1926-35 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39, comp. of ca. 2000 pcs of postmarked stamps on pages A4, from issues Masaryk, Castles and castles, Prague–Tatras, Castles, Arras, Anthem-issue, Tyrš and other, suitable for specialist
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 2 smaller incomplete collection on free sheets, mainly used stamp., part clear hinged, only clear stamp. cat. ca. 3000CZK
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete basic collection, contains i.a. Pof.81, 156TBa, complete set Festival and Congress and oths., placed on free album sheets, c.v.. only better item/-s through/over 4400CZK
1925-1927 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete collection issue Masaryk, offset also die-stamping , positions of watermarks, types, perf etc.. very duplication, suitable for other study elaboration, placed in stockbook A5 12 sheets
1918-21CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection 1200 pcs of (according to supplier) stamps Hradčany in paper bag + 46 pcs of entires franked stamp. Hradčany, some matters of interest as VII. plate, types 2x, combination types, date 1918, retouch on stmp 15h pos. 49 3x, pos. 36 2x, etc.., suitable to research; various quality
1924-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection 124 pcs of stamps with plate numbers, postage stmp, newspaper, air-mail, postage-due, incomplete set, also some rarer pieces, on hingeless pages on pages A5 (home production), it is worth seeing, according to supplier cat. over 2000CZK, profitable
1919-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection duplication stamps Hradčany, all postally used, mainly 5. printing, by estimation ca. 1000 pcs of stamps, placed in stockbook A5
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps Hradčany, mostly with overprint SO1920 (overprint), part with postage-due overprints, stock sheet A4, almost all mint never hinged, it is worth seeing
1918-27 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 semifinished collection of stamps, contains i.a. Hradčany 10h imperforated, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, SO1920 (overprint) issue Agriculture and Science, Postage due stmp and oths., placed on free album sheets, it is worth seeing
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection mainly postmarked stamps, some issue mint never hinged or hinged, without expensive pieces, after all interesting, placed in clamping pockets on free album sheets, catalogue through/over 2500CZK
1918-45CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of mainly used stamp. in/at 1 small stockbook, from clear stamp. contains stamp. and blocks from 30. years with plate number, exile souvenir sheets 5 pcs of various, lot of Newspaper miniature sheets Bratislava 37, Košice miniature sheets etc.., interesting, cat. only clear stamp. min. 5000CZK
1926-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 big comp. of stamps 1. republic with plate number, gutters, coupons, blocks of four, contains also better item/-s, very high catalogue price, placed on pages, mainly in glassine envelopes
1918-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 interesting accumulation stamps, contains i.a. Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Airmail the first issue., plate number, placed in envelopes, little-boxes, on stock-sheets and in stockbook, all in medium big cardboard box, from estate, lot of better stamps, very high catalogue value
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 remaining comp. of stamps with gum also without gum, contains especially Hradčany, also better pieces, placed on cards and album pages, interesting
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 mainly incomplete collection, contains i.a. block of four Pof.DL19a, violet overprint, 2x joined frame types pos. 1-2, 11-12, plate 1 and oths., placed on free album sheets and 1 stock-book sheet
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of ca. 3300 pcs of various stamp. on stock-book sheet and in packets, less contains values V. printings
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue selection of 47 pcs of plate proofs, black prints, color prints, proof perf, various papers, better spiral and bar types etc.., placed on 5 pcs of unbound album sheets, described, originate from collection of engineer. Karásek
1920-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / BREAKING CHAINS Pof.154, 40h brown, comp. over 1150 pcs of plate variety, supplemented with 17 pcs of CDV23 and 31 pcs of entires with identified plate variety, placed on 6 pcs of stock-book sheets A4 in/at spiral letter file, all carefully identified and described
1937CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / Pof.A329/330, miniature sheet Exhibition Bratislava, complete collection all types, color varieties, paper varieties and gum, interesting postmarks etc.., placed on album sheets in spring folder, carefully described, very interesting
1937 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / Pof.ANV18, miniature sheet Exhibition Bratislava, collection types, does not contain VII. type, placed on album sheets in spring folder, carefully described, very interesting
1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / SO1920 (overprint), comp. of more than 100 pcs of stamps, mostly common values, contains color shades stamps also overprints, set plate variety overprint, standard quality
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / FALCON IN FLIGHT collection of stamps incl. PLATE PROOF, unissued stmp, offsets, incomplete-printings, perf, perfins, overprints Vzorec (Specimen), SO, OT, to exhaustion-issue, placed in spiral letter file, cat. Merkur-Revue min. 11.000CZK
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / MILITARY Pof.PP2-4, comp. over 100 pcs of stamps, incl. part/-s blocks, various types, color, plate variety, placed on 2 pcs of paper slips
