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1901 LEDNICE (Eisgrub) - comp. 4 pcs of Ppc, interiors, issued Nafe, Mikulov, long address, Us to Brno, good condition U:A5
1903 BOSKOVICE - mill, in background castle; long address, Un, bumped corners U:A5
1913 BOSKOVICE - pilot Čihák in plane, arrival to Boskovice, photo postcard, Us, preserved U:A5
1912 BOSKOVICE - Art Nouveau postcard Land exhibition, color, print Klabusay Holešov, Us, on/for margins described, one corner broken U:A5
1919 SUDICE (Suditz) - real photo street, Us, nationalized postal agency pmk SUDICE, c.v.. Geb.1280, CDS BOSKOVICE 1.VIII.19 + second motive postcard with bilingual postal agency pmk U:A5
1898 BRNO (Brünn) - collage 3-views postcard with wyvern, color, long address, printing J.Wintr, used, preserved U:A5
1898 BRNO (Brünn) - Salute from Brno restaurant Workers' House, exterior and interior, grey shade, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1904 BRNO (Brünn) - Capuchin- square, shops, people, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1908 BRNO (Brünn) - 8-views, street Cejl (Zeile), various interesting views; Us, bumped corners U:A5
1908 BRNO (Brünn) - color, Masaryk's street (earlier Ferdinandgasse), tram, shops, people; Us, light ribbed corner U:A5
1910 BRNO (Brünn) - Ferdinand's road, shops, people, tram; on reverse described, without CDS, good condition U:A5
1910? BRNO - four-piece panorama, photo from Cow mountains, tinted, Un, good condition U:A5
1911 BRNO (Brünn) - B/W, Masaryk's street (earlier Ferdinandgasse), tram, shops, people; Us, very good condition U:A5
1923 BRNO - Czech street, shops, people, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1930 BRNO - comp. 12 pcs of B/W photo postcard, views from Staré Brno (Altbrünn), Un, on the reverse side hints after sticking U:A5
1930? BRNO - comp. 3 pcs of photo postcard, Kounicova, Veveří (castle) and Tivoli street, issued S. Šimáček, Un, superb U:A5
1905 JEHNICE - general view, in background brewery; Un, good condition U:A5
1911 NOVÝ LÍSKOVEC (Neu-Leskau) - people in front of house, Us, broken corner, light stains U:A5
1908 OBŘANY - general view; Un, very light bumped corners U:A5
1900 PŘÍZŘENICE (Priesenitz) - village square, chapel, people, issued Ascher & Redlich; long address, Un, bumped corners, very light stain in upper margin U:A5
1920 ŘEČKOVICE - 5-view, castle, church, railway-station, shop, school; Us, bumped corners, light fold in corner U:A5
1922 ŽIDENICE 4-view postcard, view of road. S.Čecha, school, apothecary's, Dobrovského street, color, used, front side good, address side slightly zašmudlaná U:A5
1913 ZBÝŠOV (Zbejšov) - 4-view B/W postcard, village square, mill, shop, school, used, good condition U:A5
1920 TIŠNOV - Sokol greeting, collage; Us, light stains U:A5
DOKSY (Hirschberg) - color lithography collage, hop, general view, long address, Us, preserved U:A5
1900 BOROVANY - Sýmalka, pub J. Mertla, long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1915 TÝN N. V. - 5-view collage - heart, railway-station; Us, broken corner U:A5
1908 ADOLFOV (Adolfsthal) - village, now HOLUBOV, 3-views, outlook-tower Kleť, general view, Us, very good condition U:A5
1904 VYŠŠÍ BROD (Hohenfurt) - power station, strojovna, long address, Un, good condition U:A5
1901 DĚČÍN (Tetschen) - collage four-leaf clover, color, bridge, railway-station, castle, long address, Us, preserved U:A5
1902 DĚČÍN-PODMOKLY (Tetschen-Bodenbach) - collage four-leaf clover, color, bridge, railway-station, castle, long address, Us, preserved U:A5
1898 FILIPOV (Philippsdorf) - window lithography, general view, monastery and school, cathedral, long address, Us, preserved U:A5
1925 KRÁSNÝ BUK (Schönbüchel) - Czech mill; Us, light fold in corner U:A5
1887 PRAVČICKÁ GATE (Prebischthor) - forerunner Ppc, PC Mi.P43, with picture additional-printing, Un, by hand dated 1887 (!), interesting, very sound condition U:A5
1910 ZDISLAVICE - color collage four-leaf clover, school, square, steam mill, Us, preserved U:A5
1898 MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ (Marienbad) - lithography, Kaffee Egerland, long address, Us, light stain in R margin U:A5
1901 CHOMUTOV (Komotau) - one window collage, general view, long address, Us, very good condition U:A5
1900 CHOMUTOV (Komotau) - square, people, long address, Us, broken corner U:A5
1909 LÁZNĚ BĚLOHRAD - stamps on picture-postcards, coats of arms, embossed, Un, bumped corners U:A5
1898 KARLOVY VARY (Karlsbad) - lithography, green shade, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1900 KARLOVY VARY (Karlsbad) - picture collage, lilies of the valley, embossed, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1902 KARLOVY VARY (Karlsbad) - picture collage, rose, embossed, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1916 KARLOVY VARY (Karlsbad) - color collage with flag, embossed, town park, restaurant, Us, preserved U:A5
1904 KLADNO - shopping street, people, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1899 KLADNO - window lithography, general view, town-hall, castle, colliery, cathedral, long address, Us, preserved U:A5
1899 KLATOVY - lithography, town park, cathedral, bastion, long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1900 KROMĚŘÍŽ - firemen, lithography; long address, Us, oxidation in margins U:A5
1898 LIBEREC (Reichenberg) - lithography, general view, school, cathedral, long address, Un, small rusty stains U:A5
1896 LIBEREC (Reichenberg) - Old Town square with town-hall, B/W collage, long address, used, pressures of storage in album, else preserved U:A5
1911 OPARNO (Wopparn) - restaurant Schweizermühle; Us, very good condition U:A5
1914 TEREZÍN (Theresienstadt) - combined collage, military muzika, Us, yellowy margins, damaged stmp U:A5
1898 TŘEBENICE (Trebenitz) - window lithography, general view, town-hall, castle, factory, square, long address, Un, preserved U:A5
1918 MĚLNÍK - stylized collage in oval, láhev wine, general view from water, Us, preserved U:A5
1903 LITVÍNOV (Oberleutensdorf) - "Electric přichází" lithography, square with people and tram, long address, Us, oxidized margins U:A5
1907 JOSEFOV (Josefstadt) - collage "butterfly", color, square and fort, long address, Us, slightly faded, broken corner U:A5
1908 ČESKÁ SKALICE - collage "butterfly", square, cemetery, Havlíčkova road, Us, front side popsána otherwise preserved U:A5
1947 NÁCHOD - shop Čeněk Kulda, photo family in front of shop, Us, preserved U:A5
1909 NOVÉ MĚSTO N. M. - collage "postal order", Us, good condition U:A5
1915 STARKOČ - restaurant ESPERANTO by station, in foreground people, B/W, Us, preserved U:A5
1902 BÍLOVEC (Wagstadt) - lithography, factory Salcher; long address, Us, broken corner, bumped corners U:A5