1967JANEČEK Ota (1919–1996), Czech painter, graphic artist, author of postal stamps, stamp design Water Birds 30h - swan, format 25x20cm, signature of author, glazed frame 37x32cm, extraordinary offer
1975 HERČÍK Joseph (1922–1999), Czech graphic artist, engraver, author of postal stamps, stamp design Pof.2137, Liberation, format 15x7cm, signature of author, glazed passe-partout 27x21cm, nice
1977HERČÍK Joseph (1922–1999), Czech graphic artist, engraver, author of postal stamps, stamp design Pof.2288, Kleopatra, format 24x30cm, signature of author, glazed frame 39x52cm, nice
1924HERMAN: aquarelle, decorative wedding congratulation with signatures for captain. Henry Biskupa, format 36x46cm, author Professor. L. Herman, signature L.H., damaged UR corner, after all very nice, autentic
1935KOTAŠKA J.: 2x picture on canvas (oil), format 40x56cm, portraits married couple Daleckých, DALECKÝ Rudolf (1906–1945), chief pilot factory AVIA, dastardly murdered in time of Prague uprising, very interesting offer for historians aviation
1920OBROVSKÝ Jacob (1892–1949), poster to Sokol festival, print Neubert Smíchov, size 200x140cm, probably last like that in good condition poster, very good condition
1909Andreesneuerallgemeiner and österreichisch-ungarischerHandatlas, 147 main maps, copper print, 163 side maps and plans, 223 sides, 2. issue, Wien, well preserved
1914StielersHand-Atlas, 100 main maps, copper print, 162 side maps and plans, 240 sides, 10. issue, Gotha, nádherná Art Nouveau binding, kožený backbone, well preserved
1909-44 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 13 pcs of books, Azorín:Zavřený house; Balzac:Neznáméarcidílo; Bernard:Vzpomínky on/for PaulaCézanna; Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep:Děravýplášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Hamsun: Pan; Langer:Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; de Saint-Pierre: Paul and Virginie; Samat:Hlídačbýků, Tyl:Nebezpečnýproslov; Zeyer:ListyRůženěJesenské; some book/-s with signature of author; superb prints, good condition, very profitable
1900-40 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 6 pcs of books, almanac New Year card; Baar:Vzpomínkyštědrého evening; Hloucha:Moje Lady Chrysanthema; Mácha: cat; Neruda: How to přišlo; Novák: Spring in Bohemia; nice illustrations
1914-37 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 7 pcs of books, Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep:Děravýplášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Langer:Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; Tyl:Nebezpečnýproslov; Zeyer:ListyRůženěJesenské; some book/-s with signature of author
1825JUDAICA SeferMegineEretz, Joseph benEphraimKaro:ShulchanAruch (prostřený table), the first part, OrachChayim (path life), issued MosesMenerhoffer, Wien, Hebrew, Jewish laws for feast days and common life, bound, good condition, very rare
1940-75 SCOUTING comp. 13 pcs of notebook zpěvníků, also with book/-s BobHurikán: History trampingu; Šimánek: Scouting and zálesáctví, Plajner:Radosti scout year, various condition
1936-47 SCOUTING comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, in English - Evans:MoreHobbies and Handicrafts, ForGirlGuides; team of authors: First ClassTests and How to PassThem; MacKenzie:Games for Scouts; team of authors: Camp Cookery for BoyScouts and Others; Clifton-Shelton: A FewHints on Sketching; Sparrow:Surveying & MappingSimplified; Sparrow:CompleteSignallingInstructor; French - Hillcourt: Le Manuel du Chef de Patrouille, all pocket format, good condition
1936-70SCOUTING a lot of scout literature - journals and handbooks, for example. Führer, Činovník, Scout zápisník, regulations, games, statute, calendar, all placed in larger cardboard box, total 8kg of material
1947-48 SCOUTING / JUNÁK (scout), weekly paper scout youth, bound volume documenting change company from democracy to totality, bounded, have/has signs of usage
1927-48 SCOUTING, selection various journals issued junákem, 1x monotematické number Scout to anniv of death A.B.Svojsíka (1939), 1x Scout měsíčník All (1927), 1x Reporter No.2 Scouts Brno district, 1x Strážceč.4/I. issued 76. oddílem Scout Brno, 5 numbers věstníku Country scout council/court OZNAMOVATEL (1946-48), good condition
1940team of authors: In Kampf against die Seuche (in fight against moru), 122 sides, German text, facsimile maps, historical documents and graphic artist, on/for page. 85 used 5 pcs of stamps German East Africa, Schülke & Mayr's, values 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c and 1$ (c.v.. 750€), without paper envelope/-s, very good condition
1915-31 selection of 17 pcs of newspapers and journals, Volnámyšlenka, Jedinstvo, Švanda bagpiper, Streffleurovy military sheets, Lada, Světozor, Forest theatre in/at Krči, The Voice of national defence, standard quality
1818-1905 comp. 3 pcs of books, Rozmanitosti, issued Hýbl, Prague, 1818, Duch John Huss, issued Kober, Prague, 1870; modlitební book St. Anthony, issued by Catholic publ., Litoměřice, 1905
1921 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šteidler and team of authors: Return Czechosl. legions around the world home, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, 229 photos, world map and big map Russia, good condition
1994-2003 comp. 5 pcs of catalogues, Catalogue Trojan, Privátní added-print on/for Czechoslovak and Czech p.stat 1945–1996, Catalogue Trojan, Czechoslovakia 1918–92, very good condition, Czech republic 1993/94, with signs of usage, catalogue POFIS 2000 Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939–1945, very good condition, catalogue POFIS 2003 Czech rebublika1993–2003, very good condition, Engel: Bohemia and Moravia, Spezialgatalog, Erstauflage Herbst, 1990, good condition, text in German
