1878-97 comp. 3 pcs of entires with postmarks 2x train průvodčí (kondukterská) + 1x train post, 1x POSTCONDUKTEUR IM ZUGE PILSEN - DUX No.1111 on postcard (Vot.3311/2), 1x WINTERBERG - STRAKONITZ 3654/ 18.IX.95 on letter (Vot.3388/2), 1x postmark train post K.K. FAHRENDES POSTAMT No.33 on postcard (Vot.3189/1), signs of age, but good condition
1879-83 comp. 3 pcs of PC 2 Kreuzer Mi.P26 with railway pmk., straight line postmark FAHRENDES POSTAMT No.33, straight line postmark PRAG NIMBURG WIEN No.41, and round cancel. FP No.31/ 7/4 83; nice print
1897 postcard (Franz Joseph) with 2 Kreuzer, straight line postmark Postcondukteur im Zuge/ Eger - Budweis No. 126 (Vot.3299/2.), arrival postmark Königl. Weinberge 12.11.97 in front, good condition
1920-57 comp. 13 pcs of entires, from that 7 pcs of from Czechoslovakia I., for example. train post No.51 Č.BUDĚJOVICE - PRAGUE, No.148 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ - VEL. OSEK, č.597 DUCHCOV - PLZEŇ + 6 pcs of from y. 1946-57, for example. train post No.98 HAVL. BROD - PARDUBICE, č.102 PARDUBICE - LIBEREC, č.222 TANVALD - ŠUMBURK - LIBEREC, good print, good condition
1922-25 selection of 16 pcs of Ppc + 1 FP card, all with Pof.156, various railway pmk., for example. No.16 KRALUPY - PRAGUE, č.521 TEPLÁ - BRNO, 2 pcs of with cancel. railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting ROKYTNICE - DOUDLEBY and KOUNICE - IVANČICE - OSLAVANY, mostly good print, as multiple good condition
1930LAWOCZNE - BAŤOVO č.1005/ 22.V.30, postmark train post on/for vyfrankovaném card with additional-printing firm Moritz Mayer Svalava; good condition, incomplete postal imprint
1932-37 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA comp. 2 pcs of entires, train post 100 Košice–Berehovo, train post 093 Jasiňa–Košice, interesting postcard from Jasina, good condition
1939commercial letter with 12Pf addressed to to Prague, provisional postmark train post railway mail/ Bodenbach - Warnsdorf/ 27.6.1939 with swastika; good condition
1940-432 pcs of response entires, 1x railway-station Reg letter with CDS train post No.112/ Choceň - Police n./M./ 31.VII.43 + commercial PC with CDS train post č.512/ Jihlava - Brno/ 2.XII.40; good condition
1941-43 5 pcs of letters Protectorate with cancel. railway post office Jihlava - Brno 2x, Budějovice - Jihlava, Dačice - Jihlava and Pardubice - Turnov, all with Bohemian and Moravian cancel., good
1945 comp. 5 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory broken out railway pmk 2 pcs of MLADOTICE - RAKOVNÍK č.322, KLATOVY - HORAŽĎOVICE, JIHLAVA - BRNO č.511, PARDUBICE - NĚMECKÝ BROD No.95; nice print
1915double PC of Red Cross for war prisoner, postal agency pmk ČIČOV/ČIČOW, c.v.. Geb.0150/1. - good imprint of daily postmark, Spálené Poříčí 16.XI.15, addressed. on/for Siberia, censor and arrival postmark in front, interesting, good condition
1910 postcard without franking, postal agency pmk MIKOLAJICE (SLEZ.)/ NIKLOWITZ (SCHLES.), Geb.0783/2. (=30b.), arrival postmark Otice, Austrian Silesia 30.VII.10 in front, good print, good condition
1912-16 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk PROSTŘEDNÍ BEČVA (Hutisko) Geb.1062/1, JENŠOVICE (Chroustovice) Geb.0475/1, VYŠKOVICE (Moravian.) Geb.1534/1, c.v.. 40€ the first two, the third doesn't evaluate for rare usage, good condition
1919 letter sent to Dánský red cross, office for war prisoner, broken out cancel Postal Agency VOMICE (Geb.č.0929/1), neupravené CDS Rosice, dist. Brno/ 5.VI.19, trigonal postmark Viennese censorship, good condition
1923-36 comp. 8 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk : MACOCHA (Jedovnice), DRŽOVICE - Prostějov 1, BENECKO (Jilemnice), ŠUBÍŘOV (Jaroměřice by/on/at Jevíčko), ČIERNA HORA (Vondrišel), LHOTA P. LIBČANY (Hradec Králové 2), OSTROV N. O. (Town Žďár in Moravia), ONDŘEJNÍK (Frýdlant above O.), good condition, c.v. 94€
1932 Reg letter with postal agency pmk DOLNÍ MĚSTO (Světlá nad Sázavou ), Geb.213/3, Reg label and CDS Světlá nad Sázavou / 18.VI.32, vert. fold, but good condition, good print
1935-36 3 pcs of entires with postal agency pmk, pictorial PC with cancel. OSEČANY (SEDLČANY), 2x postcard with cancel. PLEŠIVEC (ABERTAMY) and PÍSAŘOVAVESCE (TACHOV); good condition
1938 PC CDV69/105 with postal agency pmk LUBNICE (Uherčice), (Geb.0725/7), CDS Uherčice/ 28.III.38, on reverse light hints after sticking, after all well preserved
