable to research, nice
Starting price: CZK
67534 - 1943 Pof.103-105, Winter relief, 2x complete sheets, total 6
1943 Pof.103-105, Winter relief, 2x complete sheets, total 6 pcs of, various editions (color shades), a lot of plate flaws, good condition, only in the middle folded
Starting price: CZK
67546 - 1943 Pof.106-07 54. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet
1943 Pof.106-07 54. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet with margin, variants of coupons (horseshoe and j.), more/larger also smaller detachment/section in perforation, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
67548 - 1943 Pof.106-7  54. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet
1943 Pof.106-7 54. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet with margin, variants of coupons (horseshoe aj.), smaller also more/larger detachment/section in perforation, partially damaged margin by/on/at 60h, otherwise good
Starting price: CZK
67526 - 1943 Pof.108-10 + 112  Wagner + German cross IV., complete.
1943 Pof.108-10 + 112 Wagner + German cross IV., complete. counter sheet with margin, nice, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
67529 - 1943 Pof.108-10 + 112 Wagner + German cross IV., complete. c
1943 Pof.108-10 + 112 Wagner + German cross IV., complete. counter sheet with margin, 109DV1 (white skrvrna on/for H), 109DV2 (line in T), nice quality, c.v.. ca. 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
63951 - 1943 Pof.108-110 Richard Wagner, complete counter sheet with
1943 Pof.108-110 Richard Wagner, complete counter sheet with margin, folded in perforation, a lot of plate flaws, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
67562 - 1943 Pof.111 Heydrich, complete. counter sheet with margin,
1943 Pof.111 Heydrich, complete. counter sheet with margin, all plate variety, nice
Starting price: CZK
67561 - 1943 Pof.111 Heydrich, complete. counter sheet with margin,
1943 Pof.111 Heydrich, complete. counter sheet with margin, all attributes, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
67376 - 1944 Pof.113-117 5. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia and 55. birthda
1944 Pof.113-117 5. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia and 55. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet with margin, good quality, c.v.. 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
67377 - 1944 Pof.113-117 5. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia and 55. birthda
1944 Pof.113-117 5. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia and 55. birthday Hitler, complete. counter sheet with margin, on stmp 115 several brown dots, otherwise nice, c.v.. 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
67379 - 1944 Pof.118-119 Smetana, 3x complete. counter sheet (1x 118
1944 Pof.118-119 Smetana, 3x complete. counter sheet (1x 118, 2x 119), on/for more places also more/larger detachment/section in perforation, counter sheet from both values else/yet natrhané on/for variants of coupons and more/larger parts
Starting price: CZK
67354 - 1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., complete. counter sheet with mar
1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., complete. counter sheet with margin, variants of coupons (upper and the bottom, L and right horseshoe), several stamps in gum light print, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
67510 - 1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., complete. counter sheet with mar
1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., complete. counter sheet with margin, 1x vert. fold, smaller detachment/section in perforation, variants of coupons (horseshoe apod.), 121DV on/for 59 field (dot in 2), nice
Starting price: CZK
67356 - 1944 Pof.120-121, St. Vitus., complete. counter sheet with m
1944 Pof.120-121, St. Vitus., complete. counter sheet with margin, variants of coupons (L and UR, and the bottom horseshoe aj.), 121DV on pos. 59 (dot in 2), several small stains in gum + offset on gum after/around bad placing
Starting price: CZK
67517 - 1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., complete counter sheet with marg
1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., complete counter sheet with margin, 1x vert. fold, various variants of coupons (horseshoe and other), plate flaw "dot in 2", smaller detachment/section in perforation, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
69691 - 1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., variants of coupons VK-6 + VK-7
1944 Pof.120-21 St. Vitus., variants of coupons VK-6 + VK-7 and VK-9 + VK10, upper and the bottom, L and right horseshoe, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
68800 - 1939-40 comp. 10 pcs of letters with various frankings, 2x m
1939-40 comp. 10 pcs of letters with various frankings, 2x mixed with parallel stamps Czechosl., i.a. 40h Comenius, 1 letter 10x 10h Linden Leaves, 1x commercial letter from Slovakia, 3x franked with. postcard etc..
