Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Forerunners 1918-1919

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75532 - 1918 letter provisional franked with. postage-due Austrian s
1918 letter provisional franked with. postage-due Austrian stamp. Mi.P51, P62, CDS HLUBOCKÁ 24.XII.18, on reverse hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
74179 - 1918 letter franked with. str-of-3 6h Crown Mi.187 + 2h spec
1918 letter franked with. str-of-3 6h Crown Mi.187 + 2h special-delivery Mi.219, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 15.XII.18, rare franking, light dirty margins, R quite little cut envelope, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74212 - 1918 letter franked with. Austrian stamps Mi.187, 221, CDS T
1918 letter franked with. Austrian stamps Mi.187, 221, CDS TÝN above V./ 9.XII.18, on reverse two seal, light stain, and smaller wrinkled envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
76249 - 1918 letter sent as printed matter paid/franked print MC FRA
1918 letter sent as printed matter paid/franked print MC FRANKO / 3 / CASH, CDS Prague 1/ 28.XII.18; slightly yellowy margins envelope/-s and back side
Starting price: CZK
76247 - 1918 commercial letter sent in/at postal rate I as priority
1918 commercial letter sent in/at postal rate I as priority printed matter in the place, 2x 3h after/behind každých 50g + supplement for priority delivery 2h, franked with Austrian stmp Mi.220A, 185 with overprint "T", nationalized CDS BRNO 4/ 30/11 18; vertical fold, on reverse hints after sticking, rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
74177 - 1918 commercial printed matter franked with. úhlopříčně
1918 commercial printed matter franked with. úhlopříčně bisected stmp 6h Crown Mi.187, CDS NĚMECKÝ BROD 2/ 27.XI.18, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
76246 - 1918 card sent as printed matter, franked with Austrian stmp
1918 card sent as printed matter, franked with Austrian stmp 3h Crown, Mi.185, MC TROPPAU/ 18.XI.18; good condition, decorative!
Starting price: CZK
75505 - 1918 envelope Moravian-Silesian bank in Brno, sent as expres
1918 envelope Moravian-Silesian bank in Brno, sent as express printed matter, franked with. Austrian express stamp. 5h rectangle Mi.220A, CDS BRNO 1/ 8.XI.18, addressed to to Kojetín; on reverse stains and browny flap
Starting price: CZK
74178 - 1918 postcard franked with. pair 6h Crown Mi.187, CDS SMIŘI
1918 postcard franked with. pair 6h Crown Mi.187, CDS SMIŘICE in Bohemia/ 20.XII.18, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
74180 - 1918 postcard paid/franked cash, CDS PLZEŇ 7/ 11.XII.18, bl
1918 postcard paid/franked cash, CDS PLZEŇ 7/ 11.XII.18, black straight line postmark FRANCO + rujkopisně "F h 10", well preserved
Starting price: CZK
73669 - 1918 Reg letter to Vienna, post paid CASH 45 h, CDS SUŠICE/
1918 Reg letter to Vienna, post paid CASH 45 h, CDS SUŠICE/ 20.12.18, provisional rubber R postmark, folded, torn, after all interesting entire
Starting price: CZK
74214 - 1918 Reg letter franked with. Austrian  stamp. 50h, Mi.195,
1918 Reg letter franked with. Austrian stamp. 50h, Mi.195, CDS JISTEBNICE/ 25.11.18, provisional R postmark with additional writing, repaired corner envelope/-s, yellowy margin, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
73740 - 1918 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc franked with. vertical pair Austrian
1918 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc franked with. vertical pair Austrian express stmp 5h, Mi.220, imprint of daily postmark only over stamps, 1x over-mounted over margin postcard
Starting price: CZK
73739 - 1918 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc PAID IN CASH, postal-agency PADOCHOV
1918 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc PAID IN CASH, postal-agency PADOCHOV, straight line postmark, MC, CDS, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
74205 - 1919 2x entire with Austrian stamps, 1x as Registered with m
1919 2x entire with Austrian stamps, 1x as Registered with mixed franking Hradčany 5h (Pof.3 perforation.) + Austrian. Charles 20h (Mi.2x 222), stamps mounted on reverse, broken out cancel PRAGUE 17/ 21.II.19, 1x unpaid letter burdened with postage due provisional Mi.194 with overprint T, CDS KRÁL.VINOHRADY/ 14.I.19 + EGER 2/?, various quality
Starting price: CZK
76248 - 1919 letter sent as printed matter přednostně(!), franked
1919 letter sent as printed matter přednostně(!), franked with. Austrian express stamp. 5h, Mi.220A, postage 3h + 2h express - priority sending, CDS GABLONZ a.d. NIESSE 1/ 9.I.19; good condition, rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
75321 - 1919 FP card franked with. bisected stmp Charles 20h, to Ger
1919 FP card franked with. bisected stmp Charles 20h, to Germany, CDS PROSCHWITZ a.d. NEISSE/ 1.I.19, straight line postmark FRANCO, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
73307 - 1919 postcard franked with Austrian stmp Charles 20h green,
1919 postcard franked with Austrian stmp Charles 20h green, bisected, CDS HOLAK/ 2.3.19 - light imprint, disallowed and burdened by trestním porto 20h stamp. Pof.DL4 (private pin hole), little readable cancel. Prague, bumped corners, interesting
Starting price: CZK
73306 - 1919 postcard franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps smal
1919 postcard franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps small number 2x 5h, CDS ROUBOVICE/ 15.1.19, quality
Starting price: CZK
75979 - 1919 larger part Hungarian post. order, to Brno, franked wit
1919 larger part Hungarian post. order, to Brno, franked with. Hungarian stamps Mi.192, 215, CDS PETERLAK/ 919 JAN.11. (Peter's Ves), on reverse arrival postmark. BRNO 1/ 12.I.19, good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Forerunners 1918-1919 - Information

28. 10. 1918  Předběžné a souběžné poštovní známky

Poštovní známky rakouského císařství a maďarského království, platné do 28. 10. 1918 na území budoucí Československé republiky, které po jejím vzniku nadále platily jako předběžné (od 28. 10. do 17. 12. 1918) respektive jako souběžné (od 18. 12. 1918 do 28. 2. 1919) československé poštovní známky.