Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Europe / Germany / C.C. and prisons

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72361 - 1943 C.C. AUSCHWITZ  comp. 4 pcs of certificates of mailing,
1943 C.C. AUSCHWITZ comp. 4 pcs of certificates of mailing, 2x on/for Reg letter (without franking) and 2x for parcel (franked), to C.C., good condition
Starting price: CZK
72358 - 1942-43 C.C. AUSCHWITZ  comp. 5 pcs of certificates of maili
1942-43 C.C. AUSCHWITZ comp. 5 pcs of certificates of mailing on/for money, to C.C., various date
Starting price: CZK
72356 - 1943 C.C. AUSCHWITZ  letter-card with pre-printed text, with
1943 C.C. AUSCHWITZ letter-card with pre-printed text, with A. Hitler 12Pf, CDS Auschwitz 28.8.43, lightly readable imprint of censorship mark, folded, small stains
Starting price: CZK
72355 - 1942 C.C. AUSCHWITZ  letter-card with pre-printed text, fran
1942 C.C. AUSCHWITZ letter-card with pre-printed text, franked. stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna, this disallowed (cancel. outside Auschwitz 23.10.42), zaškrtnuta, letter folded, stains, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
73932 - 1940 C.C. BUCHENWALD  warrant from prisoner, certification s
1940 C.C. BUCHENWALD warrant from prisoner, certification signature with postmark and signature headquarters (Pachmann?), to BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, incl. letter and envelope/-s, envelope on reverse damaged, other well preserved, unusual document
Starting price: CZK
72156 - 1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD  pre-printed letter-card with výtahem
1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD pre-printed letter-card with výtahem from camp order, with 12Pf, CDS WEIMAR 1/ 7.11.44, line censorship mark, to BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, one margin preserved, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
73925 - 1945 C.C. BUCHENWALD  comp. 2 pcs of letters from same priso
1945 C.C. BUCHENWALD comp. 2 pcs of letters from same prisoner, both incl. content, 1x to Bohemia-Moravia, franked, MC WEIMAR/ 20.2.45, censored, 1x written to Czechoslovakia after/around freedom C.C. by US Army, sent via Prague, without franking, red broken out MC PRAGUE/ 14.5.45, written 11.5.1945, 2-lines violet postmark Czechoslovak people's committee/ Czechoslovak National Commitee, 1x viewing of quality recommended, other in good condition
Starting price: CZK
71581 - 1943 C.C. BUCHENWALD  comp. 3 pcs of entires , 2x card and 1
1943 C.C. BUCHENWALD comp. 3 pcs of entires , 2x card and 1x letter-card, mailing to Prague, worse quality
Starting price: CZK
75106 - 1941-43 C.C. BUCHENWALD  selection of letter with content, c
1941-43 C.C. BUCHENWALD selection of letter with content, cards and 4 pcs of pre-printed letters from one Czech prisoner C.C., CDS Weimar/ 25.6.41 and 5.2.41 on card, frame censorship marks Poststelle (mail room) k.l. B.; card with fold, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
65953 - 1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD  certificate of dispatch goods, by hand
1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD certificate of dispatch goods, by hand filled out railway blank form with insurance stmp 1,50 Koruna, addressed to to railway station Weimar-Buchenwald, oval railway postmark PLZEŇ/ 11.III.44, crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
65954 - 1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD  certificate of dispatch goods, by hand
1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD certificate of dispatch goods, by hand filled out railway blank form with insurance stmp 1,50 Koruna, addressed to to railway station Weimar-Buchenwald, oval railway postmark PLZEŇ/ 17.V.44, crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
71716 - 1940 C.C. DACHAU  letter addressed to starostovi community W
1940 C.C. DACHAU letter addressed to starostovi community Woschana by/on/at Stříbra, CDS DACHAU 2/ 7.9.40, incomplete print, part envelope/-s unprofessionally detached, Briefstempel "SS-Standortverwaltung Dachau", incl. content (request for sending evidence cards zdaněných příjmů p. W. R. after/behind year 1940) + envelope on/for answer to SS-Dachau, vertical folded, interesting
Starting price: CZK
74183 - 1945 C.C. DACHAU  folded preprinted letter with A. Hitler 12
1945 C.C. DACHAU folded preprinted letter with A. Hitler 12Pf, CDS Dachau 3/ 24.1.45, censorship mark Postzensurstelle (censor's off.)/ K.L. Dachau 4 on reverse, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
75000 -  C.C. DACHAU  special printed matter for Ex mailing after/ar
C.C. DACHAU special printed matter for Ex mailing after/around railway between BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and Germany, insurance stamp. mounted, rare, stains, folded
Starting price: CZK
72812 - 1942 C.C. FLOSSENBURG  pre-printed envelope with 12Pf A. Hit
1942 C.C. FLOSSENBURG pre-printed envelope with 12Pf A. Hitler, CDS FLOSSEBURG/ 24.7.42, censorship mark with character "A", addressed to to Benešov, without content, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74182 - 1944 C.C. GUSEN  folded preprinted letter for other C.C. (Ma
1944 C.C. GUSEN folded preprinted letter for other C.C. (Mauthausen?)/ Oberdonau, hand-made repaired on/for Gusen/ Post St. Georgen, with A. Hitler 12Pf, CDS LINZ (Donau) 2/ 1.11.44, crosswise fold, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74991 - 1944 C.C. HAUNSTETTEN - subcamp Dachau, folded preprinted le
