Mail Auction 19 / Other Collector`s Domains / Bank Documents, Cheques

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70835 - 1837 decorative 4-page insurance form Generali, Austrian eag
1837 decorative 4-page insurance form Generali, Austrian eagle in head, revenue 15 Kreuzer issue 1837 and controll imprinted stamp, seal, wmk, folded
Starting price: CZK
70840 - 1845 decorative on both sides printed matter insurance compa
1845 decorative on both sides printed matter insurance company Trieste, in head big Austrian eagle with country's coat of arms, revenue 3 Kreuzer issue 1836 and controll imprinted stamp, folded
Starting price: CZK
70817 - 1858 decorative 4-page printed matter, insurance company The
1858 decorative 4-page printed matter, insurance company The first Austrian, decorative head with Austrian. eagle and country's coat of arms Moravia and Silesia, revenue 3 Kreuzer issue 1854, folded, throughshine ink through/over paper
Starting price: CZK
70841 - 1860 AUSTRIA  decorative printed matter insurance company Tr
1860 AUSTRIA decorative printed matter insurance company Trieste, in head Austrian eagle with country's coat of arms, branch Brno, revenues 6 and 7 Kreuzer issue 1858, folded, light torn
Starting price: CZK
70824 - 1865 decorative insurance form Trieste, head with Austrian.
1865 decorative insurance form Trieste, head with Austrian. eagle and with country's coat of arms, branch Brno, folded
Starting price: CZK
70799 - 1865-98 USA  cheque on/for 4,15USD with mounted poplatkovým
1865-98 USA cheque on/for 4,15USD with mounted poplatkovými stamp, Documentary 2x 2c and document/-s with by hand evidovanými bankovními pohyby with 5 pcs of by hand cancelled poplatkových stamp. Bank Check values 2c
Starting price: CZK
70821 - 1874 decorative on both sides insurance form Donau, branch B
1874 decorative on both sides insurance form Donau, branch Brno, allegory ochránkyně shop in head, light folded
Starting price: CZK
67741 - 1876 TURKEY  bank bon in value 100?,  on reverse oval record
1876 TURKEY bank bon in value 100?, on reverse oval recording stamp bank, folded, signs of age
Starting price: CZK
70829 - 1879 decorative on both sides printed matter insurance compa
1879 decorative on both sides printed matter insurance company Cracow, in head figure St. Floriana, branch Brno, folded
Starting price: CZK
70832 - 1882 decorative on both sides printed matter insurance compa
1882 decorative on both sides printed matter insurance company Cracow, in head figure St. Floriana, color security podtisk!!!, branch Brno, folded
Starting price: CZK
70819 - 1882 decorative insurance form Phoenix with decorative head
1882 decorative insurance form Phoenix with decorative head with Austrian eagle
Starting price: CZK
70827 - 1886 decorative on both sides printed matter Hungarian insur
1886 decorative on both sides printed matter Hungarian insurance company, in head Hungarian country emblem, branch Brno, folded
Starting price: CZK
70844 - 1916 printed matter insurance premium, ornamentally printed
1916 printed matter insurance premium, ornamentally printed head, light folded
Starting price: CZK
69877 - 1929 state dluh of Czechoslovakia - Compensatory renta in th
1929 state dluh of Czechoslovakia - Compensatory renta in the name of, 300CZK; folds and small tearing in margins
Starting price: CZK
70997 - 1942 part insurance contract/-s bank Slavia with reproductio
1942 part insurance contract/-s bank Slavia with reproduction from Alfonze Mucha "Slavie"; 2x fold
Starting price: CZK
64842 - 1943 life pojistka bank Slavia with picture Slavie from Alfo
1943 life pojistka bank Slavia with picture Slavie from Alfons Mucha, only folds, otherwise without defects
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 19 / Other Collector`s Domains / Bank Documents, Cheques - Information

Akcie, obligace, šeky - cenné papíry

Sběratelstvím akcií, dluhopisů, hypotečních zástavních listů, vkladových, podílových a kmenových listů, obligací, směnek a dalších cenných papíru se zabývá obor - skripofilie.