Mail Auction 20 / TOP100 Bidding
1919-1920 comp. 4 pcs of big parcel dispatch card segments franked stamp. Hradčany Pof.26, 1000h and other stamp. high franking, common quality U:A5
1922 Reg and airmail letter to Paris, direction label, cachet transport, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.V.22, transit. PRAGUE - AIRPORT/ 3.V.22, on reverse arrival postmark. PARIS/ 3.5.22, multicolor franking postage stamp. 10CZK, well preserved U:A5
1935 Mi.499-508, Rescue of Chelyuskin Expedition, complete set 10 pcs of stamps, more/larger hints after sticking, residue/scrap background, č.499 hints color, examination necessary, wmk unlisted, catalogue value for MNH min. 800€ U:A5
1922 SPORTSMEN / FOOTBALL postcard sent from tour to Spain with signatures of players: Holas, Kašpar, Novák, Vlček and oths., bumped margins U:A5
1919-1920 comp. 6 pcs of big parcel dispatch card segments franked stamp. Hradčany Pof.25, 500h and other stamps, high franking, suitable for examining, common quality U:A5
1840-1920 comp. of ca. 200 pcs stamps various issue, several perfins, also better values, various quality, high catalogue value U:A4
1893 fishing licence with revenue 1Fl, issue 1888, region Lednice (Eisgrub), postmark Mikulov, cross fold U:A5
1937-49 Mi.558-565, 1246-1249, 1357-1364, c.v.. 71€ U:A5
1929 Pof.254, Towns 3CZK Brno, UR corner piece with double perf at top, smaller brown spot, hinged on/for upper margin U:A5
1964 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Ba.99a, 50Kčs red, set K01, c.v.. 3000CZK, quality 0 U:A5
1999 Pof.241, Scorpio 5,40CZK, shifted print yellow-brown color, value 5,40 to name currency CZK, stamp. with L margin U:A5
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of ca. 3.200 pcs of stamps issue Hradčany, incl. types, sorted to bags, also with 30 pcs of Ppc with Hradčany, all in flat box U:Z
1876 AUSTRIA front side calendar with mounted revenue for calendar issue 1875, value 6 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, good condition U:A4
1950-6? MATCHBOX LABELS, comp. of more than 500 pcs of match labels, foreign, export, inland, also more/larger blocks and set, mounted labels on album sheets (20 pcs of black) , format A4, ring folder + etui, in addition 1x full stock sheet A4, good condition, interesting, it is worth seeing U:Z
1840-1960 ZBYTKOVÁ SELECTION of larger comp. Ppc, entires, historical materials, photos etc.., medley, placed in banana box, almost 14kg of material, suitable for next elaboration U:K
1920 letter with Pof.34, 60 10x, marginal blk-of-10, CDS PRAGUE/ 24.I.20, exact franking, nice U:A5
1941 Pof.57-61, 2x, Landscape, 2x selection of complete sheets with margin and plate mark U:A3v–
1967 Pof.1630-1636, complete 25 pcs of printing sheet (!), incl. plate variety 1/1 Pof.1632, superb, c.v.. 1100CZK U:A4
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 PLATE PROOF revenue 1 Koruna, imperforated, 2 pcs of sheets after/around 90 pcs, 1 sheet in/at margin damaged, folded, c.v.. ca. 1000CZK U:A3v–
1968 NOBILE Umberto, BĚHOUNEK Francis, polárníci, in 1968 as startéři, exhibition of stamps PRAGA 1968, signatures on envelope 3.balónového flight, well preserved U:A5
1920-45 BANKNOTES / CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SLOVAKIA selection of 50 pcs of bank-notes specimen, placed in spirálovém stockbook, also with 11 pcs of other bank-notes worse quality from various countries U:Z
1919 FRANCE / COURIER MAIL postcard without franking, hand-made "Corespondence Tchecoslovaque Mil. en France" + "F.M.", incomplete CDS CITA V... / Seine.../ 5.5.19, censor "62", three-line framed pmk CENTRE MILITARE/ Le Vagaematre/ VILA COUBLAY, sender: S.J., Centre d´Aviation (!), Villacoublay, Seine d´Oise, Grupe Tchechoslovaque, France; on reverse transit pmk Paris 8.5.19, good condition U:A5
1918 postcard with 10h, Pof.5D, CDS KRÁLOVSKÉ VINOHRADY/ 31.XII.18, early usage perforated stamps!; good condition U:A5
1982 ministerial FDC Trade-union Congress, M 7/82, nice U:A5