1944 C.C. HAUNSTETTEN - subcamp Dachau, folded preprinted letter to Prague, franked. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna, very interesting example of mission prisoner from C.C. to work camp, rare, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74998 - 1944 C.C. HAUNSTETTEN - subcamp Dachau, special printed matt
1944 C.C. HAUNSTETTEN - subcamp Dachau, special printed matter for Ex mailing after/around railway between BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and Germany, insurance stmp mounted, rare, folded
Starting price: CZK
71582 - 1941 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN  pre-printed envelope and inside letter
1941 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN pre-printed envelope and inside letter with camp instructions, dvouřádková censorship K.L.M.,obálka damaged nešetrným opening
Starting price: CZK
74420 - 1943 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN  preprinted folded letter franked. BOHE
1943 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN preprinted folded letter franked. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 K, censorship, stamp. over-mounted over margin, folded
Starting price: CZK
74419 - 1943 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN  preprinted folded letter franked. BOHE
1943 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN preprinted folded letter franked. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna, censorship, stamp. worse quality
Starting price: CZK
74421 - 1943 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN  preprinted folded letter franked. Germ
1943 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN preprinted folded letter franked. German. stamp A. Hitler 12Pf, in the middle out of stmp folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74422 - 1941 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN letter sent from Sudetenland to C.C. (i
1941 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN letter sent from Sudetenland to C.C. (inside on/for pre-printed blank form), mailing returned sender with notices about/by camp order otištěnými on envelope, stamp. overlaps margin letter, else preserved, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
74838 - 1940 C.C. ORANIENBURG  comp. 12 pcs of certificates of maili
1940 C.C. ORANIENBURG comp. 12 pcs of certificates of mailing from C.C. Oranienburg to Brno, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
74717 - 1940 C.C. ORANIENBURG comp. 2 pcs of entires sent to Bohemia
1940 C.C. ORANIENBURG comp. 2 pcs of entires sent to Bohemia-Moravia, preprinted postcard and letter-card, with Hindenburg 6Pf and 12Pf, CDS ORANIENBURG, bumped margins
Starting price: CZK
71580 - 1944 C.C. RAVENSBRÜCK  comp. 3 pcs of letter cards with imp
1944 C.C. RAVENSBRÜCK comp. 3 pcs of letter cards with imprinted text, to same addressee to Prague, all frame camp censorship marks, worse quality entires, autenticita
Starting price: CZK
75271 - 1941 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN, pre-printed camp letter-card with m
1941 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN, pre-printed camp letter-card with margin, to Sudetenland, with 12Pf, CDS ORANIENBURG/ 3.10.41, camp censorship mark with character H with dot antique, (c.v.. Lørdahl č.Z9), signs of age, light stains, still preserved
Starting price: CZK
75266 - 1943 LAGER (camp) ELSA SANDERSDORF  letter to Bohemia-Moravi
1943 LAGER (camp) ELSA SANDERSDORF letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with 12Pf, CDS LAGER (camp) ELSA über BITTERFELD/ 1.6.43, without censorship, good condition
Starting price: CZK
75483 - 1944 OFLAG VI C OSNABRÜCK EVERSHEIDE, folded preprinted let
1944 OFLAG VI C OSNABRÜCK EVERSHEIDE, folded preprinted letter, to Serbia, censor camp postmark, dumb postmark 10.9.44, distinctive character "a", well preserved
Starting price: CZK
74947 - 1941 STALAG LUFT 2  folded preprinted letter from Czechosl.
1941 STALAG LUFT 2 folded preprinted letter from Czechosl. member RAF (Emil Bušina, Brno), which/what with dostal to German imprisonment, letter to Bohemia-Moravia transported by air mail !!! franked. stamp. 10Pf Hindenburg, CDS dumb 14.6.41, censorship, extraordinary entire
Starting price: CZK
74948 - 1941 STALAG LUFT 2  folded preprinted letter from Czechosl.
1941 STALAG LUFT 2 folded preprinted letter from Czechosl. member RAF in/at German imprisonment, letter from Germany to Bohemia-Moravia transported letecky!!! CDS dumb 9.7.41, cachets and censorship, extraordinary entire
Starting price: CZK
73178 - 1940 STALAG X A  preprinted folded letter on/for military pr
1940 STALAG X A preprinted folded letter on/for military prisoner in Stalagu X A, Polish postal-agency Klucze... CDS OLKUSZ/ 30.7.40, torn, signs of usage, interesting
Starting price: CZK
74979 - 1943 ZUCHTHAUS  comp. 3 pcs of letter papers with pre-printi
1943 ZUCHTHAUS comp. 3 pcs of letter papers with pre-printing, Czech prisoner, 2x Zuchthaus Stein, 1x Ebrach, Czech texts , folded
Starting price: CZK
74981 - 1942-44 ZUCHTHAUS Bayreuth-St.Georgen, comp. 4 pcs of entire
1942-44 ZUCHTHAUS Bayreuth-St.Georgen, comp. 4 pcs of entires from Czechosl. prisoner, various blank form/-s, interesting, good condition
Starting price: CZK