1922-1939 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 13 pcs of entires, return receipt - various printed-matters, post. address pass, off. transfer money - postage free, all good condition
1920-24Czechoslovakia I., selection 1360 pcs of (according to supplier) stamps issue issue Chainbreaker in paper bag + 20 pcs of Ppc franked stamp. issue Chainbreaker, some defects on entires described, i.a. also "little-egg in waist" on stmp 50h red, retouch 4 pos. 39, retouch 6 pos. 9, 40h retouch 4+1 pos. 60, suitable to other research ; various quality
1918-54 CZECHOSLOVAKIA collection plate variety and color shades on/for used stmp Czechoslovakia I., partially described, mounted on pages A5 in/at podomáckuvyrobeném album, also with collection color shades on stmp CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., profitable
1919-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA + CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 disparate comp. of stamps on 4 on stock-sheets, mainly BOHEMIA-MORAVIA as blocks, coupons and plate number, supplemented with several other položkami Czechoslovakia + japoská international reply coupon, c.v.. stamp. ca. 500CZK
1918-1945 Czechoslovakia 1918-39, BaM (Protectorate) incomplete collection, contains Hradčany-issue, tete-beche in issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, Congress, Festival, Masaryk die-stamping, gutter Nitra 50h, miniature sheet Anthem-issue - missing lower line of 3 stamps, Air-mail I. - III. issue, Postage due stamps, SO-Masaryk, little collection of Protectorate, catalogue minimal 25000CZK, suitable for other working, placed in stockbook A4, 32 sheets
1930-40 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, collection on/for big black cartons format A3, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 contains on/for 55 pages stamp. and blocks with plate number from 30. years (mainly mounted on/for background) + collection BOHEMIA-MORAVIA on 17 pages contains 31 pcs of 50-stamps sheets small Landscape 39-40 (below cellophane on/for labels), sheets Red Cross II. (damaged) marginal bands issue Winter relief, Pof.106-107 - variants of coupons, weight whole 6,5kg
1919-70 Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete collection, contains mainly used stamps, also better item/-s, high catalogue value, placed in 2 cover on pages in glassine envelopes,
1918-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. of cancelled stamps 1918-72 and incomplete selection of mint never hinged stamps 1945-90 incl. better sets from y. 1955-66, all placed in big 32-sheet stockbook, high catalogue value
1934-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA selection of of chosen stamps, miniature sheets and postal stationery covers, contains i.a. used Exile miniature sheet, Partisan MS with CDS PRAGUE, miniature sheet Prague 1950 and imperforated miniature sheet Praga 1962, blk-of-10, valuable set, Us COB34 and oths., placed on 8 pcs of individual stock-book sheets, cat. over 5500CZK
1918-60 CZECHOSLOVAKIA remaining comp. of stamps and entires, first day sheets, FDC, postcard, printed matter/-s, stockbooks, medley, placed in box, total 10,5kg of material
1919-48 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA accumulation archoviny and parts of sheets, very zastoupen Protectorate, high catalogue price, various quality, placed in cover A3
1919-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA commercial reserve stamps mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 70 to 80. years 4-6x, very high catalogue value, good quality, placed on stock-sheets in folder Schaubek and 3 pcs of stockbooks A4
1918-2000 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., SLOVAKIA, CZECH REPUBLIC part estate, contains i.a. miniature sheet Pigeon-issue unnumbered, several interesting entires, blocks, coupons, sheets Slovakia, mint never hinged PC Czech Republic, stmp from automatic machine, medley, placed in box, total 4,6kg of material, unworked
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA partial basic stamp collection, contains i.a. Pof.1-19 3x (from that 1x hinged), part examined, on hingeless album sheets in spring folder
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA basic stamp collection, coupons, variants, plate mark and gutter, contains also used Pof.17-19 with coupons, every stmp 2x with various coupons, part examined, placed on/for unbound hingeless album pages, it is worth seeing
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps, blocks and whole sheets, stamps with margin, plate number, coupons and variants, placed in 5 pcs of big stockbooks, total 9,4kg of material, profitable
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps in stockbook Pofis A4, contains i.a. overprint issue also with coupons, basic collection supplemented with coupons, gutter-pairs Postage due stmp, vert. also horiz. horseshoes Landscape, Hitler etc.., mainly clear stamp. mint never hinged, cat. according to owner min. 18000CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of 40 pcs of complete sheets, contains i.a. 4 Koruna Ostrava, Red Cross 1942, 1,20 Koruna Brno, GD-OT, Smetana, Castle 6x, Day of Stamp 2x, Dvořák 6x and oths., high catalogue value
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of ca. 180 pcs of bnd-of-10 issue Newspaper stamps with plate number, I. and issue II., placed in little-box, very good condition, extraordinary offer
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of ca. 300 pcs of plate number issue Landscape, mostly blocks of four, and 200 pcs of stamps single and in blocks of four with plate number, Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp, Official, in cardboard box, very high catalogue value
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps, corner blocks of four, more/larger blocks and bands, gutter-pair, coupons and variants of coupons, plate mark etc.., in 12-sheet stockbook, in album Letra and envelopes, high catalogue value