1905 SPORT cabinet card, cyclist, atelier Trausilek, Smíchov, format 10x16cm, broken corner U:A5
1800 AUSTRIA sampler 13 pcs of revenues various values, very fine U:A4
1993-2002 SLOVAKIA accumulation used stamps, sorted and placed to envelopes, all in paper box from shoes U:K
Pof.44a, Coat of arms 60h, overprint double, nice quality, exp. by Leseticky + commercial mark, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1919 letter sent as printed matter přednostně(!), franked with. Austrian express stamp. 5h, Mi.220A, postage 3h + 2h express - priority sending, CDS GABLONZ a.d. NIESSE 1/ 9.I.19; good condition, rare franking! U:A5
1944 blank form sent postal head office Prague to post off. Zdice to doučtování wrong franked mailing, missing postal-charge after/behind 6 mailing doúčtováno postage stamp. A. Hitler, Pof.96, 95, 86, cancelled by postmark Zdice/ 20.V.44; this item prodána in 20. auction after/behind 9.500CZK, vert. fold and small tearing in margins, after all rare document/attribut postal transport! U:A4
1913 Čermák, Skrbek: Coins of Kingdom of Bohemia after/behind reign of family habsburského from year 1526, 3 volumes, publ.. Hoblík, Pardubice, 1028 sides, a lot of pictures in/at 198 tables, good condition U:Z
1960-2001 LIECHTENSTEIN collection ca. 400 pcs of FDC, major-part Un, placed in 4 pcs of stockbooks for entires, nice quality, interesting price U:Z
1939 fyzická map Slovakia and Hungary after/around anektování part/-s territory Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, scale 1:750.000, format 100x70cm, good condition U:O4
1932 SPORTSMEN / FOOTBALL Teplitzer F.K., Czech language written postcard from Náchod with signatures of players, Gejza Kocsis, the best shooter league, good condition, nice document to collection U:A5
1905-13 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY comp. 5 pcs of tickets, 1x with holes, interesting U:A5
1960 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Ba.94a, 10Kčs Pioneers dark brown, set H25, c.v.. 600CZK, quality 0 U:A5
1860-1990 EUROPE comp. of stamps, contains mainly France incl. colonies, Germany and oths., placed in 38-sheet stockbook U:Z
1915 K.u.K.. FESTUNGS-BALLON-ABTEILUNG 2/4 R. red round military unit postmark on Ppc, CDS Field Post Pola 22.VI.15, nice imprint U:A5
1946 CDV77, Overprint "Československo", with typography overprint, Reg, uprated with stamp Pof.354 2x, 363 2x, CDS KOŠICE 4/ 4.II.46, well preserved U:A5
1860-1975 GREAT BRITAIN / COLONIES incomplete basic stamp collection various countries, placed on album sheets A5, 1x screw album, 2 pcs of books, partially on hingeless pages, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing U:Z
1950-80 MOTIVE / SPORT, COSMOS comp. of stamps various countries with theme sport and partially cosmos, placed in 3 pcs of 8-sheet stockbooks A4 U:Z
1927 PC 50h Coat of arms, CDV37 sent Reg and airmail. + poste restante to alžírské Biskry, uprated by. airmail stmp Pof.L6, 215, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 1.IV.27, without arrival CDS, supplemented with red cancel. Air Post and black cancel. Non Reclamé and Retour, sender J. Jůzek; good condition U:A5
1920-80 AFRICA, EUROPE comp. of stamps French colonies and motive stamps, in 8-sheet stockbook U:Z
1918-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA remaining selection, contains Hradčany, SO1920 (overprint), Airmail and oths., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 sorted to envelopes, from estate, unsorted, placed in larger box, total 6kg of material U:K
1953 letter franked with. 3 stamp. Mi.9, 10, 13, cancelled by postmark, out of stmp CDS GYANTSE / TIBET 24.JLY.53; good condition U:A5
1959 hand drawings aerogram, 3 pcs of sheets paper A4 with printings of Cyril Bouda to issue aerogram U:A3v–
1943 Reg letter with Mi.52, 2x 53, emergency straight line postmark POSTA - IMOTSKI in violet color, black framed Reg pmk, addressed to to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, arrival postmark FRIEDECK 2/ 28.V.43 on reverse, German censorship; one stamp. over margin, small stains in perforation stamps, after all rare! U:A5
