Mail Auction 21 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Postal stationery

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79750 - 1871-76 comp. 7 pcs of various post. orders, contains Mi.A1,
1871-76 comp. 7 pcs of various post. orders, contains Mi.A1, A8 II., A10, A11, A12, A14, A16 I., Un, sound condition, c.v.. 250€
Starting price: CZK
78514 - 1874 certificate of mailing for telegram, Mi. TA2, German -
1874 certificate of mailing for telegram, Mi. TA2, German - Czech variety, oval CDS HOLLESCHAU, lightly folded, clear, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
78035 - 1874-12 comp. 11 pcs of certificates of mailing for telegram
1874-12 comp. 11 pcs of certificates of mailing for telegram, 2x Un, Mi.TA2, TA6, TA32, TA45, TA46, TA55, TA56, various quality, in addition newspaper address strip 2 Kreuzer, card tax office 2 Kreuzer, 5x card tax office 5h, mostly used, to sorting
Starting price: CZK
78545 - 1878? PC Mi.P26, thimple postmark ROHATETZ/ 27.6.7?, on reve
1878? PC Mi.P26, thimple postmark ROHATETZ/ 27.6.7?, on reverse arrival postmark., good condition
Starting price: CZK
79915 - 1880 C.O.D. dispatch note, Sch.15, imprinted stamp 5 Kreuzer
1880 C.O.D. dispatch note, Sch.15, imprinted stamp 5 Kreuzer year 1879, German variety, posted in Vienna, delivered in Přerov, in the middle folded, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
75653 - 1883-1910 comp. 8 pcs of various p.stat, contains i.a. 4 pcs
1883-1910 comp. 8 pcs of various p.stat, contains i.a. 4 pcs of newspaper wrappers, 1x folded blank form tax office with stamp. 2 Kreuzer black, 1x private postal stationery cover firm Rudolf Friedl Wien, postal stationery cover Mi.U63, U65, etc.., mainly good quality
Starting price: CZK
79612 - 1884 Mi.P43, 2 Kreuzer brown, uprated with stamp Mi.45, to R
1884 Mi.P43, 2 Kreuzer brown, uprated with stamp Mi.45, to Rumania, CDS WIEN 17/4/84, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
78384 - 1887-1907 comp. 2 pcs of letter cards, Mi.K9 (Böhm.), K45,
1887-1907 comp. 2 pcs of letter cards, Mi.K9 (Böhm.), K45, both uprated and sent to Prague as Registered, CDS BOZEN 4/8/87 and STANISLAU 14.IV.07, 1x on reverse hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
79752 - 1890 PC Mi.P60A - answer part, CDS Paris 2.MAI.90, addressed
1890 PC Mi.P60A - answer part, CDS Paris 2.MAI.90, addressed to to Bohemia, arrival postmark Karlsbad 4.5.90 in front, LL corner broken
Starting price: CZK
79324 - 1891 letter-card Mi.K22, 5 Kreuzer red, sent as Reg to Pragu
1891 letter-card Mi.K22, 5 Kreuzer red, sent as Reg to Prague, uprated with stamp Mi.47, CDS TEPLITZ 19/2/91, on reverse arrival PRAGUE, light rusty stain in the place sticking stamps
Starting price: CZK
78137 - 1896 PC c.v.. Ferch.59 uprated stamp. Ferch.56, 15 Kreuzer a
1896 PC c.v.. Ferch.59 uprated stamp. Ferch.56, 15 Kreuzer as special delivery Surtax, CDS Iglau town 19.5.96, as Express mailing marked blue by pencil, absolutely good condition, cat. min. 375€
Starting price: CZK
77150 - 1898 double undetached PC Mi.P83 with commercial additional-
1898 double undetached PC Mi.P83 with commercial additional-printing M. Janzalík Wien, unilaterally Us post, preserved
Starting price: CZK
79082 - 1903 PC with answer Mi.P144, undetached, variety German - Po
1903 PC with answer Mi.P144, undetached, variety German - Polish - Ruthenian, used only the first part, CDS TESCHEN/ 5.12.03, well preserved, c.v.. Hirsch 7+5€, Mi. 12,50€
Starting price: CZK
81533 - 1906 PC Mi.P152 sent without uprating to Switzerland, CDS GR
1906 PC Mi.P152 sent without uprating to Switzerland, CDS GRAZ 1/ 8.I.06, in Switzerland burdened with postage-due 10c, CDS BASEL/ 9.I.06, mailing refused, on stmp straight line postmark "UNGÜLTIG" (invalidated), mounted label "Refusé" and returned to Graz, here burdened with postage-due 10h, service pmk GRAZ/ 13.I.06 + CDS GRAZ 1/ 13.I.06, good condition and interesting
Starting price: CZK
78739 - 1908 newspaper wrapper with imprinted stamp. 3h Franz Joseph
1908 newspaper wrapper with imprinted stamp. 3h Franz Joseph brown (private p.stat), uprated. stamp. 6h issue 1908, burdened with postage-due 22h, 10h and 2x 6h postage-due issue 1908, folded, torn off corner, interesting
Starting price: CZK
79626 - 1908 dispatch note with printed revenue 10h Coat of arms, wi
1908 dispatch note with printed revenue 10h Coat of arms, without L cut, uprated with stamp Mi.66, 74, 88, CDS BUČOVICE 10/8/08, to Moravská Třebová., burdened with postage-due, on reverse mounted stamp. Mi.P12, good condition
Starting price: CZK
81806 - 1908 private postal stationery cover with printed stmp 10h r
1908 private postal stationery cover with printed stmp 10h red issue 1908, superb print big 2-kruhového postmark HEJČÍN - ŘEPČÍN 1.XII.08, on reverse arrival blue CDS PRAGUE 2.12.08; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
80622 - 1909 private PC as printed matter (invitation card for schů
1909 private PC as printed matter (invitation card for schůzi) Club Czech stamp collectors, imprinted stmp 3h Franz Joseph., CDS ŽIŽKOV 1/ 17.VIII.09, recipient J.Lešetický, good condition
