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1947 CHEB letter to Germany US zone/-s, sent from Sběrného centre Cheb, Czech and American censorship, on reverse stick-on label censorship, inside envelope/-s letter with censored interference + postmark centre, good condition U:A5
1948 MÍROV postcard to State prison on/for Mírově, line censorship mark, worse CDS High Tatras/ ?48, good condition 1959 PARDUBICE comp. 2 pcs of letters incl. content from women's prison in Pardubice, in text censorship marks 1946 RÝNOVICE POW camp, comp. 6 pcs of letters sent to Headquarters POW camp, from that 3x provisional Reg letter; good condition 1945 VYŠKOV without franking PC sent from camp zajištěných in Vyškov, broken out cancel Vyškov/ 4.XII.45, straight line postmark detention camp District People's Committee Vyškov, censor signature, well preserved