1939-40 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Pof.28-31, 51, Landscape, complete set corner blk-of-4, L + R, with plate number, wide and close margin, total 70 pieces, on 2 on stock-sheets, c.v.. 730CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA complete basic collection, contains overprint issue (unattested), blocks of four, plate mark, variants of coupons incl. highest values, Postage due stmp - gutter, plate number etc.., placed on album sheets in 3 pcs of spring folders, high catalogue value
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps, blocks, bands, variants of coupons etc.., placed in 20-sheet stockbook and loosely in slohách, part rusty stains in gum, viewing of quality recommended
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps, contains Overprint issue (exp. by Gilbert.), margins, plate mark, plate number, variants of coupons etc.., placed on album sheets in spring folder, high catalogue value
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps, blocks of four, variants of coupons, gutter, plate mark, plate number, placed on album sheets in spring folder
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps, blocks, variants of coupons, gutter, plate number, plate mark, Postage due stmp and oths., placed on free album sheets and on stock-sheets, high catalogue value
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps, contains plate mark and plate number, variants of coupons, gutter etc.. placed in 3 stockbooks and loosely in/at envelopes
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / PLATE NUMBERS comp. of stamps issues Newspaper stamps, Official and Postage due stmp with plate number, contains i.a. blocks of four Pof.NV25, 5h blue with plate number 39 R 14x, plate number 1 L, block of four NV5, 10h red with plate number 1 (triangle), DL1-14 gutter, gutter with plate number, plate number on/for end values and oths., placed on 10 pcs of stock-book sheets, profitable
1941-43 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / OFFICIAL Pof.SL1-12, SL13-24, complete set corner blk-of-4, L + R, with plate number, total 98 pieces, on 2 on stock-sheets, c.v.. 2680CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps, contains complete overprint issue, exp. by Kozak., coupons, cut-squares and entires with forerunner, parallel and mixed franking, 4x abroad, placed on free album sheets, interesting
1939-46 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 remaining comp. of stamps, bloks of four, plate mark, variants of coupons and gutter, placed in half-empty 16-sheet stockbook
1939-45 SLOVAKIA collection bloks of four, min. 40 pcs of with plate number, single plate number, gutter-pair, wmk and their/its location, grids on postage due stmp, cat. Zsf min. 10000SKK
1939-45 SLOVAKIA almost complete basic stamp collection incl. overprint issue (expert's and owner's mark), For Children-issue with plate variety cloud, gutter pair Tiso, unissued stmp Hlinka 50h line perforation 10½;, 1 Koruna line perforation 12½; and 12½:10½;, imperforated Postage due stmp 10 Koruna etc.., in 6-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value
1939-45 SLOVAKIA almost complete basic collection, complete overprint issue, exp. by Synek., miniature sheet For Children-issue etc.., missing only several Newspaper and Postage-due stamps, on hingeless pages on free album sheets, high catalogue value
1939-45 SLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA basic collection stamp. on hingeless sheets in spring folder, Slovakia incomplete overprint issue (unattested), miniature sheet For Children-issue etc.., c.v.. ca. 3000SKK, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA contains Overprint issue (part exp. by Gilbert.), used Terezín (exp. by Gilbert.), coupons, gutter Postage due stmp, and oths., c.v.. ca. 10.000CZK, various quality
1939-45 SLOVAKIA basic stamp collection, overprint issue exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, gutter and wmk, examples usage on entires, placed on free album sheets, high catalogue value, interesting
1939-45 SLOVAKIA complete collection postmarked stamps incl. overprint issue, value 10CZK inclination of overprint 45°, pos. 25, exp. by Synek., Postage due stmp with wmk also without watermark, supplemented with 16 pcs of interesting entires, major-part abroad, on hingeless pages on album sheets in spring folder, high catalogue value
1943-75CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 basic stamp collection and miniature sheets, contains i.a. Košice-issue - horiz. and vertical 4-stamp gutter., Partisan MS, stamps with coupons, variants of coupons, blocks of four, Airmail etc.., on hingeless pages on album sheets, part in/at stockbooks, total 4 pcs of spring album/-s + 2 stockbooks, all through/over 15kg of material
1943-92CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 business supply of stamps and miniature sheets, contains i.a. 12x Kosice MS (various types), 9x Partisan MS (types), 11x Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, stamps with coupons, variants of coupons, all sets, blk-of-10, black prints, sheets and parts of sheets etc.., placed in 3 pcs of stockbooks A4, in stockbook for entires and in folder, all in cardboard box, suitable for next elaboration, very high catalogue value, profitable
1945CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 semifinished collection various flaws on stmp moskevského issue, Pof.381-86, stamps single, strips or multiblocks, on 7 pages carton A4, upevněno stripes adhesive strips for insert, all identified and described, c.v.. 2200CZK, profitable
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KOSICE MS comp. 8 pcs of miniature sheets, various variants, plate variety, production flaw and color shades on MS pos. 2-5 and 11, carefully elaborated, 1x production flaw broken paw, c.v.. 2500CZK
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / MOSCOW-ISSUE specialized collection on album sheets in spring folder, well elaborated color shades and plate variety, contains i.a. 2 Koruna with omitted upper perf
