Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Masaryk Issue 1920

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74362 -  Pof.140 T I., 125h,  coincidental production flaw stain in
Pof.140 T I., 125h, coincidental production flaw stain in face, dirty perf, lightly hinged in margin, interesting
Starting price: CZK
74360 -  Pof.140-142, No.140 type I. + II.., nice quality, 1x owner'
Pof.140-142, No.140 type I. + II.., nice quality, 1x owner's mark, c.v.. 720CZK
Starting price: CZK
74365 -  Pof.140a T II., 125h ultramarine color, print spike in marg
Pof.140a T II., 125h ultramarine color, print spike in margin, well centered, very lightly hinged, c.v.. 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
74364 -  Pof.140a, T I., 125h ultramarine, marked, print spike in ma
Pof.140a, T I., 125h ultramarine, marked, print spike in margin, well centered, very lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
74363 -  Pof.141, 500h, coincidental production flaw - color stain o
Pof.141, 500h, coincidental production flaw - color stain on oval and white stain on collar, slightly off center, otherwise nice quality
Starting price: CZK
73782 -  Pof.142, 1000h stmp with L margin, plate variety 81/1 (rose
Pof.142, 1000h stmp with L margin, plate variety 81/1 (rose on/for spánku and white lines in upper part), hinged, front side nice
Starting price: CZK
73206 -  Pof.142N, 1000h imperforated, small stain in upper margin,
Pof.142N, 1000h imperforated, small stain in upper margin, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
74367 -  PLATE PROOF pair values 50h, small format, thin paper with
PLATE PROOF pair values 50h, small format, thin paper with gum, very light silvery grey color, nice, exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
74058 -  trial print 1000h in black color, block of four, nice margi
trial print 1000h in black color, block of four, nice margins, greyish paper without gum, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
74057 -  trial print 1000h in/at tmavěhnědé color,  chalky paper,
trial print 1000h in/at tmavěhnědé color, chalky paper, wide margins, hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
74369 -  trial print 125h in black color, blk-of-10, strong paper wi
trial print 125h in black color, blk-of-10, strong paper without gum, contains combination types (4x T II. + 6x T I.), smaller tearing and cutting in margins glued, very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
74664 -  trial print 2000h in/at  dark red color on paper with gum,
trial print 2000h in/at dark red color on paper with gum, exp. by Karasek + owner's mark
Starting price: CZK
74665 -  trial print 500h in/at grey-black color on chalky paper, ex
trial print 500h in/at grey-black color on chalky paper, exp. by Gilbert + trial print 1000h in black color on white paper, exp. by Stupka + owner's mark
Starting price: CZK
74064 -  PLATE PROOF for value 2000h, blue color, paper with gum, hi
PLATE PROOF for value 2000h, blue color, paper with gum, hint repaired, uncleared plate, wide margins, marked PLATE PROOF, exp. Gilbert., Karasek.
Starting price: CZK
73654 - 1920 comp. 3 pcs of dispatch notes without certificates of m
1920 comp. 3 pcs of dispatch notes without certificates of mailing with Pof.140-42, uprated by. also other issues, interesting combination, common quality
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Masaryk Issue 1920 - Information

7. 3. 1920  70. narozeniny T. G. Masaryka  

Poštovní známky emise TGM 1920 navrhl prof. Max Švabinský. Postupně byly vydány 3 poštovní známky s neobvykle vysokými nominálními hodnotami 125, 500 a 1000 haléřů s portrétem prezidenta. Hodnota 125 haléřů byla vytištěna na bílém papíru ve 2 barevných odstínech - modrá a ultramarínová, hodnoty 500 a 1000 haléřů na bílém křídovém papíru, hodnota 500 h v šedé barvě s šedomodrým podtiskem a 1000 h v hnědé barvě se světle hnědým podtiskem. Známky byly tištěny knihtiskem (KT), tisková forma (TF) pro poštovní známku 125 h byla 2x 100 známek, pro 500 h a 1000 h 1x 100 známek. Přepážkový arch (PA) u všech 3 hodnot byl 10x10 známkových polí (ZP), lep hladký, zoubkování řádkové 13¾.

Platnost poštovních známek emise 70. narozeniny T. G. Masaryka byla do 14. 2. 1923