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1953 Mi.141-52; SG.179-90, complete set 12 pcs of stamp., very fine, cat. Gibbons 70£; U:A5
1953 Mi.141-52, Queen Elizabeth II. , nice, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1962 Mi.164-175, Birds, complete set 12 pcs, mint never hinged, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1916-35 comp. 4 pcs of entires with advertising added prints firm as John A. Bruce & Co. - North Bay Ont., T.M. Palmer Diamond Hall - North Bay Ont. , A.B. Girard - Verner Ont. etc.., decorative U:A5
1932 Reg and airmail letter franked by complete set Mi.473-76, CDS Correo Aereo/ El Salvador 28 NOV 1932 + frame cancel. Corre Aereo/ San Salvador, Reg cancel, addressed to to Germany, transit pmk N.York 2.12. and arrival Brunswick 14.12.32 on reverse, in corners stains after/around greasy labels U:A5
1935 Mi.214-217, King George V., mint never hinged, c.v.. 30€ U:A5
1895 postal stationery cover 2c sent as Reg to Germany, uprated with stamp Mi.79, 105, CDS MOUNT PLEASANT/ MAR 29 1895, incomplete Reg label with by hand additionally written number, on reverse CDS New York/ 30 3 1895 and Hamburg/ 11.4.95, L 2 hints after stapler and 2x vertical fold, good condition U:A5
1918 air-mail letter with 5c postage stmp + 6c air, MC Chicago/ DEC 12 1918, violet cachet, several signatures on face-side, format 24x10,5cm, on reverse missing upper lapel, good condition U:A4
1924 airmail letter with Mi.286, CDS CHICAGO/ JUL 1 1924, on reverse arrival postmarkl Cheyenne, Wyo/ JUL 2 1924 + cachet, well preserved U:A5
1901-13 Mi.132-137, 156, 157, 203-206, c.v.. 230€ U:A5
1861-70 USA Mi.17, 39, 43, 48, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1961 Mi.20; Sc.32, type II, Washington, cat. Scott 275$, reperforováno ? U:A5
1867 Mi.20W, Washington, stmp with grill, c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1994 Mi.2506-2525, Legendy divokého West, miniature sheet with vertical and horiz. space - so-called. cross, folded in perforation U:A4
1869 Mi.26-27, 29, c.v.. 390€ U:A5
1869 Mi.28, 31, 32, c.v.. 378€ U:A5
2002-05 Mi.3520-69 complete 50 pcs of printing sheet Greetings + complete 40 pcs of printing sheet Wonders of America, samolepicí stamps, c.v.. ca. 80€ U:A3v–
1870 Mi.36 3x, 40, 41, 49, 57, comp. 7 pcs of stamps U:A5
1870 Mi.45, Hamilton, red postmark U:A5
1992-95 Mi.Bl.24, Bl.31, Bl.32, Bl.34, Bl.37, souvenir sheets WWII., total 3 complete set from that 1x as printing sheet always with 2 souvenir sheets, c.v.. 135€ U:A3v–
1893 Reg letter to Germany franked with. 10c postage stmp + 8c from the set Columbus, dumb postmark + CDS Chino JUN 27 1893 outside franking, Reg label New York, transit pmk N.York 3.7. and arrival Brunswick 13.7.93 on reverse, well preserved U:A5
1861-90 comp. 10 pcs of stamp. + 8 pcs of service stmp various offices, contains i.a. Mi.11 (cut teeth), Mi.19, 20 (short teeth), 42, 45, 70 etc.., other worse quality, cat. min. 350€ U:A5
1933 USA comp. 2 pcs of richly franked airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, CDS CHICAGO JUN.26/1933, much transit postmarks, 1x stains on edge flap U:A4
1890 Official stamps for vnitro, 1x1$, 2x25 cents U:A5
1987 Mi.1883-1932, complete 50 pcs of printing sheet Fauna USA + Mi.2268-2301, Flowers, 2 pcs of complete 50 pcs of printing sheet, c.v.. 75€ + 90€ U:A3v–
1857 cut square with str-of-3 stamp. Mi.11, stamps cut from sheet already postal zřízencem, preserved perf lower and between stamps, illegible black cancel. + red cancel. N.YORK 7/Aug/ Paid, c.v.. 195€ only single stamps U:A5
1990 Mi.815-30, Fishes, complete set 16 pcs, mint never hinged, c.v.. 25€ U:A5
1908 Reg letter addressed to to Germany with 1Sh, CDS St.John´s/ Antigua. B.W./ 15.MY.08, Reg cancel + date-stamp No. 182, transit pmk London 1.JU 08 and arrival Charlottenburg 2.6.08 on reverse, margins envelope/-s wrinkled, after all interesting U:A5
1903-17 SG.32, 39, 41, 45, 47, 48, 49, c.v.. 60£; U:A5
1963-72 3x letter from antarktického territory, 1x as Registered, decorative, various franking, postmark and cachets, all mounted on black background from exhibit, good condition, rare U:A5
1942-57 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x addressed to to USA, with Mi.105, 106 6x, CDS NASSAU 22.Aug.42, passed through censorship + air-mail Reg letter with Mi.169 2x, 170 2x, CDS NASSAU 27.Jun.57, addressed to to Nigeria, on reverse arrival postmark; good condition U:A5
