Mail Auction 20 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Postal Stationery B. and M. / Coupons UPU

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74416 - 1939 CMO 1, 2 pcs of reply coupons, postmark Plzeň 1939, fo
1939 CMO 1, 2 pcs of reply coupons, postmark Plzeň 1939, folded, good condition, c.v.. 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK
75877 - 1940 CMO2, Us, dvě(!) postmark PROSTĚJOV/ 12.VI.40 and QUI
1940 CMO2, Us, dvě(!) postmark PROSTĚJOV/ 12.VI.40 and QUITO/ Jul.30.1940, without fold, sound condition, c.v.. shows valuation only for one cancellation 1900CZK, for two postmark -,-
Starting price: CZK