Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Slovakia 1939-1945

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74714 - 1939 CDV5, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, double for near foreign count
1939 CDV5, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, double for near foreign countries, cut on/for 145,5mm, c.v.. 500SKK
Starting price: CZK
73291 - 1941 CDV8, Tiso 50h, sent by air mail to Prague, uprated by.
1941 CDV8, Tiso 50h, sent by air mail to Prague, uprated by. 3 pcs of Slovak stamp, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.12.41, German censorship, quality
Starting price: CZK
74698 - 1941 CDV10/2, Memorandum,  sent in the place as Reg and Expr
1941 CDV10/2, Memorandum, sent in the place as Reg and Express, uprated with stamp Alb.52-54, overall 4,80Ks, overfranked, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 27.V.41, arrival postmark. Telegraphstation BRATISLAVA/ 27.V.41, philatelic mailing without text; rusty stains viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
74702 - 1941 CPL2a, Hlinka 50h, golden yellow color, 2x  CDS Telegra
1941 CPL2a, Hlinka 50h, golden yellow color, 2x CDS Telegraphstation BRATISLAVA/ 28.II.41, 1x incomplete print, on reverse calculation by pen (post.), good condition
Starting price: CZK
74706 - 1945 CPL2c, Hlinka 50h, olive-green, uprated stamp. 50h, 2x
1945 CPL2c, Hlinka 50h, olive-green, uprated stamp. 50h, 2x CDS BRATISLAVA 5/ 24.II.45, folded, light stain in corner, in addition 1x CPL2b thin/light print, Un
Starting price: CZK
74732 - 1939-45 comp. 12 pcs of postal blank forms (order, dispatch-
1939-45 comp. 12 pcs of postal blank forms (order, dispatch-note, C.O.D., return cards), 2 pcs of with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, part used, good condition, good selection of
Starting price: CZK
74372 - 1939 Reg and airmail letter to USA, with Alb.12, 24, 31 4x,
1939 Reg and airmail letter to USA, with Alb.12, 24, 31 4x, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 15.V.39, on reverse lot of transit postmarks, undelivered, sent back, good condition, very decorative!
Starting price: CZK
74801 - 1940-44 comp. 5 pcs of air-mail letters, from that 4x R, 1x
1940-44 comp. 5 pcs of air-mail letters, from that 4x R, 1x Ex, right or philatelic franking, all censored, 1x chemical control, various CDS, part viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
72806 - 1940-45 comp. 3 pcs of  Reg, express and airmail letters to
1940-45 comp. 3 pcs of Reg, express and airmail letters to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia from y. 1944-45, all attributes + postcard with Alb.2x 25, 29, CDS POPRAD 1/ 11.V.40, red line censorship mark Field post also through/over franking, sent to FP No.42 "Rázus", L lower polité, as multiple good condition
Starting price: CZK
76160 - 1941-43 comp. 6 pcs of airmail entires franked with. air sta
1941-43 comp. 6 pcs of airmail entires franked with. air stamp., from that 3x to Germany, 3x to Bohemia-Moravia, all passed through German censorship, 1-násobné also more multiple franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
74778 - 1942 2x air-mail letter to Berlin, franking 3 Koruna, CDS MA
1942 2x air-mail letter to Berlin, franking 3 Koruna, CDS MATLIARY/ 28.V.42 and 5.VI.42, postmark ozdravoven for German children KLV - Lager (camp) Slo/68/ Pension Bílá voda (Weisswasser), Tatra Matliary, censorship OKW; nedbale open envelope/-s, after all interesting!
Starting price: CZK
74785 - 1942 3x air-mail letter to Switzerland, franking 3,50Ks, CDS
1942 3x air-mail letter to Switzerland, franking 3,50Ks, CDS BRATISLAVA, all with censorship postmark Ag in circle and Slovak censorship - straight line postmarks CENZOR 75 or 96, on reverse censor stick-on label, 2x transit. CDS Wien(!), arrival postmark.; 2x vert. fold, yellowy perf stamp., after all interesting!
Starting price: CZK
75609 - 1942 Reg and airmail letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.L1-
1942 Reg and airmail letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.L1-L5, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 10.X.42, on reverse transit pmk PRAGUE ?/ 14.X.42, censorship OKW, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74808 - 1942-? 3x Reg and airmail letter (1x + Ex), franked air stam
1942-? 3x Reg and airmail letter (1x + Ex), franked air stamps I and II issues.., heavier letter with stamp. 5 Koruna (6,50Ks) to Germany, heavier letter with stamp. 10 Koruna (11,60Ks) to Bohemia-Moravia přefrankován about/by 10h, with stamp. 20Ks (21,50Ks) evident overfranking, censorship OKW, good condition
Starting price: CZK
76124 - 1943 2 pcs of Reg and airmail letter delivered 1. flight Bra
1943 2 pcs of Reg and airmail letter delivered 1. flight Bratislava–Prešov and Prešov–Bratislava, CDS 18.V.43
Starting price: CZK
74791 - 1943 2x air mailing sent by first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠO
1943 2x air mailing sent by first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠOV/ 18.V.43 and back, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 18.V.43, PREŠOV 1/ 18.V.43, cachets flight, addressed to to ZVOLENA, without arrival postmark., good condition
Starting price: CZK
74789 - 1943 2x air mailing sent by first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠO
1943 2x air mailing sent by first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠOV/ 18.V.43, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.V.43, arrival postmark. PREŠOV 1/ 18.V.43, cachets flight, good condition
Starting price: CZK
72396 - 1943 3 pcs of air-mail letters from of the first flight Pre
1943 3 pcs of air-mail letters from of the first flight Prešov - Bratislava and backward 18.5.1943, 2x commercial philatelic mailing Prešov - Bratislava (Adamovičová, Fabiánek), 1x opposite direction with posting in Zvolen, good condition
Starting price: CZK
75597 - 1940 JUDAICA, card  to Hungary, sender main rabbi from Hloho
1940 JUDAICA, card to Hungary, sender main rabbi from Hlohovce, franking 1,20 Koruna for near foreign countries, CDS HLOHOVEC/ 23.VIII.40, written Hungarian, good condition
Starting price: CZK
73294 - 1943 postcard Bratislava with Alb.52, L3, by air mail to Pro
1943 postcard Bratislava with Alb.52, L3, by air mail to Protectorate, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 7.4.43, German chemical censorship, control fee stmp for Ppc KZ3, perf 12½;, Slovak special catalogue price neuvádí!!!, good condition
Starting price: CZK