1939-42 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postmarks Postal Agency Schwillbogen über Hohenstadt (March) Geb.1293/3, 1x black, 1x violet, 1x as arrival, good condition
1940 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk TOPOLAN/ TOPOLANY (Nebotein) Geb.1371/4, HOSTEIN/ HOSTÝN (Bystřice p.Hostýnem) Geb.0364/12, LHOTA P. LIBČANY (Hradec Králové 2) Geb.0670/4 (forerunner), last postmark catalogue doesn't evaluate for rare usage, good condition
1940-44 3 pcs of letters with postal agency pmk PŘÍMĚTICE (ÚNANOV) with CDS Moravské Budějovice on/for German stamp. 12Pf(!), VELEŠOVICE (ROUSÍNOV), JEŽKOVICE (DRNOVICE); good condition, nice print
1943-44comp. 9 pcs of certificates of mailing with postal imprints postal-agencies: Bachno, Laibenau, Below Klajdůvkou, On Rybnikách, Podomí, Sudice, Valochov, Kostelany n. M., Rubeřiceu.N.; good condition, only nice print
1944 letter with red cancel. Postal Agency RONAU a.d. SASAU (PRIMISLAU), c.v.. Geb.1132/6. (30b.), with Pof.80, 81, 86, CDS Primislau 29.8.44, 1x vert. fold, nice postal imprints, good condition
1944 comp. 8 pcs of certificates of mailing with postal imprints postal-agencies: Lasenice, Lhota p. Libčany, Smrčná, Bolešiny, Mlečice, Radkov, Bélkovice, Radešínská Svratka; good condition, only nice print
1940 postcard with postal agency pmk PLAVECKÝ ŠTVRTOK (LÁB), railway pmk ...- Bratislava 20.XII.40, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, passed through German censorship
1945 2 pcs of entires, 1x commercial franked letter with nationalized postal agency pmk ZBYSLAV (BÍLÉ PODOLÍ) with CDS Čáslav/ 27.XI.45, 1x PC with jednořádkovým cancel. KRUMSÍN (PLUMLOV) with nationalized CDS Plumlov/ 13.VIII.45; good condition
1946 commercial letter with franked. 2,40Kčs, broken-out Bohemian and Moravian postal agency pmk MLEČICE (TEREŠOV), Geb.0808/4a (=30b.), usage in April 1946 doesn't report, nationalized CDS Terešov 25.IV.46, readable cancel., well preserved
1904 identification entire with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "EJW", cat. Maxa E23, E. J. Weinmann, Ústí n./L., CDS Aussig 10.11.04, arrival Wilthen 11.11.04, good condition
1907response blank form sent from Velké Karlovice to Krnov, CDS 14.4.07, with Franz Joseph 25h blue, with perfin "E.C.J.", Maxa E18, Edward Cerhak, Jägerndorf, CDS Jägerndorf 17.4.07, frayed in upper margin, after all very nice entire
1911 envelope with additional-printing firm Jindr. Francek's Sons, with 3h with perfin "F.S.", cat. Maxa F61, CDS Pardubice/ 2/5 11; very light stains and small tearing
1912 front part from double C.O.D. dispatch-note franked with. 3 pcs of stamp., Mi.1153, 149 (torn off corner), 144, all with perfin "ETTI" firm Theodor Etti, Transito - Lager (camp), Wien, CDS Wien 25.IX.12, addressed to to Rumania, mounted Romanian revenue 10 Bani; good condition, only archiving perforations
1913 card with additional-printing firm Rakovnickékeramické works with with perfin "RAKO", cat. Maxa R7, CDS Rakovník 10/10 13 (incomplete light print); good condition
1918 commercial PC with perfin F.J.K., cat. Maxa F29, CDS Prostějov 2.10.18, addressed to to Hungary, perf after/around paperclips, also with 4 pcs of Hungarian certificates of mailing sent to firm, CDS Csári, 2 pcs of cuts confirmation cards, worse condition confirmation cards
1921-22 comp. 5 pcs of identification entires with from issue Liberated Republic with perfins, cat. Maxa C37, F65, K24, P20 and other, sugar-factory Schoeller only front part envelope/-s
1932order letter sent as Registered, with Pof.269 3x, with perfin "B.F.", Maxa B41 (Bros Feiglové), CDS Prague 1/ 22.VI.32, identification entire, in the middle 1x vertical folded and removed second Reg label, still preserved
1939 Joseph Riedel, Unter-Polaun, comp. 2 pcs of identification entires with with perfin, cat. Maxa J89, provisory straight line postmark Unter-Polaun 25. April 1939, good condition
1897 GREAT BRITAIN commercial PC Mi.P7 with additional-printing on reverse, addressed to to Austria, uprated with stamp Mi.86 with perfin FR ( Fletcher, Russel & Co. Warrington), CDS Warrington 17.12.97, good condition
1946USA air test mailing, letter sent from USA to Argentina, recipient Pan American AirwaySystem/ Air Mail Test/ Buenos Aires, MC Saint Peter/ Nov.1.46, on reverse RecivedPAA Office/ Bs. As./ Nov.5.46, franked with. argentinskými stamp. with CDS Buenos Aires/ 6.Nov.46; good condition
1934 USA S.S.AQVITANIA red straight line postmark and additional printing S.S. LEVITHAN on/for p.stat envelopes 5c sent to Czechoslovakia; good condition