Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Europe / Germany / Zeppelin, catapult

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75513 - 1932 ARGENTINA  air-mail Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, frank
1932 ARGENTINA air-mail Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. overprint argentinskými air stamp. Mi.384, 386, CDS Bs. AIRES/ 11.Oct.32, on reverse black air mail postmark Friedrischhafen 19.10.32/ Mit Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin Befördet and CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 20.X.32, air envelope with added print Zeppelin; folds
Starting price: CZK
74110 - 1929 DEUTSCHLAND (GERMANY)  1. America Flight 1929, letter t
1929 DEUTSCHLAND (GERMANY) 1. America Flight 1929, letter to USA with Mi.424, MC FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 15.5.29, blue circle cachet, red confirmation cancel about/by zpoždění flight, arrival postmark NEW YORK/ AUG.5.29 on reverse, nice
Starting price: CZK
74181 - 1939 DEUTSCHLAND (GERMANY)  Deutschlandfahrt 1939, Flight to
1939 DEUTSCHLAND (GERMANY) Deutschlandfahrt 1939, Flight to Cheb, PC Mi.P226, CDS Flug-und Luftschiffhafen (Airship-port)/ Rhine-Main/ 13.8.39, red straight line postmark "Surcharge .....Rpf." + hand-made "44", red flight cachet, arrival special postmark EGER/ 1.Zeppelinlandung im Sudetenland/ 13.8.39, good condition
Starting price: CZK
73150 - 1936 USA  letter to Frankfurt, CDS NEW YORK MAY.11/1936, cac
1936 USA letter to Frankfurt, CDS NEW YORK MAY.11/1936, cachet first flight 12.5.36, all attributes, good condition
Starting price: CZK
64880 - 1936 USA  letter sent flight LZ 129 Hindenburg Lakehurst - F
1936 USA letter sent flight LZ 129 Hindenburg Lakehurst - Frankfurt/M, with Mi.301, 380, 382 with CDS New York 11.May.36, violet flight cachet and on reverse MC Frankfurt/M 14.5.36; good condition
Starting price: CZK