1978 Mucha, Hlinka: Philatelic atlas stamp countries, issued Cartography Prague, 2. issue, in good condition U:Z
1862-79 WENDEN, LEVANT comp. of stamps Wenden Mi.I, 10, (hinged), Levant Mi.2-3 (hinged), Mi.4-5 (used), Mi.10a 2x, 10 pt, Mi.11a+b, (used), without certification, owner however have/has guarantee return money! U:A5
1919-23 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of more expensive stamps lower quality (viewing of quality recommended), Pof.9N, Pof.58a (green-black overprint), Pof.176-9 (P5, P6 P5, P8),, Pof.L1 + L3, used L1-L3, 2x L4-L6, express on white paper Pof.S1+S2, most of stamps good gum, part of the stamps expertized, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value, profitable offer! U:O5
1910-60 FRANCE / COLONIES smaller comp. of stamps from former colonies, small part succession country, placed in small 4-sheet stockbook A5 U:Z
1918 commercial printed matter franked with. úhlopříčně bisected stmp 6h Crown Mi.187, CDS NĚMECKÝ BROD 2/ 27.XI.18, well preserved U:A5
1851 Mi.1b, UR corner close margin, exp. Rieger, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1939 comp. 2 pcs of FP cards, 1x nationalized CDS FP No.8 -1.IX.39, 1x FP No.41 15.IX.1939, good condition U:A5
1955 PLATE PROOF stamp. Pof.L38, brown on yellowy paper, good U:A5
1920-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. over 6.000 pcs of stamps, single and in blocks, much stamps more valuable, total 1½kg of material, placed in box from shoes U:K
1945 Pof.NV23-32, complete set of 100-stamps sheets with plate mark 1-45 or 2-45, contains plate variety Pof.NV30 36/1, c.v.. 850CZK U:A3v–
1937 Pof.NV14-18, NV20-22, outside values 12h complete 100-stamps sheets with plate number + parts of sheets with bands and blocks incl. plate number U:A3v–
1910 Mi.77, comp. 8 pcs of imperforated blocks values 1R with significant shift background print, inverted print U:A5
1856 Mi.8, L full and other 3 side/party very wide margins, fragment blue cancel., c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1925 Pof.193B, 5CZK green, corner Pr with plate number 16 II S15 U:A5
1919-20 postcard sent CS.FP from Zvolen, 2-lines cancel. COURIER ODDĚL./ 2. Czechosl. field division, 2 same print, supplemented with CDS CS.FP No.28/ 3.IV.20, bumped corners, the bottom corner broken + parcel dispatch card segment with CDS CS.FP No.50/ 23.IV.19, good condition U:A5
1939-45 GENERAL GOVERNMENT nice comp. of stamps, it contains e.g. Mi.35-39, printing sheet Mi.65, official Mi.1-15, according to owner through/over 900MiM, on stock-sheets A4 + A5, good quality U:O4
1934 Ein Volk, ein Wille, ein Ziel!, issue Sudeten Germans Heimatfront, Rumburg; Us, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ Masaryk 7.III.35, broken corner U:A5
1937 Mi.571-77 Airmail, complete set 7 pcs of, nice quality, c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1910-60 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on album sheets in/at poloprázdných screw folder U:Z
trial print 10h, 5 pcs of Neotypie (gravure-print), various color, 1x on stamp paper with gum, 2x on chalky paper, 2x on yellowy paper U:A5
1910-40 VISITING CARDS collection of ca. 500 pcs of visit-cards politicians and podnikatelů, some on reverse with text, some name/-s opakovaně, placed in little-box U:K
1939-41 comp. 5 pcs of entires FP Us official post Olomouc, Budějovice and Pardubice, from soldiers air-mail formations, common quality U:A5
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection freely scattered stamps, mainly clear, blocks of four, strips, margins, placed in little-box, suitable to research U:Z
comp. 2 pcs of 16-sheet stockbooks A4, black sheets, Un, in/at protective cover, very good condition U:Z
Pof.21a, 120h light grey, wide margins, nice, c.v.. 500CZK U:A5
1947 BENKA Martin (1888–1974) comp. 6 pcs of exlibris for Slovenskou national knihovnu, 1x original graphic/prints, other print, good condition U:A5
1949-51 selection of 40 pcs of stamp., contains i.a. Mi. Bl7, DEBRIA (clear hinged), 242, 246-7, 250, 256-9, 261-70, 276-9, 280-1, 285, 286, 289-92, all used, cat. min. 500€ U:A5
1938 Pof.336-338, Legion, comp. 3 pcs of complete sheets, folded in perforation U:A3v–
Pof.21b, 120h silvery grey, exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
Pof.48b/II.Pp, Coat of arms 2 Koruna, granite paper, landscape format, overprint inverted, nice, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
1922 Pof.L6ST The 2nd issue., block of four with 2x joined types, expert Benes.., mint never hinged U:A5
1993-4 CZECH REPUBLIC specialized collection of stamps Pof.2-33, described according to inserts Filatelie- small also more/larger plate variety, production flaw, cat. only stamp. 3500CZK U:O4
1939-45 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of first day sheets and entires with various special postmark, postcard Heydrich, interesting document U:O4
1930 road map Carpathian Ruthenia, scale 1:400.000, format 79x59cm, very good condition, map from 5-dílného set Neubert, also with 2 map/-s Bohemia sever and jih U:O5
1937 Pof.DR1-2, comp. 2 pcs of complete 100-stamps. sheets, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1918 card sent as printed matter, franked with Austrian stmp 3h Crown, Mi.185, MC TROPPAU/ 18.XI.18; good condition, decorative! U:A5
1855-1900 FISCAL VALUABLE MATTERS / AUSTRIA by estimation 250-300 pcs of various documents provided with revenues from this period of, various issue incl. several documents with revenues C.M., mainly good quality, according to cat. Korinek very high catalogue price U:K
1953 Reg letter franked 1,6oKčs cash, CDS BOŠANY/ 9.VI.53, addressed to president republic (!), postmark presidential office in front, interesting, exp. by Drazan.., well preserved U:A5
1935-37 comp. 3 pcs of letters with Pof.292-4Ms St. Method, 3x monofrankatura gutter, 1x Reg and Express, 1x Ex, interesting, well preserved U:A5
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA accumulation, issue Landscape, variants of coupons and plate mark, Official and other issue, Postage due stmp gutter, placed in big 20-sheet stockbook U:Z
1920 postcard Ružomberok, on the reverse side military unit postmark "Headquarters Czechosl. autoparku for Karpatskou Russia", date cancel. missing, good condition U:A5
1919 Reg letter sent in Prague, with Pof.33,39,101,103,106,119,120, philatelic mailing, exp. by Karasek.., good quality U:A5
1919-1920 comp. 5 pcs of big parcel dispatch card segments franked stamp. Hradčany, various franking, on the reverse side Postage due stamp common quality U:A5
1927 certificate for pilot, School for air forces, Prostějov, photo pilot, signatures commanders, on both sides blank form, carton, format larger than A4, in the middle folded, good condition U:A3s|
Pof.42Pp, Coat of arms 40h, overprint inverted, very lightly hinged, c.v.. 580CZK U:A5
1936 SPORTSMEN / ICE HOCKEY postcard from Davos with signatures of players and reportéra Laufera, good condition U:A5
1920 off. PC with monogram Czechoslovakia, response part from double, franked stamp. 20h Hradčany with CDS Lichtewerden 11.VIII.20; light stain below stamp. U:A5
1943 CDV4/31, Picture Tatranská Lomnice, sent by air mail + Ex to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Alb.L7, L2 2x, CDS Starý Smokovec/ 28.VI.43, German censorship + CDV11, Tisko 50h brown, sent by air mail to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Alb.L1 2x, L2, 49 2x, CDS Starý Smokovec/ 22.VII.43; nice decorative! U:A5
1946 Reg and airmail letter sent to Newfoundland, sent by first flight PRAGUE - NEW YORK 17.VI.1946 (Hor.34e), with Pof.L16, CDS PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL, on reverse arrival and register postmark GANDER, philatelic mailing, good condition U:A5
1937 Pof.325, Funeral 2CZK, complete sheet with coupons, folded in perforation, short tear in perforation U:A3v–
1921 printed matter to Austria with Pof.149 25h green, CDS DĚČÍN/ 14.VI.21, rare simple franking in/at postal rate III, light yellowy teeth U:A5
1926 Pof.DL46A ST, Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture and Science 60/400, block of four with joined types, upper pair T I., the bottom pair T II., marked, nice quality U:A5
1919 CDV5, Small Monogram - Charles, comp. 3 pcs of, various papers; good condition, c.v.. 1650CZK U:A5
1918-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SLOVAKIA selection of more than 50 pcs of letters and p.stat, various franking, aerophilately, special postmark and oths., standard quality U:O5
1993 PM1, Thomas Vosolsobě, c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
1870-1980 WHOLE WORLD comp. 7 pcs of choice notebooks A4, single stamps and all sets, contains: 2x Africa, 2x America, 3x Asia, higher catalogue, chosen quality U:O4
1926 Pof.221, Pernštýn 2 Koruna, as blk-of-4, 2x horiz. crease over both the bottom stamp. and 1 small crease over 1 upper stamp., in this issue rare U:A5
1928 certificate for graduate School for air forces in Prostějov, mechanický course 1927/28, format larger than A4, upper margin damaged, in the middle folded, still preserved U:A3s|
1900-50 PERFINS / Czechoslovakia, EUROPE collection of ca. 300 pcs of stamp. with perfins from that 45 pcs of Czechoslovakia + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, supplemented with 11 pcs of identification entires, all on 4 on stock-sheets A4; various quality U:O4
1933 Mi.424-26 K.Marx, č.425 1x broken out point, small spots dark color, shadow of fold, otherwise good quality, c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1958 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Ba.97a, 25Kčs Žižka dark-blue, set E13, c.v.. 2500CZK, quality 1, very light fold U:A5
1938 Pof.331, Winter festival games 50h, print original gravure in blue color, white paper U:A5
1918-60 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA selection of first day sheets and entires with special postmark, lot of p.stat, entires and stamps from Czechoslovakia and WHOLE WORLD, placed in envelopes, neroztříděno, medley, estate of collector, all in larger cardboard box, total 8kg of material U:K
1910-25 PERFINS / Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA selection of 400 pcs of stamps with perfins, mainly Austrian stamps, also with 4 pcs of entires with perfins U:O5
1938 CDV72 Promotional , comp. 10 pcs of with Czech - German mark, No.7, 17, 61, 92, 143, 152, 157, 216, 220, 221, some pieces yellowy paper, overall good condition to well preserved, profitable offer U:A5
1945-50 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak President, postcard president with wife, handwritten signatures and pre-printing acknowledgments from Sezimova Ústí with signature Lady Hany Benešová, good condition U:A5
1948 special envelope to election president republic, V A/48 - 14.6.1948, with signature Neumann, good condition U:A5
1985 comp. 2 pcs of special envelopes to election president republic, V A/85 + V B/85, nice U:A5
1939 notarial letter-card (summons) sent as Reg to USA, with Pof.309 + 312, CDS KLATOVY/ 17.IV.39, on reverse mounted international return receipt, various transit pmk, sent back, good condition, interesting U:A4
1962 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 gift album exhibition PRAGA 62 with mounted stamp., souvenir sheets and FDC issued to philatelic exhibition, contains i.a. miniature sheet Pof.1216 Praga 1962 originate from plate "B", which/what is margin mounted to sheet, cat. only this miniature sheet 1800CZK hinged! U:O4
1855 Mi.1, close margin at top and lower, exp. Rieger, c.v.. 360€ U:A5
Pof.43Pp, Coat of arms 50h, overprint inverted, smaller shifted overprint, light hinged, owner's marks, c.v.. 580CZK U:A5
Pof.129, Postage due stmp 12f, black numerals, overprint type I, wmk Py - L-wards, fine centered, small thin place, exp. Hefer, Gilbert. + owner's mark and signature by pencil, interesting also as investment, c.v.. 110000CZK U:X