Starting price: CZK
78186 - 1909 letter-card výpomocného issue Sch.45y, 10H/6H, privat
1909 letter-card výpomocného issue Sch.45y, 10H/6H, private additional printing other stamps Franz Joseph 5+10H, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.II.09, address filed to Russia, right franking 25H, without text, without arrival CDS, without margins, smaller stains
Starting price: CZK
77799 - 1911 PC Club Czech stamp collectors with imprinted stmp 3h F
1911 PC Club Czech stamp collectors with imprinted stmp 3h Franz Joseph violet (private print ) sent as printed matter, CDS Prague 5.12.1911, decorative, absolutely good condition
Starting price: CZK
79083 - 1913 PC with answer abroad  Mi.P151, type I. (AUTRIGHE), und
1913 PC with answer abroad Mi.P151, type I. (AUTRIGHE), undetached, used only the first part, CDS BREITENBACH/ 5.8.13 (after validity ?), good condition, c.v.. after/behind used both parts 30€
Starting price: CZK
81607 - 1914 PC 5h, Mi.P216 sent 31.V.14 to USA, underpaid., burdene
1914 PC 5h, Mi.P216 sent 31.V.14 to USA, underpaid., burdened with postage-due, sent back with surtax 1c and mounted stamp. 1c, in the place sending chosen postage due 10h, 2x Postage due stamp., Mi.47, CDS HOHENELBE 1.VII.14; good condition
Starting price: CZK
77719 - 1914 pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph 25h blue, cat. Fer
1914 pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph 25h blue, cat. Ferchenbauer No.15, used in Prague 11.5.14, arrival postmark in front, good condition
Starting price: CZK
79906 - 1914 JUDAICA, PC Mi.P216 sent from Znojmo, CDS ZNOJMO 2/ 26.
1914 JUDAICA, PC Mi.P216 sent from Znojmo, CDS ZNOJMO 2/ 26.V.14, club/federal circular pmk JÜDISCHER VOLKSVEREIN ZNAIM/ Jewish star, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
81490 - 1917 PC Charles 8h green uprated to Reg and Express stamps C
1917 PC Charles 8h green uprated to Reg and Express stamps Charles 25 and 30h, CDS Batelov 8.12.17, attached PC for answer (přišitá thread), interesting, good condition
Starting price: CZK
81484 - 1918 PC Mi.P235 uprated express stmp 2h on/for new rate, Reg
1918 PC Mi.P235 uprated express stmp 2h on/for new rate, Reg to Norway, with uprated by. other stmp 25h, CDS WIEN/ 16.X.18, good condition
Starting price: CZK
80998 - 1918 pneumatic tube postcard Mi.RP31, uprated by. complete s
1918 pneumatic tube postcard Mi.RP31, uprated by. complete sets airmail stamps Mi.225-27, CDS Wien 1/ 1.X.18, hints after sticking in front also on reverse
Starting price: CZK
78529 - 1918 Ex PC 8H Charles, uprated to 10h + fee for express deli
1918 Ex PC 8H Charles, uprated to 10h + fee for express delivery 10+50H, CDS HOLEŠOV/ 10.10.18, Czech on both sides additional printing official character, 3 holes from spike?, good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
78385 - 1933-56 3 pcs of p.stat special flight, 1x uprated by. priva
1933-56 3 pcs of p.stat special flight, 1x uprated by. private PC, gilder mail 1.Postsegelflug Graz - Marburg 14.5.33, red special postmark postmark and trigonal cachet, CDS GRAZ 1/ 14.V.33 + 2 pcs of postal stationery covers sent as Registered balloon post Graz 28.5.50 and Linz 20.10.56; 1x fold, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
78241 - 1936 private special PC with printed airmail stmp Mi.477, is
1936 private special PC with printed airmail stmp Mi.477, issued to 1. flight vlečeným sailplane Wien - Budapest, stage WIEN - GYÖR, CDS Wien 51/ 18.V.36, arrival postmark Győr 38.MÁJ.19, addressed to to Nitra, all attributes, forwarded only 824 pcs, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
80647 - 1946-56 order card 2x, Mi.AK26 + AK32, undetached parts, in/
1946-56 order card 2x, Mi.AK26 + AK32, undetached parts, in/at pin hole folded, nice
Starting price: CZK
80598 - 1947 Reg letter C.O.D., used private postal stationery cover
1947 Reg letter C.O.D., used private postal stationery cover with stamps Mi.801 + 802 + uprating, special postmark WIEN/ 30.8.47 to Anniv philatelic print, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
78422 - 1950 postcard with picture aircraft, private blue additional
1950 postcard with picture aircraft, private blue additional printing 1Sch from 20.VI.1950 for airmail post, additionally printed label MIT FLUGPOST and print zakrytý round additional printing from year 1913 with text Offizielle postcard/ Flug-Feld Aspern/ 15.–22.VI.13, good condition
Starting price: CZK
77382 - 1950-56 5 pcs of special p.stat air-mail envelopes and two f
1950-56 5 pcs of special p.stat air-mail envelopes and two franked cards, all transfered by balonóvými flights, various franking, all to Czechoslovakia, some censored, 1x on reverse damaged, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
77383 - 1948-49 Children's village/-s, 2 envelope/-s (1x p.stat) for
1948-49 Children's village/-s, 2 envelope/-s (1x p.stat) for the first two balloon flights, first flight only bianco envelope without address, other years envelope with address, rare, good condition
Starting price: CZK