1935 team of authors: Kolkové and fee regulations valid in Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, with notices and judikaturou, volumes I. and II., issued Justitia Bratislava, 743+1320 sides, Slovak text, solid binding, with signs of usage, good condition
1970-2005 comp. 10 pcs of professional publications for collector Czechosl. stmp: Šablatúra: Falošné Hradčany (Slovak); Novotný: Special manual for collector Czechoslovak castle; team of authors: Agriculture and science 1920; Chvalovský, Kašpar:Specializovaná manual for collector stamps and entires issue Liberated Republic 2x; team of authors: Studijní philatelic handbooks, Hradčany - reconstruction counter sheet, plate 1 and 2, plate 3 and 4, plate 5 and 6, plate 7; Moravec: Souhrnná trial, Liberated Republic 150h red; buletin National exhibition Czechosl. post. stamps and aerophilately, Šumperk 1982; good condition
1970-99 comp. 3 pcs of professional publications, Karásek: Hradčany; Novotný: Special manual for collector Czechoslovak castle; Neumann, Václavovič: Monograph, postal history 1939–1945, Protectorate Bohemia and morava, 1. part, post offices marks (forerunner), 600 sides, good condition
2000Ferchenbauer: Österreich (Austria) 1850–1918, Guide and Special catalogue, within self-publishing, Wien, 1428 sides, German text, color pictures, good condition
2000Ferchenbauer: Österreich (Austria) 1850–1918, Guide and Special catalogue, within self-publishing, Wien, 1428 sides, German text, color pictures, good condition
1918CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue nice selection of min. 3000 pcs of stamps Hradčany, placed in 2 full stockbooks (16+8 sheets), nice postmarks, c.v.. ca. 3000CZK, also with 8-sheet stockbook with duplication T. G. Masaryk and comp. of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on album sheets, profitable
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue - imperforated, selection of 1300 pcs of stamps, values 50h and 100h, in 12-sheet stockbook A4, only wide margins, also with 34 pcs of stamp. - spiral types on stock-sheet
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue parcels of stamps issue Hradčany, also higher face-value, V. printing, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker and Postage due stmp - ornament, small addition issue Portraits 1945, all in flat box, suitable for next elaboration
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue partially specialized collection postmarked stamps, various perf, much pieces with ministerial perf, various plate variety and papers, also with duplication incl. overprint SO1920 (overprint), placed on 33 album pages and 2 stockbooks A4, suitable to continuation
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue, PIGEON-issue, issue Chainbreaker selection of plate and production flaws on stmp., used on 30 unbound pages, supplemented with other issues as issue Agriculture and Science and Postage due stmp, ca. 500 pcs of stamp. with various errors/flaws, several pieces clear stamp. hinged
1918-22 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of ca. 300 pcs of stamps and stripe with lower margins and control-numbers, all values except 500h, placed on 5 pcs of stock-book sheets
1918-22 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of ca. 450 pcs of stamps and 10 pcs of entires, all values, placed on 5 pcs of stock-book sheets
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps, contains forerunner and parallel stamp. Austrian and Hungarian origin, Hradčany, i.a. same facing gutter Pof.5Ms, 10h red - unfolded, Scout SK1-2, also light shades, revolutionary overprints, Military PP2-4A, Legionaire, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Hungarian postage-due black number 2f, Pof.127 with certificate from y 2000 (repaired small tearing), part forgeries for study purposes, Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker - opposite facing pair, T. G. Masaryk - types and wmk, gutter, coupons etc.., placed on 111 pages in 2 pcs of spiral stockbooks, high catalogue value
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete collection, contains issue Hradčany, Legionaire and oths., placed on album sheets in 2 pcs of spring folders, suitable for next elaboration
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 estate of collector, Hradčany, Airmail etc.., sheets, blocks, single, also with interesting expert journals from y 1945, placed in case, unworked
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 wide collection of mainly mint stamps, partial specialisation - wmk, types etc.., contains much better stamps, for example. Pof.6N, perforated Hradčany, Legionaire, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, for example. Pof.47a, 80-82 and oths., issue Agriculture and Science - perf and types, T. G. Masaryk (Neotypie (gravure-print), gravure), Landscape, Prague, Tatras - wmk, Anthem-issue, Airmail, Postage due stmp, Military, SO1920 (overprint) and oths., placed on free album sheets, partially on hingeless pages, high catalogue value
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection contains much better stamps, for example. Pof.13N, 26a, 49I, 66, 70, 82, 100, 117, 123Pp, 131, L1A, L2A, L3B, 175A T III., all mint never hinged and expertized, better perf airmail stamps - definitive issue, Olympic Congress, Festival and oths., on hingeless pages on album sheets KA-BE in screw album, also with several blocks stamps issue POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 in/at euroobalu, high catalogue value