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS collection of stamps with revolutionary overprints, Valašské Meziříčí, Prostějov, Olomouc and oths., placed on free album sheets
1945-1978 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete collection of stamps, placed on pre-printed pages Schaubek in 3 pcs of spring folders, suitable on/for supplement
1945-1990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 partially specialized collection, contains valuable item/-s for example. Praga 1962, blocks of four Art I, coupons, papers, letters etc.. placed in banana box on pages in/at 10 pcs of spring folders and 1 pcs of stockbook A4, we advice viewings
1945-1992 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of ca. 1500 postmarked stamps, various color shades, various vady-nahodilé also catalogue, on/for 22 on stock-sheets A4, suitable for specialist and other elaboration
1945-53 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 mainly incomplete semifinished collection Pof.413-726, single miniatures, contains i.a. rare shades (686 Hornictví, Portraits 1945, Beneš 1946) and plate variety (651 and 653 both omitted perforation hole, 651, 724 AJ.), placed on pages, all in box, starting price is only sum plate variety, other free
1945-65 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 business supply of stamps and miniature sheets, contains i.a. stamps with coupons, all sets, blocks of four, FDC etc.., also with special postmark from Bohemia-Moravia, placed in 5 pcs of stockbooks A4
1945-75 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete collection of stamps on album sheets Pofis in 2 older spring folder, to year 1956 complete clear on/for labels, then combined with used stamp. and from year 1966 mainly incomplete, contains i.a. revolutionary overprints on/for 40 pcs of stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 2-stamps vertical and horiz. Košice-issue gutter, Partisan MS, coupons St. Vojtěch, exhibition souvenir sheets as "Praga 1962", coupons also margins on/for air-mail issues etc..
1945-75 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 big business supply of stamps, sorted and placed in envelopes, all in big box, total 12kg of material, suitable for next elaboration
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection corner blk-of-4, contains blocks of four with mark TÚS (Technical Services), plate variety, production flaw, varieties, blocks of four with date of print etc.., placed on album sheets in spring folder, cat. over 7600CZK
1945-83 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, contains much better sets, for example. Košice-issue - vertical gutter (lightly hinged), St. Adalbert with coupons L and R and oths., cut-squares with special postmark, carefully described and sorted, placed in 2 pcs of stockbooks A4 (16+8 sheets), c.v.. 6000CZK, excellent quality
1945-85 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of chosen plate variety, production flaw, papers, various varieties, total ca. 250 pcs of items, 6 pcs of entires, placed in 10-sheet stockbook, high catalogue value
1945-88CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 basic stamp collection miniature sheets, contains sought set also souvenir sheets, placed on album sheets in/at 5 pcs of spring folders, high catalogue value through/over 33.000CZK
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps, miniature sheets, PB and whole sheets, contains blk-of-10 and oths., much duplication, placed in 4 pcs of big stockbooks A4, also with lot of envelopes, folder and 2 small stockbooks, total 12kg of material
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 almost complete collection collection of stamps, miniature sheets and PB, contains almost all valuable and sought item/-s, placed in 4 pcs of big stockbooks and 2 on stock-sheets
1945-93 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stamps, miniature sheets, PB and special postmark, placed in 8 stockbooks and unbound album pages, almost complete + a lot of duplication, all in big box, total 18kg of material, profitable price
1945-94 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete basic collection mainly postmarked stamps and miniature sheets, also with part CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and Czech Republic, placed in 3 big stockbooks and on album sheets, total 13kg of material
1946-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection used stamp., contains min. 100 complete issues, some 2x same, also better values (Pof.K511-13, 1268, 1961-62), several miniature sheets and sets Art, set single values (mostly end or bound values), in stockbook A4
1950-86 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / MINIATURE SHEETS selection of 43 pcs of miniature sheets, contains used Pof.A967 T II., mint never hinged Pof.A564, A853/857 A+B 12x, A1268 A+B 8x, A2333 2x, A2520, A2747 A+B+C 16x, various types, in 8-sheet stockbook A4, catalogue through/over 7.000CZK, suitable to research
1953-84 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 almost complete collection incl. miniature sheets, contains also various types and papers, placed in 2 pcs of stockbooks A4, c.v.. 13500CZK
1956-70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 incomplete comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, contains also better sets, block of four Pof.2090xa, paper without optical brightener (c.v.. 3.600CZK), in 8-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value
1962-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 33 pcs of commemorative prints, contains PT1, PT2 5x, PT5A,B 5x and other, high catalogue value, common quality
1966-2003CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA / STAMP BOOKLETS collection 270 pcs of stamp booklets, private, unofficial and off. issue, 100 pcs of stamp booklets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, it contains e.g. stamp booklets with stamps Pof.1564, 1677, 2111, 2165, 2298, 2693, Poison Mushrooms, issue KF 07-06 Jeseník and oths., detailed index inserted, value ca. 10.000CZK, face-value 2.600CZK + 2.000SKK, placed in box from shoes, it is worth seeing, interesting