Starting price: CZK
70969 - 1939-45 10  pcs letters Protectorate, Registered, franked is
1939-45 10 pcs letters Protectorate, Registered, franked issues Postage A. Hitler., various combinations, very good quality
Starting price: CZK
70968 - 1939-45 10 pcs of letters Protectorate, Registered, franked
1939-45 10 pcs of letters Protectorate, Registered, franked mainly issues Postage A. Hitler., various combinations, very good quality
Starting price: CZK
70971 - 1939-45 comp. 9 pcs of letters, Ex, R, Reg and Express 2x, v
1939-45 comp. 9 pcs of letters, Ex, R, Reg and Express 2x, various combinations frankings, very good quality
Starting price: CZK
68791 - 1940 3 pcs of R letters, 1x response envelope franked with.
1940 3 pcs of R letters, 1x response envelope franked with. 10x 30h Linden Leaves, Pof.24, torn margins envelope/-s, 1x Reg letter in the place from Swiss consulate in Prague, 1x small format with Pof.31, 34 with CDS Ratiboř 11.III.40
Starting price: CZK
68842 - 1940 Reg letter to USA, franked with. 10-násobnou franking
1940 Reg letter to USA, franked with. 10-násobnou franking stamp. 50h, Pof.29 on front also back side envelope/-s, CDS Prague 1/ 27.II.40, passed through German censorship, arrival postmark New York 19.Mar.40; smaller tearing envelope/-s in upper margin from nešetrného opening else preserved
Starting price: CZK
67552 - 1940-42 PC CDV6/3 Karlštejn (castle) with special postmark
1940-42 PC CDV6/3 Karlštejn (castle) with special postmark Prag 1/ Deutsche Buchausstellung/ 8.XI.40 (PR39) and postcard with Pof.21, 27, special postmark Zlin 1/ Exhibition Erholung and Gastlichkeit (PR104), place message other stamp. Pof.56 with same special postmark, both pcs well preserved
Starting price: CZK
68856 - 1940-43 comp. 4 pcs of letters addressed abroad, 2x ordinary
1940-43 comp. 4 pcs of letters addressed abroad, 2x ordinary to Belgium and Denmark, 2x as Registered resp. Reg + Airmail to Slovakia, interesting frankings, all with German censorship; good condition, only small tearing in margins envelopes
Starting price: CZK
68810 - 1940-45 comp. 13 pcs of entires, 6x Reg letter, 1x Express l
1940-45 comp. 13 pcs of entires, 6x Reg letter, 1x Express letter, interesting frankings, coupons, gutter, 2x single franking A. Hitler 4,20 Koruna, red CDS Prague 14.V.45, good condition
Starting price: CZK
66174 - 1941 accounting card check deposit slip (receipt) card still
1941 accounting card check deposit slip (receipt) card still in/at Czech version, franked by stmp Pof.27, 59, 2x money square postmark, CDS in/at domicile always "České Budějovice"/ 29.XII.41, folds, still preserved
Starting price: CZK
66173 - 1941 accounting card check deposit slip (receipt) card, fran
1941 accounting card check deposit slip (receipt) card, franked by stmp Pof.27, 33, CDS VESELÍ N. M./ 9.VI.41, 2x frame money numeral cancel, folded, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
65813 - 1941-42 3 pcs of Reg and Express letters, from that 1x off.
1941-42 3 pcs of Reg and Express letters, from that 1x off. and 1x commercial, usual frankings, good condition
Starting price: CZK
70085 - 1941? Sample without value, smaller envelope franked with. 2
1941? Sample without value, smaller envelope franked with. 2 Koruna, stamp. Pof.56 2x, CDS Prague 6/ ?, incomplete print, sent in the place; good condition
Starting price: CZK