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1946 Pof.L22N KH, Air Motifs, unissued stmp in brown color, upper coupon with margin, part lighter CDS ...LAVA 8, without gum, good quality, exp. by Sablatura U:A5
1949 Pof.L31a K, overprint provisory 15/24Kčs violet-red, light blue Opt, with lower margin, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1600CZK U:A5
1949 Pof.L31a K, overprint provisory 15/24Kčs violet-red, light blue Opt, comp. 2 pcs of stamps with coupons, upper and the bottom coupon, c.v.. 950CZK U:A5
1949 Pof.L32, overprint provisory, T II. (slightly pootočený overprint), very light zamodřený gum from overprint color, otherwise nice, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
1951 Pof.L36, Czechoslovak Spas., L block of four with margin, on pos. 1 production flaw "stain next to SLIAČ" + oblique brown line on/for whole pos. pokračující on pos. 6, nice U:A5
1967 Pof.L61xb, PRAGA 68, stmp with coupon, optically cleared paper, exp. by Pazout., c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1977 Pof.L86-90, PRAGA 78, 2x gutter pair, from that 1x 4-stamps, also with 1x L90, 1x coupon R, 6x partial and full incomplete-printing yellow color, small plate variety, mint never hinged U:A5
1946 2x air-mail letter sent by first flight PRAGUE - NEW YORK and back, stage flight Prague - Brussels and Brussels - Prague, LPP1b and back, franking Czech or Belgian stamps, special postmark, recipient also sender PANAM, well preserved U:A5
1946 airmail letter to France, with Pof.L17 + L18 + L22 + 414 2x, CDS VRÚTKY/ 10.X.46, used Hungarian air envelope, good condition U:A5
1956 airmail letter to Vietnam, sent by first flight PRAHA–HONG KONG 26.6.1956 (Hor.128b), community Air France, with Pof.864 + 880, rate as printed matter, special postmark flight, flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark. SAIGON, well preserved, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1952-?? AIRMAIL LABELS , 4x complete. printing sheet labels PAR AVION/ LETADLEM or LETECKY, 4x 120 pcs of, 1x stronger shifted perforation, various shades blue color, 1x in gum hints printing color U:A3v–