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1845 MILITARIA vacation document, Austrian eagle, Joseph Beneš, Prace, good condition U:A4
1846 MILITARIA folded vacation document, Francis Chotecký, lordship Podolí, good condition U:A4
1923 MILITARIA draft card, Slovakian - Hungarian text, paid by for discount on/for railways, off. and railway postmark, holes after/around perforator, significant cross fold U:A4
1928 MILITARIA certificate to control military motorových vozidel, postmark Czechosl. car batt./guidon No.3, Bratislava, good condition U:A5
1936 MILITARIA militar driver's licence, postmark Czechosl. car batt./guidon No.2, Brno, superb condition U:A5
1941-43 MILITARIA comp. 3 pcs of mourning cards, 1x captain, cards with photo of killed members Wehrmacht, good condition U:A5
1944 MILITARIA passport to/at entry civil persons to výcvikového space SS "BOHEMIA" Selčany, preserved U:A5
1945 MILITARIA provisional traveller's passport, Salzburg, Austria, framed pmk American occupation management (Military Government), also with povolenka on/for train, frayed upper margin U:A5
1935 PROPAGANDA employment book, Deutsches Reich, swastika, very good condition U:A5
1939-42 PROPAGANDA certificate and document member of National Union, postmark, cross fold, good quality U:A4
1942 PROPAGANDA German Labour Front DAF, member book, swastika, good condition U:A5
1948 SCOUTING document member Junáku to participation and election on/for junáckém congress 1.II.1948, good condition U:A5
1926 SOKOL / RAILWAYS VIII. Sokol festival in Prague, festival document used for ride after/around railways, revenue 50h, railway postmark ŠTUBNIANSKÉ TEPLICE, significant folds U:A5
1947 SPORT sports club Prostějov, member document U:A5
1945 RAILWAYS selection of, ticket and document for participant Světového congress Students' union, postmark, revenue, surtax stamp, interesting U:A5
1827 migration book bound in/at hard cover, 80 sides, revenue signet 15 Kreuzer from year 1818, data with postmarks places from Moravia, very well preserved U:A4
1834 passport in the name of Lorenz Vogt, Lednice, mark of lordship, revenues of issue 1818, 6 Kreuzer and control, in good condition U:A3s|
1838-90 comp. 2 pcs of documents, certificate about/by vykonání plavecké trial/expertization, Wels, revenue 15 Kreuzer, format larger than A4, cross fold; marriage license, issued by K.u.K.. Militar - Fuhrveßens - Corps Commando Wien, folded corner with dry seal, format larger than A4, cross fold, all well preserved U:A3s|
1840 passport, service postmark ZLIN, imprinted stamp 6 Kreuzer and controll imprinted stamp issue 1840, folds and light stains U:A3s|
1840 Schub-Paß (tow-pass) (Schub-Paß), printed matter, sent by post from Hodonín to Břeclav, postmarks GÖDING and LUNDENBURG, official entries, off. seal lordship LUNDENBURG, torn in the place original seal, otherwise very good condition U:A3s|
1855 count KOLOWRAT-KRAKOWSKY, Zdenko, (Libsteinski, 1836–1892), historian, writer and dramatist, passport on 2 month issued in Brno, very entries, revenue 30kr C.M. issue 1854, folds and frayed U:A3s|
1875 passport with biometrickými prvky, 4-page, format A3, revenue 1fl, service postmark Nový Bydžov , folded, with signs of usage U:A3s|
1885 entrance ticket and passport for participant performance Brno mužských pěveckých corps in 1885, color decorative print, good condition U:A5
1897 fishing licence with revenue 1Fl, issue 1893, region Lednice (Eisgrub), postmark Mikulov, cross fold, torn in folds U:A4
1919 identification card member Czechosl. legions in Slovakia entitling to volnému odchodu from company, postmark military police, folded, good condition U:A5
1923 Czechosl. village/community legionary, union Uzhhorod, document with postmark and členskými stamps, good condition U:A5
1926 certificate for pilot with photo, School for air forces, Cheb, signatures commanders; significant cross fold U:A3s|
1928 certificate for air-mail mechanika, School for air forces, Prostějov, signatures commanders; frayed lower margin U:A3s|
1932 payment certificate of členského contribution in side, mounted stamps personal tax, regional tax and volebního and právního fund, slightly yellowy stains U:A5
1934 member document Moravian-Silesian car club, without photos, only filed name, well preserved U:A5
1938 gun licence, revenue 8CZK, issued in Olomouc, very good condition U:A5
1941 pass, headquarters Velké Paris, issued of day 7.10.1941 to 8.10.1941, postmark subdivision and hotel, good condition U:A5
1944 passport, Slovak Rep., very good condition U:A5
1945 service card, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, police batalion Moravia, with signs of usage U:A5
1948 passport, Austria, superb U:A5
1825 BRNO master craftsman certificate Fr. Manna from Modlan issued in Brno, decorated margins with big initial, seal guild, imprinted stamp 1G issue 1818 + control, size 43x35 cm; good condition U:A3s|
1843 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE / KANICE vocational certificate Anthony from Kanic decorated symbols craft industry and Austrian eagle, red guild seal, imprinted stamp 30Kr issue 1840 + control, printed V. Butscheck in Brünn, size 50x40 cm; only folds U:A3s|