Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920

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75847 -  Pof.143-147, full machine offsets, Pof.148 sheet offset, Po
Pof.143-147, full machine offsets, Pof.148 sheet offset, Pof.146 partial machine offset + 2 used stamp. 10 and 15h and partial machine and sheet offset, cat. min. 1400CZK
Starting price: CZK
76091 -  Pof.143A, 145A, 5h blue and 10h green, double prints, c.v..
Pof.143A, 145A, 5h blue and 10h green, double prints, c.v.. 2000CZK
Starting price: CZK
75813 -  Pof.143A, 5h blue, 2 pcs of complete 100-stamps sheets, con
Pof.143A, 5h blue, 2 pcs of complete 100-stamps sheets, contains R on/for 45 and 56 pos., plate variety 93, 18 and 100 pos.; both sheets folded in perforation cross
Starting price: CZK
75799 -  Pof.144, 5h violet, part of sheet with 45 pcs of stamp. for
Pof.144, 5h violet, part of sheet with 45 pcs of stamp. for bklt issue, 10x opposite facing pair with margin, close 5x, wide 5x; in/at the bottom line partially detached stamps in margin and glued label, cat. only TB 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
74432 -  Pof.144TBa+b, 146TBa+b, 148TBa+b, selection of close and wi
Pof.144TBa+b, 146TBa+b, 148TBa+b, selection of close and wide opposite facing pairs on stmp Pigeon-issue, 1x lightly hinged, mostly exp. by Stupka., nice
Starting price: CZK
76286 -  Pof.144N, 145N, imperforated stamp. values 5h violet as Pr
Pof.144N, 145N, imperforated stamp. values 5h violet as Pr and 10h green as blk-of-4 with incomplete-printings more than middle stamps, lightly hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
75837 -  Pof.145, 10h green, pair, double impression, c.v.. 1200CZK
Pof.145, 10h green, pair, double impression, c.v.. 1200CZK
Starting price: CZK
75822 -  Pof.145, 10h green, complete 100-stamps sheet; cross folded
Pof.145, 10h green, complete 100-stamps sheet; cross folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
76287 -  Pof.145A production flaw, 10h green, corner str-of-5 with d
Pof.145A production flaw, 10h green, corner str-of-5 with double stroke comb in upper margin, lightly hinged
Starting price: CZK
76289 -  Pof.145A production flaw, 10h green, corner blk-of-4 with d
Pof.145A production flaw, 10h green, corner blk-of-4 with double stroke comb in upper margin, lightly hinged in upper margin, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
75845 -  Pof.145A, 10h green, block of four + str-of-6, significant
Pof.145A, 10h green, block of four + str-of-6, significant shifted perforation + plate variety interrupted lines in/at letter and upper frame, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
74681 -  Pof.146, 147 + Pof.151 2x (shades) and 157, comp. 5 pcs of,
Pof.146, 147 + Pof.151 2x (shades) and 157, comp. 5 pcs of, all with full machine offset
Starting price: CZK
76092 -  Pof.146LH 10h olive, marginal piece, horiz. comb, exp. by K
Pof.146LH 10h olive, marginal piece, horiz. comb, exp. by Karasek.., exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 1600CZK
Starting price: CZK
76284 -  Pof.146N, 10h olive, imperforated pair with margin + single
Pof.146N, 10h olive, imperforated pair with margin + single stamp., double impression, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
76292 -  Pof.143, 145-148, comp. 5 pcs of stamp., all double prints
Pof.143, 145-148, comp. 5 pcs of stamp., all double prints
Starting price: CZK
75809 -  Pof.147, 15h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with plate ma
Pof.147, 15h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with plate mark, plate 3; only horiz. fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
73575 -  Pof.147A, 15h brown, marginal block-of-4, significant shift
Pof.147A, 15h brown, marginal block-of-4, significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp, on reverse 3 owner's mark
Starting price: CZK
76291 -  Pof.147B, 15h brown unissued with line perforation, pair wi
Pof.147B, 15h brown unissued with line perforation, pair with L margin, double impression, c.v.. 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK
74165 -  Pof.147B,15h brown, line perforation 13¾;, double impr
Pof.147B,15h brown, line perforation 13¾;, double impression, nice, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 1500CZK
Starting price: CZK
76285 -  Pof.147N, 15h brown, imperforated, block of four, double im
Pof.147N, 15h brown, imperforated, block of four, double impression with significant shift, very light stain in upper margin + folds
Starting price: CZK
73571 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange as blk-of-4, by/on/at the bottom pairs
Pof.148A, 20h orange as blk-of-4, by/on/at the bottom pairs nice production defect - partially omitted print over both stamp. (evidently provázek), the bottom pair mint never hinged, for specialist interesting
Starting price: CZK
75839 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange, pair, double impression; 1x mint neve
Pof.148A, 20h orange, pair, double impression; 1x mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. 1600CZK
Starting price: CZK
73572 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange, L the bottom corner piece, large plo
Pof.148A, 20h orange, L the bottom corner piece, large plošný incomplete-printing
Starting price: CZK
73574 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange, L the bottom corner piece, large plo
Pof.148A, 20h orange, L the bottom corner piece, large plošný incomplete-printing (85%), through/over lower margin folded paper and on reverse partial offset, interesting
Starting price: CZK
73567 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange, horizontal pair, double impression (!
Pof.148A, 20h orange, horizontal pair, double impression (!), lightly hinged., interesting
Starting price: CZK
74429 -  Pof.148B, 20h orange, 2-stamps part TBb with L coupon, with
Pof.148B, 20h orange, 2-stamps part TBb with L coupon, without vertical perf stamps, hint of labels by/on/at coupon and one stamps, 2x exp. by Mrnak.., interesting piece
Starting price: CZK
73570 -  Pof.148B, 20h orange, with L coupon in size stamps and marg
Pof.148B, 20h orange, with L coupon in size stamps and margin, from upper line, mint never hinged, hinged on/for upper sheet margins, interesting
Starting price: CZK
74425 -  Pof.148TBa, 20h orange, opposite facing pair, close, nice q
Pof.148TBa, 20h orange, opposite facing pair, close, nice quality, exp. by Stupka., c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
74427 -  Pof.148TBb, 20h orange, opposite facing pair, wide, hinged,
Pof.148TBb, 20h orange, opposite facing pair, wide, hinged, exp. by Stupka., c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
75820 -  Pof.149, 25h green, 100-stamps sheet divided in perforation
Pof.149, 25h green, 100-stamps sheet divided in perforation on/for two part/-s
Starting price: CZK
76290 -  Pof.149A production flaw, 25h green, block of four with con
Pof.149A production flaw, 25h green, block of four with control-numbers, double stroke perforation comb in lower margin, lightly hinged in upper pair stamp.
Starting price: CZK
76293 -  selection of more than 130 pcs of corner stamp. and blocks
selection of more than 130 pcs of corner stamp. and blocks with plate number, mainly clear stamp. outside values 15h brown, all on 2 stock-book sheets A4
Starting price: CZK
76288 -  Pof.145A production flaw, 10h green, corner str-of-5 with d
Pof.145A production flaw, 10h green, corner str-of-5 with double stroke comb in upper margin, lightly hinged
Starting price: CZK
74687 -  trial print 5h and 10h, comp. 15 pcs of on/for maculature p
trial print 5h and 10h, comp. 15 pcs of on/for maculature papers in various colors, from every values 5 pcs of imperforated and 2 pcs of perf, in addition value 10h with double print
Starting price: CZK
75776 - 1920 printed matter with Pof.143 5h blue, CDS FRÝVALDOV/ 29
1920 printed matter with Pof.143 5h blue, CDS FRÝVALDOV/ 29.VII.20, postal rate III, luxury quality
Starting price: CZK
75780 - 1921 comp. 2 pcs of printed-matters abroad, with Pof.149 25h
1921 comp. 2 pcs of printed-matters abroad, with Pof.149 25h green, types I. + II., good condition
Starting price: CZK
76254 - 1921 printed matter to Austria with Pof.149 25h green, CDS D
1921 printed matter to Austria with Pof.149 25h green, CDS DĚČÍN/ 14.VI.21, rare simple franking in/at postal rate III, light yellowy teeth
Starting price: CZK
65982 - 1924 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with Pof.156 with various variants r
1924 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with Pof.156 with various variants retouch "L O", pos. 40, good condition
Starting price: CZK
74371 - 1926-27 comp. 7 pcs of entires - objednávkových blank form
1926-27 comp. 7 pcs of entires - objednávkových blank forms journal Moravian cep, franked with. various frankings stamps, 2x with Postage due stamps, good condition
Starting price: CZK
75774 - 1927 postcard Kraslic franked with. horiz. pair stamp. Pof.1
1927 postcard Kraslic franked with. horiz. pair stamp. Pof.149 25h green, pos. 19, 20, CDS KRASLICE/ -5.VI.27, on pos. 20 retouch letter and name/-s of author, exp. by Karasek.., very rare, sought
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 20 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920 - Information

