Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains / Field Post / Austria and Hungary / Base Post Off.

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72872 - 1915-17 2 pcs of postal blank forms - svazovka with raítky
1915-17 2 pcs of postal blank forms - svazovka with raítky FP, 1x K.u.K FP 26 and 1x K.u.K EP 246, light creased, interesting
Starting price: CZK
76130 - 1916 K.u.K.. Etappenpostamt NJEGUSI (Montenegro), postcard f
1916 K.u.K.. Etappenpostamt NJEGUSI (Montenegro), postcard from Tirany sent to Moravia, supplemented with line FP cachet postmark K.u.K.. 3/2 Pionierkompagnie, bumped corners, for collectors interesting postcard
Starting price: CZK
75279 - 1917 2x postcard to Bohemia, 1x with CDS Etappenpostamt SCUT
1917 2x postcard to Bohemia, 1x with CDS Etappenpostamt SCUTARI (SCHKODRA)/ 29.V.1?, 1x with CDS Etappenpostamt CENTINJE/ 12.X.17, military unit postmarks only light imprints (1x field hospital 917), good condition
Starting price: CZK
75484 - 1917 philatelically influenced letter FP to Prague, with FP
1917 philatelically influenced letter FP to Prague, with FP issue for Montenegro Mi.1-2, CDS Etappenpostamt CETINJE/ 1.III.17, distinctive letter c, nice
Starting price: CZK
75489 - 1917 FP card with additional-printing Sičovych Strelcyv, to
1917 FP card with additional-printing Sičovych Strelcyv, to Prague, with Mi.25 5h green, CDS Etappenpostamt ELBASSAN/ 29.I.17, distinctive character "b", straight line postmark K.u.K.. Feldpostamt (feld post off.) 399, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
75469 - 1918 letter to Bohemia with FP issue for Italy Mi.12B, overp
1918 letter to Bohemia with FP issue for Italy Mi.12B, overprint 43 Centesimi/ 40h yellow-olive, line perforation 11½;, CDS K.u.K.. Etappenpostamt AGORDO, in front and on reverse military unit postmark K.u.K.. Etappenpost (base post) and Telegraph office Agordo, nice imprint CDS, bumped corners envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
73869 - 1918 FP card to Prague, CDS Etappenpostamt OPOLE, district P
1918 FP card to Prague, CDS Etappenpostamt OPOLE, district Pulawy/ 31.V.18, line military unit postmark K.u.K.. Gendarmeriepostenkommando/ Godów, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
75486 - 1918 PC Mi.FP5, 9 Centesimi/ 8h light green, to Jižního Ty
1918 PC Mi.FP5, 9 Centesimi/ 8h light green, to Jižního Tyrol, uprated with stamp issue for Italy Mi.4, 8, CDS Etappenpostamt LATISANA/ 12.VIII.18, distinctive character "a", light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK