1948 first day sheet to death Mr. president Beneš with mounted stamp. Beneš and commemorative postmark " Sezimovo Ústí 3.9.48" - very rare, including same first day sheet with CDS Sezimovo Ústí 10.9.48
1939-42 comp. 5 pcs of entires with postmarks railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting and train post, 2x Czechosl. as forerunner, 1x railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting NETOLICE - DÍVČICE, 1x train post ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - PRAGUE No.52, 3x definitive KÚTY - BRNO č.527, KLATOVY - PLZEŇ č.341, WEKELSDORF - CHOCEŇ No.113, good condition
1942 SUDETENLAND comp. 3 pcs of Ppc, Postal Agency WATZELSDORF/ über Hohenstadt (March), LINSDORF / über Grulich, BRÜX-STW-LAGER / No.20, standard quality
1932 comp. 2 pcs of PC CDV48/2+3 with lighter postal agency pmk PROSTĚJOVIČKY (Plumlov) Geb.1059/2 and PODBŘEZÍ - SKALKA, Geb.1013/5, CDS PLUMLOV/ 25.VI.32, CDS DOBRUŠKA/ 22.VI.32, both commercial correspondence, well preserved
1919 postal-agency STARÁ BRECLAVA, (Geb.1233/5a), nationalized atypical postmark, 1x on Ppc and 1x on postcard with postage-due, CDS BŘECLAVA/ 21.VIII.19 and 19.VIII.19, signs of usage, still preserved
1939 postal-agency RATIBOŘ (Hošťálková by/on/at Vsetín), letter sent as full printed matter franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 10h Coat of arms, CDS PŘEROV 2/ 19.I.39, small stains
1948 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Reg letter with Beneš 3Kčs and 5Kčs with perfin "LK", cat. Maxa doesn't report, CDS PŘEROV/ 10.XII.48, sender L. Kotoučková, Přerov, good condition
1905Maxa W30, envelope with additional-printing firm Wolf & Schleim, stamp. with perfin "W&S", CDS PRAGUE 7/6 05; small tearing in R margin envelope/-s
1906-17 Maxa F61, H16, comp. 4 pcs of envelopes with added-print firm Henry Franck sons, 1x perfin "F.S.", 3x with perfin "HFS" on various postage stmp., CDS KOMOTAU and PARDUBICE; all wrinkled margins and small tearing envelopes
1907 Maxa B53, postcard as printed matter, with Franz Joseph 3h with perfin "B.J." Bros Janoušek Karlín, CDS KARLÍN/ 9.IX.07, identification entire, nice quality, picture side with B/W picture emperor Franz Joseph near/in/at visit in Prague, kladení stone new bridge, nice, two-sided usable
1911 Maxa J92, international parcel order without cut, franked with. 2 pcs of Austrian. stamp. with perfin "JRS", mailing from Wien (Vienna) to Šabacu (Serbia), good quality
1912 Maxa Z3, commercial PC franked with. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with perfin "ZE" Zbiroh iron-works, CDS HOLOUBKOV/ 23.3.12, good condition
1913 Maxa L5, commercial PC franked with. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with prefinem "L&A.S." production prýmek, MC PRAGUE/ 1.12.13, stains on/for margins card
1915 Maxa 26, commercial PC franked. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with perfin "M.J.&L." M. Joss and Löwenstein, CDS PRAGUE/ 28.5.15, light faded margin
1915 Maxa B53, commercial PC with heading firm bros. Janoušek, franked. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with perfin "B.J.", CDS KARLÍN/ 18.12.15, good condition
1915 Maxa L5, commercial PC franked. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with perfin "L&A.S." production prýmek, light imprint of daily postmark PRAGUE, stains in margins card
1916 commercial PC franked. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with Viennese perfin "K&L" Kohn and Löw, CDS WIEN/ 17.1.16, holes after/around paperclip
1916Maxa J2, larger part C.O.D. dispatch-note firm IgnácAlthamer with perfin "J.A." in/at průvodce(!) also in stamp. 90h Crown, CDS DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ n.L./ 19.XII.16; small tearing in margins
1895 preprinted invoice (invoice) with mounted and by hand znehodnoceným revenue 1 Kr with perfin "M.K.&Co" Max Kohn and Co. WIEN, revenue by/on/at perf slightly damaged
1912 commercial PC franked. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with Viennese perfin "M.G.A." - Messingabtheilung..., CDS WIEN/ 27.6.12, good condition
1915 commercial card franked. Austrian. stamp Franz Joseph 5h green with Austrian. perfin "K&F" Kleiner and Fleischmann, CDS WIEN date. illegible, good condition
1915 commercial PC franked. Austrian. stamp. Franz Joseph 5h green with Viennese perfin "J.D." Ignaz Deutsch (German), CDS Wien 10.4.15, good condition
1919Maxa J76, PC Charles 8h green uprated with stamp Pof.3, S1, both with perfin "JN", commercial additional printing, perf to machine, atypical single circle cancel ZWICKAU in B. - Römersdorf 12.7.19, cancel. isn't over stmp S1, very interesting entire, light offset in lower part of stationery, preserved
1919Maxa W19, CDV10, PC with private added print Waldes & Ko., uprated with stamp Pof.3 with perfin, American advertising label in lower corner, decorative identification entire, preserved
1920Maxa E50, envelope firm The first general insurance company against úrazům, sent as printed matter with Hradčany 10h green, Pof.6C, with perfin "EU", CDS BRNO 1/ 9.VIII.20; good condition, decorative!
1920 Maxa G9, commercial letter with heading firm GersonBoehm and Rosenthal, with 15h Hradčany perforated, MC PRAGUE 25.5.20, in lower margin envelope/-s stain
1922-36 Maxa B67, B81, card with additional-printing firm bros. Tauber with Pigeon-issue 20h with perfin "B.T." with CDS VYSOČANY 11.XI.22 + window envelope with additional-printing Bros Perutz with stamp. 1CZK T. G. Masaryk with perfin "B.P.", MC PRAGUE 7/ 26.X.36; good condition
1923 Maxa R33, envelope with additional-printing IV. Liberecký trade fair, sent as printed matter, with 10h Pigeon-issue olive with perfin "RM", MC LIBEREC 3/ 2.VIII.23; good condition
1927 Maxa K35, Reg letter greater format, with Pof.218 2x, 225 2x, all with perfin "postcard" Henry Klinger Prague, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 22.X.27, commercial envelope, identification entire, sealed, signs of usage, after all good condition