1944Khust overprint ČSP*1944*, selection of 23 pcs of, missing stamps greater format and postage-due, without certification, all mint never hinged except No. RV198 - label, č.RV195 blunt corner, other nice, according to supplier catalogue through/over 23.000CZK
1945 HLUBOKÁ nad/Vlt., 42 pcs of stamps with red overprint "star", Geo.N390, in addition Official II. (12 pcs of) which/what Geo. doesn't report, nice quality
1945 PLZEŇ, 4 pcs of stamps St. Vitus., L and right coupons, overprint black-blue "Liberated Czechoslovakia 1945 + lion", Geo.N1110, overprint on stmp also coupons, nice quality
1945 PRAGUE HOLEŠOVICE, 4x gutter pair Hitler 10+20+30+50K, without gum, upper margins, overprint black "lion", overprint on stmp also coupons, Geo.N1180, hinge / label only on/for margins, otherwise well preserved
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. 2x block of four with stamp. 60h and 1,20 Koruna with overprint Only for Slavkov, supplemented with paper slip with two stamp. with CDS Slavkov near Brno 25.V.45 and red cachet; stamp. with errors/flaws gum
1945 VAMBERK Reg letter franked stamp. A. Hitler with overprint 5.5. Czecho-Slovakia 1945, CDS Vamberk 9.5.45, on reverse arrival postmark, good condition
1945 part newspaper cover with address and franking, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamps Pof.NV18 5x (vertical strip of 5), broken out cancel NOVÁ PAKA/ 15.VI.45, good condition
1945 without franking objednávkový card with provisory coat of arms' postmark KAMENICKÝ ŠENOV / Czechoslovak Post and dated cancel 9.7.45, burdened with postage-due; good condition
1945 EXPULSION OF GERMANS unpaid Reg letter, rubber hand stamp Jablonec nad Nisou/ 1945 + broken-out German CDS with date 25.7.45, bianco Reg label, additional cancel. Postage refunds recipient, on reverse hand-made "vystěhována/ vyhoštěna", mailing returned sender (District union živnostenskýchspolečenstev), interesting example of expulsion Germans from Sudetenland, good condition
1945 postcard sent as Reg from Dětřichova, with Pof.378 3x, provisional postmark Dětřichov by/on/at Frýdlant in/at Č., provisional registry label Bohemian and Moravian, decorative, good condition
1945 comp. 10 pcs of entires with various provisory cancel., mostly rubber with date of printing 1945, for example. Janov by/on/at Jindřichova, Postoloprty, Odry, Stříbro, Haňšpach, Špindlerův Mlýn, 1 pcs of with straight line postmark Loket, 1x Reg letter, good condition
1945 comp. 5 pcs of R letters with provisory postmarks and Reg label, post KOBEŘICE, HRÁDEK U ZNOJMA, HOŘEJŠÍ VRCHLABÍ, BYSTŘICE above Olzou, BOHUSLAVICE by/on/at Hlučín, nice selection of, well preserved
1945 comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters, 4x franked, all with provisory postmarks, post : NEJDEK 1, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, RUMBURK 1, ROTAVA, STARÝ HROZENKOV, JIŘETÍN by/on/at Varnsdorf, 4x German Reg label, 2x Bohemian and Moravian, 2 envelope/-s with fold (1x light), good condition
1945 comp. 8 pcs of letters, 5x franked, all with provisory postmarks, post : PLAVY, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 9, KRNOV 1, JABLONEC above N., PERNAREC, DUCHCOV, ŠLUKNOV and DĚČÍN, commercial correspondence, good quality
1945-46 comp. 10 pcs of entires (5x R) with provisory postmarks and Reg label, post KARLOVY VARY, KAPLICE, ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN, ČESKÉ ŽLEBY, KOCLÉŘOV by/on/at Dvora Králové n/L., MOHELNICE on/for Moravian., GRÄFENBERK, PŘIMDA, REJŠTEJN, KOHOUTOV, well preserved
1945-46 comp. 10 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, post TACHOV, STUDÉNKA, VÝPRACHTICE, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, VELKÉ LOSINY, VELKÁ ÚPA, ŠATOV, SVOBODA above Úpou, SANDHÝBL, MĚSTO TOUŠKOV, good selection of, good condition
1945-46 comp. 2 pcs of letters with issue Portraits, provisory straight line postmark ŠUMPERK and DLOUHÁ LOUČKA with date stamp 24.I.1946, good condition
1945-46 comp. 6 pcs of R letters with provisory postmarks and R postal labels, TRUTNOV, TOUŽIM, STŘÍBRO, SOBOTÍN, NOVÉ HRADY in/at Již. Bohemia, NOVÁ VES in/at H., various quality, interesting pieces
1945-46 comp. 8 pcs of entires (3x R) with provisory postmarks and Reg label, post DUCHCOV, DUBNICE below R., DOLNÍ HÁJ, ALBRECHTICE in/at Jizera H., CUKMANTL in Silesia, BRNO 16, SKROCHOVICE, SLAVONICE, well preserved
1945 Pof.353-359, Košice-issue, selection of 51 pcs of, determined pos., příp. defects, all described, placed on stock-book sheet A4 from both sides, nice