Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains / Field Post / Austria and Hungary / Prison Post

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72127 - 1917-18 double PC of Red Cross for war prisoner, CDS MIROŠO
1917-18 double PC of Red Cross for war prisoner, CDS MIROŠOV/ 29.XI.17, sent to Siberia and double PC for war prisoner sent from Kiev 8.1.18, addressed to to Jindřichův. Hradec; both with neoddělenou II. part/-s (!), censorship mark., good condition
Starting price: CZK
73384 - 1914-1918 comp. 9 pcs of cards prisoner post Austria-Hungary
1914-1918 comp. 9 pcs of cards prisoner post Austria-Hungary soldiers, 8x Russia, 1x Italy, various matters of interest, common quality
Starting price: CZK
72124 - 1915 off. PC from informative office Austrian of Red Cross a
1915 off. PC from informative office Austrian of Red Cross about/by raněných and sick men vojácích, notification recipient that lieutenant J.B. is pohřešován, CDS WIEN/ Red Cross (Auskunftsbureau)/ 3.XII.15, from exhibit, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
73102 - 1917 KRIEGSSPITAL (hospital)/ STERNTHAL b. PETTAU, postcard
1917 KRIEGSSPITAL (hospital)/ STERNTHAL b. PETTAU, postcard with Crown 10h, CDS BRNO/ 1.XII.17, to camp, sent back, CDS STERNTHAL b. Pettau 7.XII,17, illegible straight line postmark, handwritten notice
Starting price: CZK
75072 - 1915 SERBIA  comp. 2 pcs of Serbian prisoner cards from Czec
1915 SERBIA comp. 2 pcs of Serbian prisoner cards from Czech prisoner of war sent from Skoplje to Moravia, CDS Skoplje, Serbian censorship and 1x Austrian censorship; light folds in corners
Starting price: CZK
73545 - 1915 SERBIA Niš, postcard sent by Czech prisoner in/at srbs
1915 SERBIA Niš, postcard sent by Czech prisoner in/at srbském imprisonment, censorship, good condition
Starting price: CZK
75101 - 1916 JAPAN  preprinted postcard Czech prisoner of war addres
1916 JAPAN preprinted postcard Czech prisoner of war addressed to to Nymburku, CDS KOBE/ 17.4.15 supplemented with postmarks various censorships; fold
Starting price: CZK
74366 - 1917 JAPAN  postcard japonského town Beppu sent prisoner in
1917 JAPAN postcard japonského town Beppu sent prisoner in/at camp Touogahara to Rimavská Sobota (Rimaszombat), green circular pmk PRISONER OF WAR, trigonal postmark Austrian censorship, marks Japanese censorship, CDS, interesting postcard, tram on/for shore
Starting price: CZK