1919extraordinary comp. 7 pcs of Hungarian stamp. Turul, Mi.109, 110, 111, 113, 121, 123 and 183, every on small cut-square with CDS Bicscsefalu/ 919 Jan.21. (Bytčica), rare occurrence, all exp. by Karasek
1919 Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.P43 as blk-of-4 (!), CDS FRIEDLAND/ Bohemia/ 12.2.19, on small cut-square from postal blank form/-s, exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. 600CZK
1918-19selection of 30 pcs of various cut-squares, Austrian forerunner and parallel stamp., postage stmp also postage-due with jasnými readable CDS, contains i.a. Mi.222b (Charles 20h light green) pair, postage-due Mi.P55, P56, P62, c.v.. ca. 1500CZK
1918-19 comp. 8 pcs of entires, from that 4x PC 8h Charles (3 pcs of uprated), letter-card/-s 15h and 20h Charles, FP card with bisected stmp 20h Charles light green and postcard with 15h Charles, 7 pcs of exp. by Karasek., good condition
1919 parcel card without L cut, CDS Náměšť n./O. 18.1.19, with mounted str-of-5 Austrian. postage-due stamp. 1h with overprint PORTO Mi. 58, from that 1 pcs of with plate variety thin O", CDS Třebíč, 2x vertical folded + stains, viewing of quality recommended
1919commercial PC franked with Hungarian stmp Reaper 5f and stamp. Pof.3-Hradčany, CDS Poszony 27.1.1919, nice mixed franking, on reverse hints after sticking on sheet and stripped
1919 comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian post. orders 2f Crown, with 1) 50f Parliament Mi.100, CDS Liptószentmiklós/ 919 Jan.15. (Liptovský Mikuláš); 2) 20f Charles Mi.215, CDS Morvaszentjános/ 919 Jan.28. (Moravian St. Ján); both exp. by Karasek.., good quality
1919 court R summons with paid porto mixed franking Austrian to exhaustion- Postage due stamp 20/54h Mi.P62, and provisional postage-due Hradčany 5h, Pof.3 with overprint "T", CDS LITOMĚŘICE 22.II.19, stamp. with provisory straight line postmark 23. Feb. 1919/ TEPLITZ SCHÖNAU; envelope open from two of adjacent sides
1919 Hungarian postal order Crown 2f, larger part without posting cut, franked with Hungarian stmp 50f Parliament, Mi.100, forerunner CDS RAJECZ 919 Jan.14., punch cancelled out of stmp., exp. by Karasek
1919 larger part 2 pcs of Hungarian dispatch notes 2f Crown, franked with Hungarian stmps Reaper, Mi.197, other piece Mi.192 together with stamp. Charles Mi.215, posting Hungarian CDS GYETVA 919 Feb.5. (repaired corner dispatch-note), other with CDS MARIAHUTAZAKÁRFALVA 919 Jan.30. (folds also over stmp Reaper), exp. by Karasek
1918Pof.RV212-42 Prague overprint II. (Large Emblem), complete set of 21 pcs of, hinge / label and or hints, express **, owner's marks, without certification, c.v.. ca. 3000CZK
1918Pof.RV58-61 Coat of arms large format, Mareš's overprint in red color, RV58a - granite paper and inverted overprint, nice quality, exp. by Mahr + exp. by Stupka., c.v.. ca. 6000CZK
1918 Ex letter with budějovického issue Pofis. RV85-99 (Horner's overprint), CDS BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 10.XI.18, envelope greater format, horiz. folded out of stmp, good condition
Pof.4, 5h green, upper corner blk-of-4 with bar subtype II.a on pos. 10, plate 4, very wide margins, rare occurrence, single subtype on/for all four plate, sought, mint never hinged
Pof.4, blue-green, spiral type II, as blk-of-4 with lower margin and control-numbers, plate 3, double impression, light wrinkled paper, exp. by Karasek
Pof.4a Hradčany 5h, dark, UR corner blk-of-4 with margin, plate 4, pos. 10 with bar subtype IIa, combination types horiz. or vertical, marked and exp. by Karasek.., short tear in margin repaired, light dusky margin, wide margins
Pof.4a, 5h dark blue-green, the bottom corner blk-of-8 with control-numbers, plate variety on pos. 71 (dot after/behind numeral 5.), mint never hinged, cat. min. 1700CZK
Pof.7 joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, the bottom corner blk-of-12, 3x spiral types combination, printing plate 1, T I. on/for 83., 92. and 94.TD, mint never hinged