1889 2-lines konduktérské postmark POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE/ REICHENBERG - PARDUBITZ No.308/208, arrival postmark. HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ/ 28.7.89, PC 2 Kreuzer, German - Czech variety, good condition
1919 train post No. 674/ SUDOMĚŘ - SKALSKO - KUTTENTAHL 26.VI.19, PC Charles 8h with forerunner cancel., burdened with postage-due 15h, Pof.DL3, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 27.VI.19; superb postal imprint train post
1907 postal-agency MÜNICHREITHob. d. THAYA - Lower Austria, blue framed pmk on/for stationery 5h Franz Joseph green, CDS KARLSTEIN an der THAYA /5.8.1907, good condition
1911 postal-agency ADOLFOV (Geb.0001/1), letter-card Franz Joseph 10h, nice postmark Postal Agency, CDS illegible/ 24.7.11, good condition, vanished place
1914 comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian PC with postal agency pmk, 1x Hungarian DOMOKOS, 2x Slovak ELIÁŠOVCE and STARÁ LEHOTA by/on/at Nitra (c.v.. Geb.2082 and 2310), good condition
1919-21 Postal Agency STARÉ ČIVICE and TISMICE, comp. 2 pcs of Hradcany-issue PC with postmaster postal agency pmk, cat. Gebauer 45b, superb print, 1x torn off corner
1919-20 Postal Agency JEDOMĚLICE and KADOV, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with franking Hradčany with nationalized postal agency pmk, cat. Gebauer 60 pt, superb print
1936postal-agency KŘIVÁ * TRAINING TÁBOR (KHUST), Geb.Tek..2535/1, worse postmark train post TERESVA - KOŠICE, B/W Ppc of Khust, Masaryk's street with shop Baťa, good condition
1919-20 Postal Agency BLUČINA and LIBŘICE, comp. 2 pcs of entires with forerunner franking and franking Hradčany with significantly deformovanými nationalized postal agency pmk, cat. Gebauer 80 pt, nice imprints, 1x stains in margin
1939 postal-agency SCHMEIL (c.v.. Geb.1216/5), violet framed pmk on letter, German. franking 2x 10Pf Hindenburg, CDS STADT LIEBAU/ 14.3.39, to Czechoslovakia - last day before/(in front of) Protektorátem!!! good condition
1941postal-agency RUDELZAU/ über town Liebau (Ostsudetenld), Gebauer. 1155/4 (Rudoltovice), dumb postmark/ 2.3.40, mailing FP, well preserved, entire posouvá date in catalogue, catalogue –,–
1947 Postal Agency DOMANÍN and KOSTELEC by/on/at ŠTÍPY, comp. 2 pcs of cuts money dispatch-notes with postal agency pmk on reverse, jednorámečkovéDOMANÍN (Bzenec) and broken out KOSTELEC by/on/at ŠTÍPY (Zlín); good condition
1903 Maxa G35, commercial envelope with stamps Franz Joseph 10h, perfins G.S. George Schicht Ústí n./L., lined postmark AUSSIG 2/ 16.09.03, identification entire, omačkamé margins
1910 Maxa B78, commercial letter, with Franz Joseph 10h, perfin B.&S. Blovský & Co Prague, MC PRAGUE 1/ 7.X.10, identification entire, more/larger stain on envelope, examination We recommend it
1916 Maxa G38, commercial envelope with stmp Franz Joseph 10h, perfin GS/AG Georg Schicht Ústí n./L., CDS OBER SEDLITZ - KRAMMEL 2/ 22.IX.16, identification entire, good condition
1902-08 comp. 8 pcs of letters franked by stmp with perfins, from that 1x Reg letter - identification entire (Strasser & König (King), Wien), other aren't identification, various quality, viewing of quality recommended
1917 commercial PC, with 15 + 30H, stmp 10h Charles with perfin J.J.K, firm Jacob & Joseph Kohn Wien, CDS WIEN/ 31.VII.17, identification entire, good condition
1919-25Maxa B64, comp. 3 pcs of posting cuts from dispatch-notes with perfins in/at printed matter, Julius Boschan, perfin "BOSCHAN", CDS PRAGUE 26/ 15.V.19, Maxa E38 2x, engineer. Erich Roučka, "ER", CDS BLANSKO 12.II.25 and 4.XI.25, from that 1x cut with additional-printing stamp. Pigeon-issue 10h from dispatch-note CPP7; good condition
1924 Maxa H45, commercial PC with with perfin sent 6.10. from Náchod to Prague, here 9.10. repaired address to Vienna, supplemented with franking on/for 1,20Kč!!! and from Mail výpravny Prague 25 sent, interesting identification entire, good condition
1931 Maxa A20, commercial printed matter, with Coat of arms 20H, perfin A.F.N. Anthony Fleissiganástupce Prague, MC PRAGUE 25/18.II.31, identification entire, good condition
1939 Maxa S44, postcard with Štefánik 50h, as forerunner, stmp with perfin S.R., S.Reiner Prostějov, stmp evidently privately used (salute from fair), CDS SVATÝ KOPEČEK/ 8.V.39, good condition
1942 Maxa R4, bill f. Rico (works) Inc. Prague, mounted revenue 50h with perfin "R", bill folded to envelope/-s, filling holes, perfin rarely on/for revenue, overall good condition
1914 HUNGARY, postcard Budapest with commercial additional-printing, with 3f with perfin B.&Co. , evidently farmaceutická firm Bayer (totožné with perfin Maxa B23 f. Bergstein & Co), MC BUDAPEST/ 914FEB.20., identification entire?, good condition
1928 ITALY bank Reg letter addressed to to Czechoslovakia, multicolor franking stamps with perfin BT ( BancoTrentino), CDS Bolzanno 25.5.28, good condition
1937-1939 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 2 pcs of air-mail letters big format sent to Vienna, 1x single franking stamp. Pof.L14, 1x multiple mixed franking stamp. Pof.L15 and 248, all attributes
1959-63 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 4 pcs of letters, 1x conversely, 2x as Registered, transfered by first or opening flights, LUFTHANSA, various franking, cachets, CDS, mimoevropské flights, philatelic mailing, good condition
1962-64 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 4 pcs of letters, transfered by first or opening flights, LUFTHANSA, various franking, cachets, CDS, mimoevropské flights, philatelic mailing, good condition
1962-64 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 5 pcs of letters, transfered by first or opening flights, LUFTHANSA, various franking, cachets, CDS, philatelic mailing, good condition
1966-71 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 7 pcs of PC, transfered by first or opening flights, various uprating, cachets, arrival postmark etc., all philatelic mailing, 2x hints after sticking, signs of age and transport
1979 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 letter sent from Belgium to Czechoslovakia, with ship violet round cancel. M/S VÍTKOVICE PRAGUE, franked with. belgickou stamp. 8F, CDS ANTWERPEN 26.11.79, burdened with postage-due 2 stamp. 1Kčs, Pof.D85, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 6.XII.79; good condition
1898 AUSTRIA letter to Leipzig franked with. 5 pcs of stamps 5 various countries (Bavaria, Switzerland, Austria, Württemberg, Germany), CDS K.u.K.. OESTERR. SCHIFFPOST AM BODENSEE 20/2 98, interesting