1. 6. 1920  Holubice

Na výzvu Ministerstva pošt a telegrafů předložil vítězný návrh na poštovní známky emise Holubice Jaroslav Benda. Celkem bylo vydáno 8 známek v 6 různých hodnotách, od 5 do 30 haléřů, z toho hodnoty 5h a 10h ve dvou různých barvách. Všechny známky emise Holubice byly vytištěny knihtiskem (KT), pro tisk jednotlivých hodnot byl použit různý počet tiskových desek (TD), od 2 do 69 kusů, sestavených do 2 nebo 4 tiskových forem (TF) ze známek stejných nebo různých hodnot, dokonce i v sestavě se známkami jiného vydání (Hradčany, Osvobozená republika). Všechny hodnoty byly vytištěny na bílém papíru s hladkým lepem a opatřeny hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14. Celé 100 kusové archy poštovních známek 5h fialová a 10h olivová byly opatřeny i řádkovým zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾ a stejným ŘZ 13¾ byly ozoubkovány i známky 5h fialová, 10h olivová a 20h oranžová pocházející z archů vytištěnými pro známkové sešitky. Ze stejných archů pocházejí i mezi sběrateli oblíbené úzké nebo široké dvojice těchto 3 hodnot.

Poštovní známky emise Holubice byly do poštovního provozu zaváděny postupně, hodnoty 5h modrá, 10h zelená a 15h hnědá v červnu 1920, 5h fialová, 10h olivová, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená v srpnu 1920.  Vydání hodnoty 30h fialová bylo v úředním Věstníku oznámeno 22. 4. 1925. Platnost jednotlivých hodnot emise Holubice nebyla ukončena ve stejný den, ale opět postupně, podle potřeb poštovního provozu. Poštovní známky 5h modrá (1. náklad) a 10h zelená pozbyly platnosti 30. 4. 1921, hodnoty 5h fialová a 30h fialová dne 31. 7. 1928, zbývající hodnoty 5h modrá (2. náklad), 10h olivová, 15h hnědá, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená platily do 29. 2. 1932.