Mail Auction 19 / Historical Documents, Maps / Circulars, Bulletins

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70614 - 1795 blank form Zdravotní declaration, print with big the f
1795 blank form "Zdravotní declaration", print with big the first initial. Essen, 3 dry seal. Folded, good condition.
Starting price: CZK
70099 - 1753 notification of přepočtu měn, written in Czech
1753 notification of přepočtu měn, written in Czech
Starting price: CZK
68615 - 1770 document, Filipp count Kollowrat, format 20x32cm, writt
1770 document, Filipp count Kollowrat, format 20x32cm, written in Czech, We Jozeff other from Boží Meilosti zwolený Ržimský Cýsař..., fine heading and iniciála
Starting price: CZK
70097 - 1771 notification of issue coins, size 47x37 cm,  Maria Ther
1771 notification of issue coins, size 47x37 cm, Maria Theresia and Leopold count in/at. Kollowrat; only folds
Starting price: CZK
51966 - 1787 Fire-fighting Order on/for circular Joseph II
1787 Fire-fighting Order on/for circular Joseph II
Starting price: CZK
70413 - 1801 NAPOLEONIC WARS  general command for českomoravsko-sle
1801 NAPOLEONIC WARS general command for českomoravsko-slezský legion, which/what with on/for base mírové contract/-s with Francouzskou Republic. rozpouští, issued - Moravian. Budějovice 9.4. 1801, archduke Charles
Starting price: CZK
70504 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS    order inhabitants Wien (Vienna), whi
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS order inhabitants Wien (Vienna), which/what count Wrbna oznamuje closing/conclusion peace in Bratislava between France and Austria and nechává sloužit Te Deum, Wien (Vienna) 28.12., folded
Starting price: CZK
70421 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  kontribuce stanovené Austrian zemím
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS kontribuce stanovené Austrian zemím after/around lost battle by/on/at Slavkov in value 100 millions franků, 15. 12. Gen. Berthier, folded.
Starting price: CZK
70385 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  Napoleonova proklamace daná in Vienna
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS Napoleonova proklamace daná in Vienna after/around battle by/on/at Slavkov, archiving folds
Starting price: CZK
70509 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  ohlášení  výměny between panovnic
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS ohlášení výměny between panovnickými farmyards Wien (Vienna), Petersburg and Paris relevant to renovation mírového vyjednávání, contemporary paperback, folded
Starting price: CZK
70418 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  notification zemských orgánů about/
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS notification zemských orgánů about/by reparacích and kdo all on/for will be muset přispět after/around lost battle by/on/at Slavkov, Wien (Vienna) 14.12. 1805 count von Wrbna, folded
Starting price: CZK
70498 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  order to dodávkám flour, pastries et
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS order to dodávkám flour, pastries etc.. to supply French army, 3. 12. Znojmo, one day after/around battle by/on/at Slavkov (Austerlitz), folded
Starting price: CZK
70415 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  příměří closed between  France an
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS příměří closed between France and Austria after/around lost battle by/on/at Slavkov (Austerlitz), 3 basic conditions, which/what musí Austria splnit, Slavkov 5. 12., text in French, folded, utržen corner outside text, stains
Starting price: CZK
70382 - 1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS  slavné declaration Napoleon to soldie
1805 NAPOLEONIC WARS slavné declaration Napoleon to soldiers after/around battle by/on/at Slavkov, issued in military. camp by/on/at Slavkov 12. Frimaire year 14
Starting price: CZK
70512 - 1806 NAPOLEONIC WARS  order from 1. January 1806 upozorňuj
1806 NAPOLEONIC WARS order from 1. January 1806 upozorňující on/for výměnu mírových contracts uzavřených in Bratislava, von Wrbna, cut
Starting price: CZK
70401 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS   military command from 6. April for Au
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS military command from 6. April for Austrian army issued archduke Charles, folded
Starting price: CZK
70405 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS   proclamation emperor to národům Aus
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS proclamation emperor to národům Austria upozorňující on/for ohrožení empire Napoleon, Wien (Vienna) 8. April, folded
Starting price: CZK
70539 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS   preparation country defence in/at Aus
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS preparation country defence in/at Austrian státech with special přihlédnutím to Lower Austria, patriotic civil science, paperback, superb condition
Starting price: CZK
70531 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS   upozornění on/for articles from Mon
