Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Occupations / Sudetenland

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71622 - 1938 RUMBURK  Mi.P7 I., Czechosl. PC CDV65 with overprint Wi
1938 RUMBURK Mi.P7 I., Czechosl. PC CDV65 with overprint "Wir sind frei/ Hakenkreuz", swastika mirrored inverted (!), sought printing error, c.v.. 50€, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
76225 - 1938 2 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, 1x commercia
1938 2 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, 1x commercial letter with advertising added print with MC EGER 2/ 4.12.38 and round CDS with propagandistic Wir sind frei!, other letter with CDS GIESEHÜBEL with propagandistic text and swastika; 1x fold, decorative!
Starting price: CZK
76223 - 1938 2 pcs of German PC 6Pf Hindenburg with provisory cancel
1938 2 pcs of German PC 6Pf Hindenburg with provisory cancel. TRAUTENAU round with eagle and WAGSTÄDTL/ 29.Dez.38 violet framed pmk; nice print good condition
Starting price: CZK
73286 - 1938 commercial PC franked. stamp. Pof.314, cancel. Postamt
1938 commercial PC franked. stamp. Pof.314, cancel. Postamt (Post-office) NEUDEK/ 1, 1.11.38, swastika, burdened by postage due Pof.DL57 2x, DL62, smudge cancel. on postage due stmp, interesting
Starting price: CZK
71504 - 1938 card with imprinted map Greater German Reich and znázo
1938 card with imprinted map Greater German Reich and znázorněním okleštění republic, mounted stamp. Pof.250 with overprint Wir sind frei! and cancel. REICHENAU...; good condition
Starting price: CZK
72813 - 1938 card to Olomouc from Sudetenland, provisory. framed CDS
1938 card to Olomouc from Sudetenland, provisory. framed CDS FREIWALDAU + date-stamp 25.okt.1938, Czechosl. censorship, with Hindenburg 10Pf, good condition
Starting price: CZK
75065 - 1938 forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h with provisory
1938 forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h with provisory straight line postmark GRULICH/ 20.Okt.1938, burdened by postage-due 40 + 30h with CDS Jablonné n./O. 28.X.38; light fold in UL corner PC; decorative!
Starting price: CZK
72169 - 1938 Reg letter with 50Pf Hindenburg, incomplete provisory.
1938 Reg letter with 50Pf Hindenburg, incomplete provisory. postmark Postamt (Post-office) HARTMANTZ, German bianco Reg label with dotištěným Hartmanitz, on reverse promotional postmark EISENSTEIN/ 4.11.38, to Prague, censored, vertical 3x folded, still preserved, examination recommended
Starting price: CZK
73287 - 1938 comp. 8 pcs of cards and 11 pcs of cut-squares with sta
1938 comp. 8 pcs of cards and 11 pcs of cut-squares with stamp. Czechoslovakia and Germany with sudetskými postmarks from favor, 4 varieties postmarks
Starting price: CZK
74446 - 1939 letter sent as printed matter with Coat of arms 30h wit
1939 letter sent as printed matter with Coat of arms 30h with overprint Wir sind frei!, CDS Moravská Ostrava 17.3.39, violet and black cachet, philatelic product, good condition
Starting price: CZK
71498 - 1940 2 pcs of preprinted  newspaper wrapper,  red CDS ASCH -
1940 2 pcs of preprinted newspaper wrapper, red CDS ASCH - bezahlt (paid), 1940, cash placená mailing to Bohemia-Moravia, one cover light in margin torn
Starting price: CZK
73176 - 1941 pre-printed envelope court office in/at Jablonec n./N.,
1941 pre-printed envelope court office in/at Jablonec n./N., free of postage, special postmark 24.6.41, to Šumperk, in lower margin folded
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Occupations / Sudetenland - Information

Po odtržení československých pohraničních území a jejich připojení k Německé říši, jako důsledek Mnichovské dohody, začala od 1. 9. 1938 v těchto oblastech postupně působit Německá poštovní správa a platit německé poštovní známky. Frankovat československými poštobními známkami  bylo povoleno do 20. 10. 1938. Pro přepočítání měn platilo 1 Kč = 10 Pf.

V některých částech jako Aš, Karlovy Vary, Konstatinovy Lázně, Liberec - Vratislavice, Mikulovice a Rumburk byly platné přetištěné československé poštovní známky a používané k frankování i po datu 20. 10. 1938

Do této kategorie zařazujeme i lokální přetiskové vydání z Moravské Ostravy ze 14. 3. 1939.