1944PC Mi.P4A sent as Reg, uprated. Mi.139, CDS Zagreb 5/ 7.IX.44, red - blue Reg label, addressed to to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, arrival postmark Olmütz 21.IX.44 on reverse, German censorship incl. chemical, well preserved
1945PC Mi.P4A sent as Reg, uprated. Mi.52, 58, broken-out CDS SARAJEVO/ 17.1.45, changed blue Reg label, adresovná to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, fragment arrival CDS on reverse, German censorship incl. chemical, well preserved
1919off. printed matter (distribuce newspapers), place revenue used stmp 20 Vin brown cancelled nepoštovním postmark and transcription, undamaged, folded
1941 comp. 3 pcs of entires, from that 1x Reg letter with Mi.2x 17, 2x 48 + postage-due (!) Mi.8, CDS VARAŽDIN/ 26.XII.41; 1x Reg letter with Mi.15, 18, CDS ZAGREB 5/ 7.VI.41; 1x postcard with Mi.10, 11, MC ZAGREB; all sent to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, censorship, well preserved
1943 Reg letter with Mi.52, 2x 53, emergency straight line postmark POSTA - IMOTSKI in violet color, black framed Reg pmk, addressed to to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, arrival postmark FRIEDECK 2/ 28.V.43 on reverse, German censorship; one stamp. over margin, small stains in perforation stamps, after all rare!
1944 commercial letter franked by meter stmp. Prva Hrvatska Štedionica, cancel. Zagreb 1/ 25.VIII.44, addressed. to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, German censorship, light wrinkled margins, good condition
1851Mi.1y, value 1Qu black, 2-páska(!) mounted on/for předním part from letter (probably dodatečně?),v bottom margin cut, cat. only single stamp. 3000€
1943 Mi.1-20, Stmp Feldpost (Field-Post), overprint P.M., postage stmp, air-mail and express stmp, complete set 20 pcs of stamps, mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 40€
1891 whole parcel card with L útržkem, Mi.AP2 III., CDS CAVAMANARA/ 5.Lug.91, on/for mailing 2,9kg salámu to Bratislava, transit pmk Pontafel and Pontebba 7.7.91 on reverse, label směrující parcel to celnici Pressburg, all attributes, well preserved, c.v.. 25€
1941 FP card sent from occupied Splitu, CDS Poste Militare No. 39/ 22.8.41, arrival postmark GropelloCairoli 23.8.41 in front, L slightly rusty and hints after stapler
1941 YUGOSLAVIA PC Mi.P85, uprated by. Italian stamp. Mi.299, 301 and 305, CDS CAVARO/ 9.12.41 + cancel. Censura Posta Estera, sent from occupied Yugoslavia to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, German and Italian censorship, well preserved
1921 YUGOSLAVIA Italian PC Mi.P8 sent from occupied Dalmácie, uprated pair Mi.5, CDS ŠIBENIK/ SEBENICO/ 4.IV.21, addressed to to Vienna, sound condition
1944 YUGOSLAVIA credit note, sent in Slovinsku, occupied Italy, on the reverse side 2 Postage due stamp Italy Mi.26, CDS VELIKOLAŠČE / 5.6.44, additional service postmark, very interesting
1941YUGOSLAVIA postcard sent from occupied Ljubljana, franked with. pair Mi.19, CDS Poste Militare No. 81/ 17.6.41, addressed to to Rome, good condition
1919 Express letter from Lubljany to Prague, franked with. Austrian. stamp. Charles 15h 4x and stamp. issue for Slovenia Mi.103, mixed franking, stains, faded, after all interesting