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS upozornění on/for articles from Monitoru (newspaper) from 3.3.1809, French paperback with citacemi
Starting price: CZK
70519 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS   war prayer near/in/at opening war cam
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS war prayer near/in/at opening war campaign in 1809, on front page gravure Madony with child
Starting price: CZK
70410 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  military daily command French army fro
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS military daily command French army from 14.10. annunciating closing/conclusion peace with Austria and přikazující maršálům oznámit this novinu dělovými salvami, folded, light stains
Starting price: CZK
70397 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  daily command for French army in/at Br
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS daily command for French army in/at Brno kraji stanovující žold for single hodnosti and function, Brno 23.7.1809
Starting price: CZK
70400 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  flyer with proclamation to šlechetný
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS flyer with proclamation to šlechetným volunteers Wien (Vienna) from military commander archduke Carl, Wien (Vienna) 9.3.1809
Starting price: CZK
70389 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  mobilization order aktivizující rese
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS mobilization order aktivizující reserve soldiers, issued Wien (Vienna) 1. May 1809, folded
Starting price: CZK
70543 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  song God zachovej emperor Francis, sof
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS song God zachovej emperor Francis, soft rose binding, superb condition
Starting price: CZK
70535 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  song with melodiemi for Austrian země
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS song with melodiemi for Austrian zeměbranu, Collin and J. Weigel, paperback, superb condition
Starting price: CZK
70392 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  declaration Napoleon to Maďarům  15.
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS declaration Napoleon to Maďarům 15.5.1809 before/(in front of) battle by/on/at Wagramu, where jim nabízí institutional freedom after/behind his support, folded.
Starting price: CZK
70394 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  printed daily command from 15.7. for 4
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS printed daily command from 15.7. for 4. military corps/chapel French army in Germany nařizující i.a. rekvíraci horses, píce etc..
Starting price: CZK
70520 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS  Up! Up! Homeland is in/at nebezpečí!
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS Up! Up! Homeland is in/at nebezpečí! Austrians! Viennese! paperback - flyer rousing before/(in front of) Napoleon, folded
Starting price: CZK
70524 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS,  Austrians! Maďaři! Czechs! Brožura
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS, Austrians! Maďaři! Czechs! Brožura - flyer rousing near/in/at advance Napoleon's armies to Austria, folds
Starting price: CZK
U:A4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
70528 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS, Pilgrim, popular sheet, nulté number
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS, Pilgrim, popular sheet, nulté number newspapers srovnává event/-s in/at Tyrol in y 1703 and 1809 and líčí current war event/-s, decorated heading, folded
Starting price: CZK
70514 - 1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS   message about/by battle by/on/at Aspe
1809 NAPOLEONIC WARS message about/by battle by/on/at Aspern on/for Moravském field 21. and 22. May between Napoleon and Austrian. army, contemporary paperback.
Starting price: CZK
52003 - 1821 illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Br
1821 illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Brno with revenue postmarks and seal; folds and stains
Starting price: CZK
52245 - 1897 Railway zřízenec, Orgán Austrian personálu railways
1897 Railway zřízenec, Orgán Austrian personálu railways language Czech, No. 33 from 25.11.1897, nice heading newspapers; good condition
Starting price: CZK
68219 - 1937 People's newspaper, In memoriam T.G.M., selection of ne
1937 People's newspaper, In memoriam T.G.M., selection of newspapers, People's newspaper, 3 pcs of copies/imprints from 14., 17. and 19. September, 2x A-Zet 14. and 15. September, 2x National policy from 15. and 17. September 1937, all in/at original paper fold/cover, damaged folder
Starting price: CZK
68498 - 1942 periodikum Acta Curiae Episcopalis Brunensis, written i
1942 periodikum Acta Curiae Episcopalis Brunensis, written in Latin, German and Czech language, on envelope notification about/by death R. Heydrich, inside například pokyn for issuing křestních sheets Jews, listings persons and oths., free sheets format 21x34cm, very interesting document
Starting price: CZK