1964 Mi.190-205, overprint New Constitution, c.v.. 36€ U:A5
1907 Reg letter franked by stmp 5x ½p + 2x 1p Edward VII, CDS Gover....barbour/ Bahamas/ 23.FEB.07, oval Reg cancel and transit Nassau/ Bahamas/ 26.FEB.07 in front, addressed to to German Brod, transit pmk Registered London/ 9.MR.07 and arrival incomplete cancel. Německý Brod 11.3. on reverse, small format, good condition U:A5
1938 SG.158-160, c.v.. 8,75£ U:A5
1955-56 comp. 2 pcs of airmail letters to Switzerland, franked with. stmp.: 1) Mi.209, 210 and 211, CDS G.P.O. Barbados 29.AP.55; 2) Mi.3x210, CDS G.P.O. Barbados 23.FE.56; well preserved U:A5
1918 letter addressed to to England, with Mi.96 2x, 97, 109 2x, CDS BARBADOS 2.Jul.18; good condition U:A5
1926 Reg letter to USA, color 5-coloured franking stamp. Mi.97-101, good condition U:A5
1953 complete set 18 pcs of stamp. Mi.130-147 + 2 stamp. Mi.153-154 from this set with variety (Sandys without apostrofu), all very fine, c.v.. 142€ (SG 98 £;) U:A5
1953 Mi.130-147, 148, Motives, complete set 18+1 pcs, nice quality, c.v.. 130€ U:A5
1921 Mi.60-68, Jubilee of 300 years, complete set 9 pcs, nice, catalogue value for hinged 95€ U:A5
1946 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, recipient on/for udané address not found, several times redirected through/over military units, official post. stick-on label, curiosity postal transport, good condition U:A5
1930 airmail letter to Bolivie with Mi.326, 327 + surtax stamp 2000Rs Syndicato Condor, CDS RIO DE JANEIRO/ Syndicato Condor/ 28 AGO 30, confirmation cancel flight, label By CONDOR Airmail in Brazil, arrival postmark LA PAZ/ 2. SEPT. 30 in front, 1x vert. fold, good condition U:A5
1930 airmail letter to Germany with 500Rs postage stmp + surtax stmp 1000Rs and 2000Rs Syndicato Condor, CDS RIO DE JANEIRO/ Syndicato Condor/ 21 MAR 30, confirmation framed pmk 21 Marco 1930/ Premiero Correio Aereo "CONDOR"/ Brazil Europe, label Correio Aereo/ CONDOR, arrival postmark BERLIN/ 1.4.30 on reverse, 1x vert. fold, good condition U:A5
1934 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia franked with. zeppelinovými stamp. Mi.319, 321 + 2x 700Rs postage stmp + 2x 3500Rs air-mail, CDS RIO DE JANEIRO/ 7.FEV.934, Reg cancel, red cachet "Servico Aereo Transatlantico/ BRAZIL - EUROPA/ CONDOR - LUFTHANSA", transit pmk Stuttgart 9/ Deutsche Luftpost Südamerika-Europa/ 12.2.34 on reverse, good condition U:A5
1926 postal stationery cover 2c sent as Reg to USA, uprated with stamp 4x 2c, CDS SUDDIE/ BRITISH GUIANA/ 6.MR.26, on reverse transit. + arrival postmark (5 pcs of), good condition U:A5
1954 Mi.199-213, Country Motives, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1964 Mi.140-154, Country Motives, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1935 Mi.86-94 (SG.96-104), very fine, cat. Gibbons 31£ U:A5
1969 Mi.211-225, Landscape Motives, c.v.. 17€ U:A5
1935 SG.96-106, missing end 10s, c.v.. 110£; U:A5
1950 Mi.125-135 (SG.135-147) Motives, complete set 13 pcs, hinged, catalogue value for MNH 55€ (cat. Gibbons 55£;) U:A5
1942 air-mail Reg letter to USA, franked with. airmail stamp Mi.114, 115, CDS VILLEMSTAD 17.6.42, passed through censorship, on reverse transit also arrival postmark; good condition U:A5
1919 Reg and airmail letter to USA franked by stmp 5x 1d (George V.), CDS G.P.O. Grenada 23.JY.19, oval pmk with character R + Reg cancel, transit and arrival postmark on reverse, interesting and well preserved U:A5
1939 Reg letter with 1,50F/1F and 1F, both with motives ship, CDS Pointe and Pitre/ Guadelope/ 25.FEVR.39, addressed to to France, arrival postmark Saint-Louis/ Haut-Rhin/ 8.3.39 on reverse, bianco Reg label with straight line postmark Pointe-A-Pite, good condition U:A5
1900 Mi.40-44, Allegory, hinged, in front nice, c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1962 Mi.183-194, overprint INDEPENDENCE/1962, c.v.. 22€ U:A5
1958 Reg letter to USA with Mi.4x 179, CDS Kingston 22.JY.58, arrival postmark Scranton, counter sheet./ 25.JUL.1958 on reverse, well preserved U:A5
1938 Mi.93-104 (SG.101a-112), Landscape, complete set 12 pcs, hinged, cat. Gibbons 65£; U:A5
1936 letter greater format to Czechoslovakia, with Mi. 5x 330 + 1x 331, CDS LIMA/ 24.NOV.36, redirected, good condition U:A5
1937 Reg letter with Mi.96-98, CDS Registered/ Castries St. Lucia/ 15.MY.37, framed Reg pmk, addressed to to South Africa., arrival postmark on reverse, good condition U:A5